Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 300 Living in confusion

At this moment, a large number of soldiers gathered in the Nantian base, but these soldiers were exhausted mentally and physically due to the long battle.

Each of them has killed countless zombies, but it seems that these zombies can never be killed. These warriors have to face endless zombies every day.

Why are there so many zombies recently? It's like all the zombies in Nancheng are attacking us recently. No matter how hard we kill them, we can't finish them all.

I have already made plans to leave Nancheng. I plan to leave Nancheng, a place of right and wrong.

Brother, you don't have to think about ridiculous things like leaving Nancheng. I came in from outside Nancheng. Those places don't have such stable areas like Nancheng.

The zombies outside are almost eating up all the humans.

Yes, yes, I also entered Nancheng from the outside.

If you have plans to leave Nancheng, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. I have a friend who, like you, felt that Nancheng was too dangerous.

I contacted him a while ago and found that he was no longer reachable. The grass on the grave is probably several meters high now.

Good guy, then I'll stay in Nancheng honestly. As long as I can live in the base, as long as I can eat and not starve to death.

Yeah yeah,

Fortunately, that guy went there alone. I hesitated when he called me, but I thought Nancheng was pretty good, so I didn't follow him around.

Thinking about it now, what I did at that time was really right. If I had followed him out of Nancheng and gone to other cities, you would no longer be able to see me.

Oh, I won't tell you anymore. I'll just complete the mission honestly. Why are you talking about these useless things?

Yes, just work for the base honestly, so that at least you can have food to eat every day, and pure drinking water to drink every day, and at least you don't have to worry about going hungry.

, and this water has evolved. Although it may not be too clean, at least you will not be infected and turn into zombies after drinking it.

Yeah, don't think about what's available and what's not. The main thing is to work hard for the base.

These scavengers left again after saying that. Some of them continued to go to the union to take over tasks, while others went to do other things.

This is the normal state of the survivor base. These survivors are running for resources every day.

This is not just their normal state, many people also live like this every day. After all, the base is not a charity center and will not support these people who are free to eat.

So once someone just receives the subsidy in vain and does not work, they will be kicked out by the base and become independent. These people do not want to work even in a very safe base.

Then when they enter the real apocalypse, there is only one way to die.

Therefore, even if you want to get the daily subsidy from the base, you must continue to complete these tasks issued by the base. These tasks will give corresponding rewards to the completers according to the difficulty of the task.

There are many difficult tasks, and there are also some team collaboration tasks that cannot be completed by individuals. These tasks are all hung on the task bar of the union.

After completing tasks of corresponding difficulty, you can get corresponding rewards and resources.

However, there are also many people fishing in troubled waters. Of course, in the end they will pay the due price for what they have done.

At the entrance of Nantian Base.

Are you Qiunan?

Yes, I am Qiu Nan, the second-in-command of Ankuai Office.

Okay, you passed, then who is this person next to you?

She is my companion, don't underestimate her.

Okay, I'll report it right now. You can go in now. There are people waiting for you in the base. You just need to follow them to reach the office.

At that time, the tasks you have received will be displayed on the task bar of the office. You go in first, and I will report them later.

Thank you, please.

You're welcome, this is what I should do.

Qiunan showed a pleasing smile, then left the gate of Nantian Base and officially entered Nantian Base.

It may be the reason for the frequent accidents in Nantian Base. Now in Qiu Nan's eyes, Nantian Base is very deserted. There are basically no pedestrians on the street.

Many residents and some capable soldiers in the Nantian base have left here. They went to a base more suitable for their development instead of staying in this base to retire.

Moreover, the management of this base is already very corrupt. The people staying here are either survivors who are eating and waiting to die, or they are middle-aged and elderly people.

Moreover, resources and food here have begun to be in short supply a long time ago, and the forces here are a mixed bag, and they all look down on each other.

The entire Nantian base is now a very large powder keg. As long as there is a little spark, it can cause an uproar like a boulder sinking into the sea.

However, these matters are obviously not within the scope of Qiunan's management.

He only needed to complete the tasks he was supposed to complete. She didn't want to care about other things and didn't have the energy to manage them.

After all, she is now performing a mission on behalf of the Korean team. This mission was originally given to him, but now he is already too busy and exhausted.

That's why I gave her this task to complete. When she completes this task,

She had to return to Ankuai Office, because there were still many things waiting for her to handle in the office.


Qiu Nan.


23 years old.

Tell me your ID code, so I can send the task information you want to complete to your terminal through your ID code.


After a while, Qiunan saw a pop-up window for a task on her portable terminal, and clicked to enter the pop-up window.

A map with a radius of 30 kilometers from Nantian Base will immediately appear, and at this moment on Qiunan's terminal,

A green dot is displayed on the map. By zooming in, you can determine where exactly this place is, this mission point.

The mission point will be refreshed every ten seconds, and not only her current location will appear on it, but also all living creatures within a radius of five kilometers.

Including zombies, that is to say, if someone or a zombie approaches her now, there will be a red dot displayed on his terminal.

This is equivalent to radar, except that this thing is more portable.

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