Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 277 Details determine the situation of the battle

After Huang Yang also left, only Li Shiyi and others were left in the entire wetland park. The other enemies had already left the wetland park, but this did not prove that it was safe now.

Although the enemies who controlled the Wetland Park have left, there are still a large number of zombies remaining in the Wetland Park.

And they may have smelled the fresh food at this time, and they may be hungry and walking towards Li Shiyi and others.

This is just right. Li Shiyi and others came here for three purposes. The first one was to explore the entire wetland park and see why the wetland park was included in the dangerous area by the surrounding bases.

The second point is to find those missing team members, or to find out the reason why they lost contact. Even if they are dead, they still have to live or die.

The third point is to clean up all the zombies in the entire wetland park, and then build the wetland park into a short resting place for these soldiers who are out on missions.

Then place some daily supplies here and use it as a temporary supply point.

This will not only provide some protection for the team members who go out to perform tasks, but also provide a temporary supply depot for recovering nearby cities that have been invaded by zombies.

After all, now that the apocalypse has broken out, human beings are a community, and all human beings should work together to fight against the zombies and monsters that invade Blue Star.

Although the mission is like this, the difficulty of executing it is not simple at all, and the most important point is that the number of zombies here is too huge.

It was also the first time for Xue Lang and others to see such a large number of zombies appearing in such a dense density in a wetland park.

No wonder the number of zombies around here is still very small, and it has even reached the point where no zombies can be seen at all. It turns out that the zombies are all gathered here artificially.

No wonder this place has been listed as one of the dangerous areas by the surrounding bases, and it is also a dangerous area that is forbidden to approach.

Everyone, please be careful when fighting. Even though we have a lot of bullets, we can't waste them. We have to wait until the zombies get close before shooting. Do you understand?


The blood wolf once again ordered the surrounding soldiers. After hearing the order, they all immediately retreated. The soldiers were back to back and handed their backs to their comrades.

Moreover, it has also switched from the original strafing to burst shooting, because compared with strafing, burst firing will reduce the recoil and make the shooting more accurate. If these zombies have not suffered serious head injuries.

Even if the entire cervical and lumbar vertebrae are broken, they can still survive. This is the most terrifying thing about these monsters that eat people without spitting out bones.

The blood wolf has experienced many such battles, so he can make more correct and very clear instructions during the battle.

The issuance of combat orders can directly have a very serious impact on the entire war situation under certain harsh conditions.

Even a wrong command can cause a battle to fail directly.

Therefore, when Xue Lang gives orders, he must combine his own experience and careful analysis before he can issue clear and correct instructions step by step.

Just like now, although this time in order to complete the rescue mission and clearing mission, the tank carried a large number of weapons and ammunition, but even so.

The blood wolf cannot let these warriors shoot wantonly, because shooting will not only reduce the accuracy of shooting, but also cause the barrel to overheat, causing some irreversible damage to the weapon.

Therefore, the Blood Wolf always shoots in bursts during battles. He is very careful in the use of his weapons, and is meticulous in cleaning, maintenance and repairs of the weapons.

Only a warrior who can control his own thinking and understand his own weapons can win the battle.

And the most important part of winning the battle is the cohesion of the team, a cohesive battle team.

No matter what kind of emergency situation we encounter, we can always ensure that the most injured team member does not abandon or give up.

As for fighting, they must also be very strict with themselves. The soldiers now have their backs turned, and in front of them is a firearm that is already loaded with bullets.

As a backup firearm, it ensures perfect fire coverage against those zombies and can kill them with very high accuracy.

Instead of wasting bullets and the strength of the soldiers, we must use the minimum force and the fewest bullets to complete the task very beautifully. This is not only a very harsh test for the soldiers, but also for the commander.

The reason why Xue Lang was promoted by Li Shiyi to become the commander-in-chief of operations like he is now is also inseparable from his usual fighting style. Xue Lang thinks more than others.

It is also more delicate. Although he is a man, in terms of fighting, he is more delicate than a woman.

This kind of personality allows him and his team to not only gain the upper hand in battles with the enemy, but also win. Any situation on the battlefield is likely to occur.

Any small changes can affect the entire battle situation.

None of these warriors retreated, no one was afraid, all of them had determined expressions on their faces, and everyone regarded death as if they were home, although they were also afraid of these zombies that ate people without spitting out their bones.

But they couldn't retreat, because once they retreated, the teammates behind them would be attacked by zombies, so they all relied on each other.

They trust each other very much, so that they can survive in this very dirty apocalypse and the mouths of these powerful zombies and monsters.

If you want to live well and for a long time in the apocalypse, you must not be careless. These ordinary warriors, blood wolves, and Li Shiyi are different from these evolved people.

They gained great strength due to the injection of genotype drugs, and thus received a death-free gold medal that was immune to zombie viruses.

For these warriors, they would rather not have those powerful forces, they also want to have immunity against zombie viruses.

Because the zombie virus changes all the time, there is no way to develop a drug to fight the zombie virus. Therefore, if these warriors are accidentally bitten by zombies during the battle.

Then we can only wait for death, or die together with those zombies.

It's not that Li Shiyi doesn't want these warriors to become awakened ones, but the cost of making a potion is too high, and he simply can't afford the huge research costs.

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