Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 318 An opportunity

The young man who was violently attacked kept vomiting blood. His body was covered with wounds. He was lying on the ground in great pain.

His facial features were also distorted, and he was suffering from great pain, but he didn't seem to care and kept talking.



So it's such a wonderful thing?

The young man was being attacked. Although he was suffering such pain, he seemed to enjoy the pain very much and even muttered something.

But now Yuxue can't sense anything at all. His body is completely controlled by the chip in his brain, and her own consciousness is now in the sea of ​​consciousness.

She hid deeply inside and entered into intoxication, because she liberated all her frames, and it was time for all frames to be broken through.

Your own consciousness will be imprisoned, and your body will be controlled by machinery.

But now he has completely given up on all things in the outside world, and no longer wants to care about anything, because she is tired of it.

Tired of such lonely days, it was originally because of Xiaoliu's existence that she could work hard to live and survive being tortured by the research institute day after day.

Now Xiao Liu is dead, so she has no nostalgia for this world.

Fu Dong, you are too embarrassed. Stop playing and let us out.

A imprisoned woman on the side was sitting in the cage close to the wall. She had no expression at this time.

She just stared at the floor in silence. After a moment, she frowned and spoke to Fu Dong.

The woman then said: No matter how much you say, she can't respond to you now. Can't you see? She is an experimental subject like us.

She has now liberated all frameworks, and her body will soon collapse. The person who controls her body now is not herself, but the machine that lives in her brain.

It's enough for you to be able to chat with a machine for so long. Don't waste any more time. Open the cage quickly.

Ahem, since you know, why didn't you tell me earlier? Do you just want to see me make a fool of myself, Jiang Yu?

What do you think? Stop wasting time. If those guys find out, they will come to capture us again. Do you want to be caught from this research institute to another?

If you don't want to, don't waste your time now. Our time is very precious, and we can't afford to show you your disgusting posture as you please now.

You are still as vicious as ever, Xiaoyu.

Don't call me my name. It sounds disgusting to me. Why aren't you dead yet? Why are you, a disgusting worm, still alive now?

Ah, being able to be scolded by you, I feel like I have really gained a new life now...

The young man let out a very pleasant laugh, which made the woman click her tongue in displeasure.

However, he still did as he was told. After all, although the other party was certainly venomous, everything he said was reasonable, so he had to obey.

You are still so tough, Xiaoyu.

Hearing Fu Dong's voice, the woman just frowned hard, did not speak, and did not respond.

Forget it, the fun is over.

Fu Dong, who was covered in wounds all over his body, suddenly stood up. Although his body was covered in blood, he showed a very bloodthirsty smile.

Facing the fist swung by Youxue, he didn't dodge or dodge, and just went straight to meet it.

You are still too immature when it comes to combat skills. I will now show you what real combat is.

Fu Dong did not dodge the fist that was swinging at him. You must know that this fist can forcefully deform the metal door.

But with such a fist, if it hits someone, it will definitely fly backwards on the spot.

Fu Dong gently held up Youxue's fist with his own palm, and then clenched the opponent's slender wrist tightly.

He used the inertia to pull her entire body towards him, then raised his knees and hit her hard in the heart.

After a few hard hits, Youxue's chest was indented, and even internal bleeding made her look a little pale, and blood flowed out of the corners of her mouth uncontrollably.

Let me tell you what a real fight is.

Fu Dong said as he let go of Youxue's arm, and then hit her in the face with his fist.

He punched her face into a dent, grabbed his hair hard, and slammed her head against the wall.

The blood seeping out from the wound stained the wall red. Youxue fainted from such a blow and collapsed on the ground.

Fu Dong just stepped over the unconscious Youxue's body, and then glanced at her body, and said with some pity: It's such a pity for this appearance. I didn't expect that the body was going to collapse. It's such a pity. .”

I'll rescue you right now, Jiang Yu.

Okay, if you and I work together inside and outside, we will be able to escape from here.

Hearing Fu Dong's response, Jiang Yu nodded and put her hand on the cage. After a while, the cage turned red. Her power was to be able to control the elements in the air for her own use.

To put it simply, she is a superpower, but the superpower she mastered was too violent. Once during an experiment, she exploded with all her power and directly destroyed a base.

So she was imprisoned in the research institute. She was also a cultivated experimental subject. Everyone here was once an experimental subject who was treated inhumanely.

So they hate these researchers from the bottom of their hearts.

But the biggest difference between them and Yuxue and others is that although Yuxue and the others hate these researchers very much, they still have humanity.

But the humanity of these people has been wiped out in the long time they have been locked up here, so killing is not only revenge for them, but also a kind of fun.

This is unimaginable by ordinary people. Their personality problems have already appeared, so they will be detained here, if the apocalypse does not break out.

I'm afraid they will never find a chance to escape from here, and they will be trapped here forever.

Because these cages have a very unique structure, these cages are researched based on each person's strength, so no one can escape from here.

But the appearance of Yuxue broke the balance that had been maintained here for a long time.

For them, this is an opportunity.

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