At this moment, there is a red dot displayed on Qiu Nan's terminal, but this red dot is very small, which means that this red dot is not powerful.

And now the only person beside Qiu Nan is a woman who handles affairs at the front desk of the guild.

When she saw that this portable radar was so accurate, she wanted to take it back to the base and let Nan Ming study it, and then copy an identical terminal.

This thing can not only help better obtain real-time map information, but also show whether there are enemies around. This is simply a practical tool for survival in the apocalypse.

However, she cannot return to the base immediately because the mission she just took over has not been completed yet. If she runs away during the mission, the integrity value on the identity card will be deducted.

When the integrity value is less than 30, you will be prohibited from entering all areas of Nancheng. In other words, if you don't have integrity, you will not be able to live in Nancheng.

Therefore, scavengers basically do not accept tasks across levels. Although nothing will be deducted if the task fails, if the task fails, it is likely to be injured.

, and as long as the mission fails, the work will be in vain. Of course, some people will want to do such a thing.

Therefore, when accepting tasks, these people will act according to their ability and accumulate less to make more. This is also a very responsible approach for themselves. After all, this is not a game.

It is real real life. If the mission fails, you can find it again, but life comes only once. If life ends, it cannot be started again.

Qiunan left the guild after confirming that there were no problems with the mission. The guild was a very tall building, but due to personal reasons at Nantian Base,

It is also very deserted here, and there are not many tasks here. Even so, many of the tasks in the task bar even have dust on them.

This can clearly explain how desolate this place is. It won't be long before no one can remember that there used to be a survivor base called Nantian Base here.

Where exactly is the location of this mission?

Let me take a look. The mission location this time is in a village at the southernmost point. Because the location is too far away, the details there cannot be displayed on the terminal.

So this is ah.

Yu Qi nodded thoughtfully, but she couldn't understand these things at all.

She just needs someone to give her a target, and she can kill all her enemies with the weapons in her hands.

So she only needs to follow Qiu Nan this time, and the task this time is also very simple. She just needs to reach the location displayed on the terminal.

Then just kill all the zombies and monsters there. It is not difficult, but if it is really such a simple task,

Then there is no need to hang it on the task bar until today, although this place is still a certain distance from Nantian Base.

But after the incident at the Nancheng Oil Plant, all major bases began to pay attention to whether there were scattered zombies in the areas near their bases.

Although these scattered zombies are not powerful and their number is not large, if they gather together, they will become a very huge tide of zombies.

Of course, the same goes for Nantian Base. Although a large part of the residents there have left, they still pay great attention to safety. After all, they cannot relax their vigilance about safety.

That’s why these tasks flowed into Ankuai Office and other Anding District offices because no one accepted them. These offices exist just for these things.

They can handle everything from visiting homes to treat illnesses and saving people to trivial matters.

So for these bases, offices are places they often visit, so these bases are very familiar with these offices.

There are also many of these firms, so there will be competition between them.

Among them, there are not many bases that are most well-known to people, and Ankuai Office is one of them. As its name suggests, Ankuai Office is very safe and fast.

Offices require such quality, so this is one of the important reasons why Ankuai Office can exist for a long time.

Every member of Ankuai Firm has made an indispensable contribution, among which Captain Han and Qiu Nan have made the greatest contribution to the firm.

And Yu Qi is unparalleled in terms of combat. There are many tasks that other bases dare not even think about or do. Because of Yu Qi,

She was able to complete the mission many times, and when the zombies invaded the office, it was also because of her presence that she was able to save the day from danger many times.

And in many survivor bases, Yu Qi is called the Night Killer, but I don’t seem to be interested in this name.

Yu Qi felt that she should be called Snack Angel, which would be more appropriate.

Because the motorcycle has been impounded a long time ago, although I can go back to retrieve the motorcycle now, I can already reach the mission location just by traveling back.

With this kind of effort, she could complete the mission directly, so Qiunan did not choose to go back to get her motorcycle, but planned to walk there with Yu Qi.

The mission location is a small town. Although this town is a town, it is still in the city. It is a place like a village in the city.

Qiu Nan and Yu Qi were walking forward, and a new situation occurred in the base at this moment, but the situation occurred not at the Nantian Base, but at the research institute hidden underground.

The commander has not disappeared from the base recently, but he has been in the underground research institute recently, where he is waiting day and night,

Waiting for the boys and girls in the health warehouse in front of them to wake up. Once they wake up, they will immediately regard the leader as their father.

Then he will completely obey the leader's orders, just like the habit of many animals, he will regard the first body he sees after birth as his mother.

Obviously these artificial beings are no exception. They also abide by such laws, which are the laws that exist in nature.

Suddenly there was a sound of glass breaking, as if something was broken, and the leader who was sleeping beside him was also awakened by the huge breaking sound.

He glanced around, and finally fixed his gaze on the huge cylindrical freezer in front of him.

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