Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 312 Now is a good opportunity

Because her information database was updated before the outbreak of the apocalypse, there is no record of any information about the zombie virus.

It's no wonder that no matter how hard she searches, she still gets an empty search result in the end.

Because there is no record of any zombie virus in her system.

But Youxue obviously didn't want to give up yet. At this moment, the zombies behind Xiaoliu chased him, because the gap in the steel gate was too small.

Only one person can pass through at a time, so there are still some experimental subjects that have not passed through here.

Xiaoliu really didn't want to hurt Youxue, but he was controlled by this desire.

With a crazy desire for flesh and blood, he now wants to kill all the experimental subjects and then swallow them all.

But he obviously no longer wants to hurt other people, and these experimental subjects in front of him were once his brothers and sisters.

Even though he is trying his best to control his body, he can no longer control his desire, just like a vampire can't control his desire to suck blood.

After enduring to the extreme, the only thing left in the brain is eating, and nothing can stop it. Whether it is family, friendship or love, it is nothing under hunger.

At this moment, Yuxue can choose whether to save her own kind who have turned into monsters and abandon her own kind, or to save her own kind, including the commander, and then kill her favorite Xiaoliu here.

This choice was too difficult for her. She wanted to save both sides, but obviously the current situation did not allow him to do so.

So she has to make a choice, whether to save a monster or a group of her own kind. Obviously the answer is already there, it just depends on how Yuxue chooses.

He also knows which choices are right and which are wrong, but both of them want to save, and neither of them wants to give up.

But there was never any room for him to choose. There was only one choice and one answer for these things, and that answer was obviously very clear.

Instead of rescuing Xiao Liu who had turned into a zombie, she would rather save the other uninfected experimental subjects, but she really couldn't bear it.

And at this moment, as if Xiao Liu wanted to distract her, he actually started attacking the experimental subjects beside him.

Youxue would never allow such a thing, so she could only control her tentacles to attack Xiaoliu. The attack was very smart and without any hesitation.

Go straight for his heart, because the head is always protected by the arms.

So attacking the chest at this moment is the most correct thing to do, and Xiaoliu is not a real zombie, so the heart in the chest is still pumping blood to the whole body.

little six!

The ax directed by Xiaoliu swung at a defenseless girl, but the girl was not as fragile as she seemed. She dodged the attack very quickly.

She quickly stepped aside and saw that he had not harmed the experimental subject. She was obviously relieved, because now Xiaoliu could not control herself at all.

So he doesn't care who the opponent is, whether he has weapons, whether he is weak or strong, he just wants to kill the moving enemy in front of him, and then eat up all his flesh and blood.

The zombies behind her also attacked, so they could no longer delay and had to fight quickly. She exchanged glances with the girl beside her.

Even though she didn't know the other party, they were still able to work together perfectly even when both parties didn't know each other.

But if you can see clearly, you will find that the girl actually only plays a supporting role, but such a supporting role allows Yuxue to not have to worry about everything else.

Whether it was the zombies taking advantage of every opportunity to attack the two of them, or Xiaoliu's huge axe, he didn't need to worry about these things, because the girl could control all of them for her.

The girl's ability is none other than an extremely sensitive reaction speed, an agile body, and the ability to turn her own blood into silk thread.

Such silk threads are very hard, and even very sharp and hard weapons cannot destroy the threads.

The girl dodged while dotting her blood everywhere in the room, and the blood was immediately controlled to form blood-red threads.

These threads are very sharp. Because of these threads, the very spacious room becomes impossible to move freely.

But as long as Yuxue can keep up with the girl's movement pattern, she will find that she can avoid these threads without causing any damage, making them unable to affect her own people.

But Xiaoliu was different. Her body was very huge, and the ax in his hand was also a long-handled weapon.

His body was also dotted with the girl's blood, so countless threads were spreading from his body throughout the room, and then intertwined with other threads and became entangled.

These countless silk threads used a very simple method to tie up Xiao Liu, who had great power. One silk thread was already very hard.

, not to mention that there are countless silk threads on Xiao Liu's body now. Obviously the girl is also a very cautious person. Not only Xiao Liu's body, but also there are several silk threads on various parts of his body.

As long as he exerts a little force, these sharp threads can immediately cut through his hard skin, penetrate deeply into his flesh, and leave deep wounds one after another on his body.

Bright red blood flowed from these wounds.

Xiao Liu's movements have been restricted, and the harder he struggles, the harder it is to break free.

Because of these threads, all of them have penetrated deeply into the flesh, and some threads have even become entangled in the bones.

It is not easy to break. Xiao Liu's body is covered with wounds, all of which are caused by thin wires. There are an extremely large number of such wounds.

But because of his desire for flesh and blood, Xiao Liu completely ignored that his body was already tightly bound with silk threads, so the wounds became more and more numerous.

Now is a good opportunity, hurry up!

The girl urged Yuxue from the side. Of course, the latter also knew that now was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although these experimental subjects were very powerful.

But their power is controlled by the frame structure, so after using the power for a period of time, the power will become weaker and weaker.

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