Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 278 Alienated Zombies

Although it was at night, it had no impact at all on the zombie eradication operations.

The battle is proceeding in an orderly manner under the command of Xue Lang. These soldiers who come to the Wetland Park to support are truly elites.

Even in such an unfamiliar environment, you can quickly get into work mode.

Moreover, the weapons they wear are not ordinary, they are all weapons carefully crafted by the research institute.

This is called using good steel on the blade. For these warriors, having these weapons is like adding wings to a tiger.

They fought back to back, and did not dare to retreat in the face of countless zombies. The weapons in their hands were able to capture the attacking zombies very accurately.

In such a large wetland park, of course, the number of mutant zombies and evolved zombies is also inevitable. The mutant zombies are mixed in with these ordinary zombies.

Each of them possesses more or less intelligence, which allows them to stand out in the face of loss.

Of course, these zombies were seen by Xue Lang at a glance, but these zombies did not attract his attention.

On the contrary, there are those slender zombies at the very back. They are almost a head taller than ordinary zombies.

These zombies were also mutated zombies, but seeing that their blood wolf pupils were slightly shrunk, he immediately wanted to notify the fighting soldiers to set up shields for defense.

Because those slender zombies were clearly the zombies they saw at the entrance of the Wetland Park with bone spurs all over their bodies.

But the bone spur zombies that appeared this time were different from the past. The bone spurs on the bone spur zombies that were encountered for the first time were evenly distributed in various locations on the body.

But this time the bone spur zombies are obviously not like that. The bone spurs on their bodies are mainly concentrated in the upper body, and their height is also higher than that of normal zombies.

This also greatly reduces the possibility of accidentally injuring the same kind during the battle. The appearance of these zombies made Xue Lang's expression change. He had witnessed the horror of these zombies with his own eyes.

If they all send out bone spurs, they will immediately cause harm to their own people, and the number of zombies is very terrifying, just when the blood wolf is about to give the order.

A very dull sound rang out, and the mutated zombies among the zombies fell down in response. Only then did the blood wolf realize that it was the sound of a sniper rifle.

He immediately looked around and finally saw Li Shiyi holding a sniper rifle on the top of the tall wooden house.

He is lying on the ground at this moment, with a sniper rifle placed in front of his body. The entire sniper rifle has a streamlined body, and there are many instrument panels and displays on the sniper rifle.

It can display humidity accuracy and distance very accurately, and can even change the trajectory through the conscious link between the brain and the sniper rifle.

Li Shiyi was still shooting. The sound of his shooting was very weak, almost inaudible, and there were countless gunshots around, completely covering up his voice.

Seeing the blood wolf looking at him, he just nodded and glanced at the other party, and then continued to shoot at those zombies. Almost every shot could accurately hit the heads of the bone-spurred zombies.

He is like a very calm sniper, taking the opponent's head from thousands of miles away without being impatient or hurried.

Li Shi nodded to tell Xue Lang, just leave those zombies to me, and you can continue to direct your battle.

Xue Lang understood immediately, and he didn't say anything more. At most, he was a little surprised by the sniper rifle in Li Shiyi's hand, but no matter what he asked.

He would definitely say that this was the latest weapon developed in the fortress research module, so he was already accustomed to such things, so he didn't ask any more questions.

For Li Shiyi, Xuelang's reaction was exactly what he wanted. It saved him the trouble of explaining more things and a lot of trouble.

But this time the weapon was not developed by the research module in the fortress.

Instead, he specially selected one from the system's arsenal. The biggest selling point of this sniper rifle is that it is easy to operate and the sound is very quiet when shooting.

God knows when these bone spur zombies will launch an attack. Their bone spurs are very terrifying and can easily penetrate the clothes they are wearing.

So this is why Xuelang is so scared, but now he can leave everything to Li Shiyi.

He did not inform the soldiers, as he did not want to cause unnecessary panic to these soldiers.

The battle was still going on, and of course these soldiers also saw the bone-spurred zombies standing among the zombies like telephone poles.

However, they saw that the blood wolf did not issue any orders, and they simply ignored the existence of these zombies.

Of course, Li Shiyi did not disappoint Xuelang. Both of them did their part and neither disappointed the other.

After Li Shiyi's sniper rifle accurately struck these zombies, they were killed like ordinary zombies. They did not activate their bone spurs and fell to the ground without any movement.

The blood wolf commanded these warriors, who all used their own weapons to kill the zombies in front of them. Of course, for the huge wetland park, these zombies were only a very small part of them.

Finally, after the last bone spur zombie was killed.

The blood wolf finally let go of his worries. In fact, not much time has passed since the bone spur zombies appeared and they were all killed.

But obviously this battle in the Wetland Park was not as easy as it is now, and at this time, some mutated zombies appeared again.

They appeared among the zombies. Unlike those tall bone-spurred zombies, the bodies of these zombies looked very short. They just appeared among the zombies.

Li Shiyi tried to fire two shots, but they did not hit the short zombies. The bullets either missed or shot into the bodies of the zombies on the side.

These zombies kept jumping among the zombies. Their legs had no skin and were covered with scarlet muscles. These zombies could jump high.

The jumping height is several times its own body, very much like a flea in nature.

However, these zombies are not only capable of jumping, they are also very fast. Although their lower limbs are very developed, their upper bodies have shrunk due to the need to reduce weight.

Just like the front claws of Tyrannosaurus Rex, their forelimbs have also turned into very sharp claws. These zombies are the result of the body being mutated by viruses.

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