Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 317 You are my angel

At this moment, these monsters are very crazy. They all want to escape from here. They want to bathe in the sun.

Then they kill as much as they want. Every one of them, every existence, is almost crazy and obsessed with this blood.

After how many years, I can finally get out of this hellish place!

Yes, we have been imprisoned here for a long time. I really want to know what the outside world is like now.

And I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve eaten. I urgently need to eat and kill.

Preferably those researchers who once tortured me crazily. I want to kill them all, leaving no one behind.

Yeah, we've been here long enough, I've almost learned what the sun looks like.

Yeah, now we old guys finally have a chance to go out.

In a very large space underground, there are all extremely vicious felons imprisoned. These guys have all done inhumane things.

And they are very powerful, so they are trapped here until now. They have been trapped here for a long time.

They have grown up to the point where they have forgotten the existence of time, and now Yuxue's arrival has completely awakened them.

Yuxue's road chased those zombies and mutated monsters all the way to the deepest part of the entire research institute.

Here she found a huge room, which was like a cage with many people locked up.

Little girl, are you here to rescue us? If so, then rescue us.

An experimental subject with the appearance of a young man was speaking through the alloy door to Yuxue who was standing outside. Yuxue now only knew how to attack indiscriminately.

Not knowing why these people were imprisoned here, she controlled the mechanical arm growing behind her and instilled endless power into the mechanical arm.

These forces drove the mechanical arms to attack the metal walls in front of them crazily, but it seemed that these walls were different from those on the upper level.

The metal here is very hard, so hard that sparks appeared on it when Yuxue's mechanical arm attacked.

But no matter how hard the wall is, it can't stop the snow that blasts away all the frames.

Under the violent bombardment of the mechanical arm behind Youxue, the door in front of her was once again destroyed, and cracks appeared on it.

Moreover, the cracks are rapidly expanding because the young people in the cage are also using their own power to attack the metal wall, working inside and outside.

No matter how hard the metal wall is, it cannot withstand such an attack. Such a powerful force is enough to tear apart anything, even the very hard metal in front of you.

It was impossible to block the two men who were firing on all cylinders.

Soon there was a crack in the wall that was large enough for one person to pass through, and the young man got out of the crack without waiting for him to thank Yuxue.

The latter launched an attack on her, slashing the young man's neck with a very sharp hand knife. Once this blow hit, the young man's cervical vertebra would probably be directly shattered.

But obviously the young man is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Since he can be trapped here, he must be powerful. The young man's figure is like a ghost.

He disappeared in front of Yuxue all of a sudden. In fact, it was not that he disappeared but that his speed was too fast and exceeded the range of Yuxue's dynamic vision.

Although Yuxue couldn't see where the young man in front of her was, the powerful computer in her eyeballs still analyzed the young man's location, and then Yuxue used mechanical analysis.

He used his mechanical arm to attack the nothingness in front of him. Obviously, the young man did not expect that Yuxue could actually see him.

Moreover, he was able to predict his position. Due to the inertia of his high-speed movement, he hit Yuxue's tentacles.

The huge inertia caused him to be directly penetrated by Yuxue's sharp and very hard mechanical arm, but even after suffering such damage, the young man still laughed.

Because he had stayed here for so long that he had even forgotten what pain felt like, and nothing here could hurt him.

So the pain felt like it was forcibly taken away from his body.

And he met Youxue, and was pierced through the chest by Youxue's mechanical arm. His entire chest was penetrated, and the blood flowed down the end of the mechanical arm and dripped on the ground.

The young man stopped moving and just stopped in place. Although the strong pain in his chest was stimulating his nerves, he did not show any pain.

Instead, he looked at Yuxue with very hot eyes, as if he had discovered some kind of rare treasure.

Hahahaha, it's so interesting!

You can actually hurt me, and you can also show such an indifferent expression. You are so perfect. You are simply my angel. I like you so much. Please play with me for a while, okay!

The young man's eyes were very hot, and his whole body was trembling. He was not trembling because of pain, but because of excitement. He had discovered the most perfect thing in the world. ,

So he was so excited that he trembled, and even though his chest was penetrated, he still moved towards Yuxue.

The sharp mechanical tentacles rubbed against his wounds, and blood continued to flow out.

But it was as if he couldn't feel the pain at all. Instead, he grinned and laughed, looking very crazy.

Yuxue was not affected by him. When he saw that the opponent was penetrated by his own mechanical tentacles and was still alive, he once again controlled the mechanical tentacles.

Countless spikes suddenly protruded from the mechanical tentacles. These spikes pierced the young man's entire body, and even his brain was pierced by spikes as thick as a finger.

Youxue controlled the mechanical tentacles behind her and threw the young man against the metal wall in the distance with great force, making a huge noise, which almost broke all the bones in the young man's body.

But the young man was not dead yet, and was still moving on the ground, even though his body was covered with wounds.

He still kept moving towards Youxue, and the horrific wounds on her body were actually recovering.

Seeing that the other person was not dead yet, Youxue walked up directly, raised her booted foot, stepped on the young man's head hard, and kicked him hard on the head.

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