Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 311 Kill me quickly

But she didn't remember that there was such a giant among the people she knew, just when she kept thinking and imagining.

The big guy was still bombarding her, which made him very irritated. He waved his tentacles vigorously and slapped the mutated body hard.

The mutant had wisdom. When he saw the attack coming, he placed the giant ax in front of him, but obviously the power carried by the tentacles exceeded his imagination.

Although his body was very large, it was still unable to completely offset this huge force. His entire body was repelled by such a powerful force.

He even hit the wall at one point. Even so, the powerful force was still not offset, and his body left a groove on the wall behind him.

who are you?

I've searched through my memory, but I still can't remember that I knew such a giant like you. Can you understand what I'm saying? Then answer quickly, who are you?

s16, I...

Are you Xiaoliu?

I don't believe it. Xiaoliu is good-looking and has a slender body. How can you be Xiaoliu?

Youxue shook his head. Obviously he knew the S16 the other party was talking about, but the gap between the other party and the mutated behemoth in front of him was too big.

So Yuxue couldn't accept it for a while, but the other person's next words made her heart freeze.

I... was infected... s156 and... s102 were also infected, and they... also turned into monsters...

Are you saying that you are infected by the zombie virus, and you are not the only one who is infected, others are also infected.

Then why did you become like this when you were infected? Aren't you supposed to turn into zombies? Why not only did your body become huge but you also had consciousness.

Behemoth seems to be in great pain now, because he knows the woman in front of him, she is Youxue, and they have a good relationship in the research institute. He often calls Youxue Sister Youxue.

And the other party often called him Xiaoliu. For a long time, the two of them supported each other, otherwise they would not have been able to withstand the unilateral torture from the institute.

The reason why she was called Yuxue was because the woman who named her at that time had a surname of Yu, and because Yuxue was in the research institute all year round.

Therefore, the skin all over his body is very white, so he was given this name.

Xiaoliu is called Xiaoliu simply because of his code name, but under normal circumstances, there is no such affectionate name. It is usually the experimental subject No. S16, which is usually called this.

There is no such thing as a name, and calling each other by names is strictly prohibited in the institute.

The purpose is not to let them have humanity, but the more they treat them like this.

The flame of their pursuit in their hearts will become more and more fierce, until it can engulf the entire research institute.

I...can't control myself...Sister Yu, please kill me quickly...

I don't want to... continue like this anymore... I hate how I look now...

Youxue found that Xiao Liu's speech became more and more fluent, but his voice was still very hoarse. He couldn't find the slightest trace of Xiao Liu in the other person.

But when Xiaoliu asked her to kill him, his eyes immediately turned red, because he had said such words to Yuxue when he was in the research institute.

At that time, it was because of those inhumane experiments that had tortured the minds of all the people in the institute to numbness, and the institute sent them out to complete the task.

They were sent to fight, but because of the chip in their brains, they could not escape the control of the institute no matter how hard they tried.

At that time, Xiaoliu was already disillusioned with escape and freedom, so he said these words to Yuxue.

But Youxue will definitely not let Xiao Liu die so easily, because she once promised Xiao Liu that she would let him live a life that a normal person should have and let him have freedom.

So Xiaoliu believed in her at that time and relied on Yuxue's promise to him to live hard until the research was completely over and the zombie virus was coming, until the end of the world broke out.

But the appearance of Xiaoliu in front of her once again stung Yuxue's heart, as if countless steel needles were inserted into her heart, which was very uncomfortable.

But now she can no longer promise Xiaoliu anything like she did then, because she is now not sure whether she can escape from here.

How could he make a promise to Xiao Liu? If it were someone else, it would be a lie, but for Xiao Liu.

He is the most important person to her, so naturally she cannot do this. If she does, she will not be able to bear it.

So she couldn't give Xiao Liu any promise, whether it was being able to leave here or anything else.

He couldn't give anything because everything was in an uncertain situation now, so there was nothing she could promise.

And she didn't even recognize that the monster in front of her was Xiaoliu, who she once loved most. How could she accept such a thing.

No one can easily accept such a thing, even for a former friend.

Due to the zombie virus, his former companions not only turned into monsters, but also attacked themselves crazily.

Now Youxue was thinking about how to change Xiaoliu back, but he looked up all the feeds in his memory and even asked about her right eye.

No concrete answer has been received, and it seems that there is no room for redemption in this matter.

Sister You, I can't control myself now. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just can't control my desire. I really want to eat meat now, I really want to eat human flesh, and eat meat in big mouthfuls!

Yu Xue, if you can't save me, just kill me. Xiao Liu, I'm in too much pain right now.

While the two were communicating, Xiaoliu still did not stop attacking. Instead, he intensified his attack, hitting the vital point with all his moves, hoping to kill Yuxue in front of him.

In his words, his body is not under his control now, but is controlled by the zombie virus, so he is no different from zombies now, both want to eat flesh and blood.

And Youxue checked all the information at this moment, but could not get any information about the experimental subjects infected with the zombie virus.

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