Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 321 is my greatest hope

Team Han, is Team Han here?

Reply if you are here. I sent you a recording. Now I have figured out everything in Nantian Base. After I complete the mission, I will send you the summary document of this mission.

I'm Team Han. I've heard your recording. Okay, you must pay attention to your own safety. And I just accidentally learned a piece of news about the underground research institute in Nantian Base.

That's right, this research institute is called Zhaoxia Research Institute, and the main research direction of this research institute is genetics and human body engineering. All the things studied in this research institute are expressly prohibited.

However, they completely ignored the instructions given to them by their superiors. They secretly dug underground and finally created such a research institute, and the reason why this research institute was located under the Nantian Base was.

In fact, there is another reason. It is said that this research institute is located directly under the Nantian Base. It is better to say that it is to cover up the existence of this research institute.

That's why they made a special trip to build a base here called Nantian Base. The predecessor of this base was actually not a gathering place for survivors.

According to people who have worked in this place, it was once a prison, and the first batch of genetic drug experiments were conducted on extremely vicious criminals.

“Because these people would not question the final outcome of a criminal who had been sentenced to death, all these criminals were secretly transported by the institute.

They were used as mice for the first human experiment. Of course, in the end, these mice all ended up as neither humans nor ghosts. Because their genes were destroyed, they all became monsters. ,

But these frantic researchers, even if the experimental subjects have reached this state, will still forcibly imprison these monsters in a special cage at the bottom.

Almost no one knows about this matter. I think even the commander who is talking to you does not know about such a thing.

I'll keep the story short. Yu Qi should be by your side.

Well, that's right, he's right next to me.

Don't let him run around. Then you take the leader and all his men and leave from there immediately. Run as fast as possible, as far away from Nantian Base as possible.

Because Nan Ming's satellite detector shows that a large number of enemies are approaching you. Their speed is very fast. Even underground,

This speed is still very shocking.

And these monsters are very powerful. Even if Yu Qi is very strong, he can't defeat them, so you stay there for one more minute now.

There will be one more minute of danger, so before those monsters come to the ground, get out of here immediately.

As for the residents in the Nantian base, please hurry up and notify them to evacuate. Just leave it to me to inform them to evacuate. You can leave from there immediately.

Run as fast as you can. Don't hesitate. It's best to run directly to District 9 now. Now you just need to protect your own safety. The rest is no longer within your scope of consideration.


Other people's lives are insignificant. As long as you can leave here safely, this is my greatest hope.

Captain Han, who was talking to the headset now, had a solemn look on his face. After all, even though he didn't want to give up any way to save people at this time.

But compared with Yu Qi and Qiu Nan, these people are much less important.

The two people who heard Team Han talking like this tensed up their spirits. After all, Team Han knew the strength of the two.

And it's not just the two of them, he knows everyone in the office very well, but at this moment she actually said that you are very strong.

But if the other party is stronger than you, the two of you will naturally make yourself nervous.

After all, when dealing with your own life, you can't be careless about such things, so Qiunan hardly said anything, but suddenly pulled Yu Qi out and succeeded.

Then he said to the leader in front of him: You should leave here quickly. The monsters in the underground research institute are now rushing outside. I'm afraid it won't be long before they emerge from the underground.

No one will be able to protect you by then, and I have already sent someone to notify you at the Nantian Base, so now you just need to run for your lives.

Qiu Nu said, ignoring Yu Qi's confused expression, and immediately ran away with the latter, as if there was some wild beast chasing behind her as she left.

The terminal radar on her body suddenly made a beeping alarm sound. After escaping, Qiunan reached out and held the terminal in front of her. She didn't know it.

When I picked it up, I was shocked to see that the entire radar was full of red dots, and the number of these dots was several times larger than the green dots of myself and Yu Qi.

Such a clear gap could be seen at a glance. She just raised the terminal in her hand and then handed it to Yu Qi who was standing aside.

Yu Qi just picked up the terminal Qiu Nan handed her and glanced at it slightly.

Then her expression changed, and she saw that not only Qiunan's own logo was displayed on the terminal, but also his own location.

It was shown on the terminal that her dots were much larger than Qiu Nan's. Because his overall strength was higher than Qiu Nan's, the size on the terminal was also larger than his.

But compared with the dots on the side, they are simply dwarfed. Even ten Yu Qi's are incomparable in size.

After seeing the terminal, Yu Qi became more proactive. After all, the opponent's overall strength was higher than his own, and there was such a huge gap in combat effectiveness.

He still understands the truth. After all, with such a gap in strength, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be in vain.

So she gave up directly, but he was still a little curious about what kind of monsters there were in the research institute that could be so powerful and make the Korean team so nervous.

In the long time since he came to this office, she has never seen anything that made Team Han so nervous, so what happened this time was no small matter.

Although she was very curious, he did not stop. After all, to satisfy his curiosity, his own life was more important, and he could still distinguish the priorities clearly.

The figures of the two people fleeing frantically became more and more distant in the leader's sight. He was still wondering why the other party suddenly acted like this.

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