Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 322 She wants to die now

This is impossible. I have never heard of such a ridiculous thing.

That's the fact. These monsters were once really humans, but now all the functions of their bodies have lost their effectiveness. Strictly speaking, they are dead,

But they can still move!

Yes, this is a very strange thing. No matter from any point of view, these humans should be buried in the soil instead of coming out to bite humans. But now something like this has happened. These monsters are not only No death, and still able to move.”

But based on what just happened, although these guys are alive, they don't have the ability to think.

But they have a very strong desire to attack, and they will eat human flesh and blood. I have never heard of such a thing.

I need to bring some samples. When I have the opportunity, I will study these strange things.

As he spoke, Jiang Yu stopped, took out a test tube from somewhere, then used a knife blade to cut off the flesh and blood from the zombie, and then put it into the test tube.

Everyone, we are leaving here soon. Everyone put away their weapons. We may experience a fierce battle, so everyone should be prepared.

A fierce battle?

Fu Dong showed a dangerous expression, holding a blade in his hand and spinning it constantly.

It means we can kill him as fast as we can.

Yes, yes, how long have we been imprisoned? I can hardly control my mood now. I want to go up and kill.

Same, that's what we all think.

The people behind them were talking a lot. At this time, a huge noise suddenly came from the front. The noisy people immediately quieted down. At this moment, all their attention was focused on the place in front of them where the huge noise appeared.

What happened in front, why was there such a loud noise?

At this moment, the lighting system in the laboratory seemed to have been turned off, and the surroundings immediately fell into darkness. Under such darkness.

Although the eyes were unable to see, they could still sense it with their senses. Something huge seemed to appear in front of them, and the other party exuded a very terrifying aura.

Such enemies made them and others tremble with fear, even the well-informed Fu Dong and Jiang Yu, because the monsters in front of them were so terrifying that they all frightened and terrified them.

What are these?

Fu Dong was a little frightened. Although he had seen countless terrifying monsters, there were still very few terrifying monsters like the ones in front of him.

I heard that there are some monster corpses stored in this research institute. Could it be that the current zombie virus has resurrected them?

If that's the case, it would be too bad, because we have also seen these monsters with our own eyes. These monsters are not scary monsters within the scope of our knowledge at all.

Everyone, run away. Don't think about fighting. We can't fight at all.

Wait a minute, if we just run away like this, we will be caught up soon, and we will definitely not be able to avoid a fight by then.

What do you mean?

What I mean is that we are not far from the central area now. You must all know the robots in the central area. If we can gain control of the robots in the central area,

We can use these robots to stop these monsters, which will greatly increase our chances of survival.

Good idea, let's do it then.

Okay, then we will split into two groups and follow Jiang Yu all the way. You will continue to march straight towards the road ahead, while I will take the remaining people to take a detour from the east area to the central area.

Okay, then you should also be careful and safe. If you encounter zombies or monsters, try not to fight if you can run. You should try to save I frames and remember your physical strength.

Because there will be battles later, if your physical strength is exhausted now, our chances of escape will be greatly reduced. I hope you can firmly remember what I said.


The other people nodded, obviously agreeing with the method proposed by Fu Dong. They immediately moved towards the central area, walking around the monster,

In order not to disturb these monsters, these monsters did not notice them, so they are still safe now, but no one knows when these monsters will wake up.

Moreover, it is still very far away from the exit, so it is very correct for them to go to the central area now.

Everyone, hurry up and don't fall behind!


Everyone was heading towards the central area, and in the underground cage, Yuxue woke up, during the time when he passed out.

Everyone in the entire cage has left here, so it is empty now, with no one there.

At this time, Youxue was no longer under his control. Now she had regained her consciousness because she was knocked unconscious by Fu Dong.

The violent power in his body was temporarily stabilized, so he now regained his consciousness.

But she just stood there quietly, as if waiting for something. After a while, a monster suddenly appeared in the cage in front of her.

This monster was covered in pieces of meat, and its entire body was very huge.

And just by looking at it, you can tell that this monster is very powerful and is not an enemy that Yuxue can deal with at all.

But now Youxue didn't run away, and there wasn't even a trace of fear on her fair face. It was as if she didn't understand fear.

At this moment, she had no concept of death. Her most important Xiaoliu was already dead.

So she lost the meaning of living. Even if he had a lot of time to get out of here, he had no idea of ​​​​getting out from here.

She now wants to die and wants to die in the institute. During her time from the upper level to the lower level, she has killed a large number of zombies in the institute.

So his goal has been achieved. Now she only wants to die, so even if she encounters a very powerful enemy, she has no intention of giving in or dodge, and just waits for the opponent to come.

But the mechanical tentacle behind Yuxue does not want to seek death like him. The tentacle swings very rhythmically, as if it will directly give a fatal blow to an enemy as long as there is an enemy.

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