Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 268 Unprecedented Pressure

Youye opened his own barrier, using the barrier as a medium to open the realm. A blood-red realm suddenly appeared, surrounding the entire wetland park at an extremely fast speed.

The field turned blood red. From the moment the field surrounded the entire wetland park, the wetland park no longer belonged to Tan Xia and Tan Dong.

Youye's huge domain is made up of very powerful mental power, and her mental power is extremely pure.

So as long as her domain opens in the Wetland Park, the Wetland Park will immediately become her property.

The moment the domain opened, the vines attacking You Ye in the wooden house immediately stopped moving.

Without Tan Xia's control, these vines and tree trunks once again turned into ordinary trees, no longer posing a danger to You Ye.

That's why she was able to abandon all defenses so unscrupulously and prepare wholeheartedly to control the Wetland Park.

Tan Xia, who was hiding underground, suddenly found that her connection with the trees was cut off, like a maliciously intercepted radio wave.

Tan Xia tried to re-establish a spiritual connection with these mutated trees, while Tan Dong on the side was also establishing contact with the zombies.

The zombies wandering aimlessly were suddenly controlled again, and a look appeared in their eyes, but this state only lasted a short time.

It stopped immediately, and the zombies turned into zombies walking around freely and aimlessly again.

The same goes for Tan Xia, although she has reestablished a spiritual connection with those trees.

But this link was broken very quickly, every time the connection was broken, it was as if something had cut off her mental power.

At this time, Tan Xia suddenly released her mental power. She controlled the threads transformed by her mental power, allowing them to penetrate the soil above her head.

You Ye didn't know that Tan Xia and Tan Dong were hiding in the deepest part of the underground, which happened to be You Ye's blind spot, so You Ye didn't know how to search for them in the wetland park.

There was no trace of the two of them at all. They seemed to have half disappeared out of thin air. No matter how hard You Ye searched, he couldn't find each other at all.

Tan Xia and Tan Dong controlled the hairsprings formed by their respective mental powers and drilled into the ground. Once they entered the ground, they entered the range that could be detected in the Youye Domain.

Their spirits were immediately put under very strong pressure, and Tan Dong suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Her mental power is not as strong as Tan Xia's, so her ability to tolerate mental stress is not as strong as Tan Xia's.

Yeyue's spiritual realm is extremely huge, and it contains extremely pure spiritual power, so even if she is in a very dark wooden house.

You can also sense every plant and tree in the entire wetland park, and even an earthworm in the soil. You can even see the lines on the earthworm's body clearly.

The purer the mental power, the more details can be perceived using the mental power.

Yeyue's current vision has not fully recovered, and because she has been asleep for a long time, there is not much power left in her body, and the reason why she is still able to use power now.

That's because he has sucked the blood of his own Huang Yang. Although Huang Yang is her dependent and also a vampire, he is not a pure vampire, but half human and half vampire.

So most of the blood flowing in his body is human blood.

Therefore, Yeyue can complete the daily needs by sucking his blood, but if she wants to return to her heyday, it will still take some effort.

But Yeyue is already very powerful now. Her current strength is all in her blood, and it is the power that is innately lodged in her blood.

After Ye Yue takes revenge, she will return to his mansion to regain her strength.

Because the world is in chaos now, if she is not strong enough, how can she protect herself and Huang Yang.

So she had this plan. After leaving here, she would immediately take Huang Yang back to the mansion. On the one hand, she would go through the contract ceremony again.

It's not that You Ye cares much about these processes, but the more solemn the contract ceremony is, the more power the contract can gain. This is why Ye Yue insists on returning to the mansion to go through the contract process again.

At that time, a very simple magic circle was made, and boxwood was placed in the magic circle.

In the end, his own blood was used as the medium of the contract. Because Huang Yang was on the verge of death at the time, he basically encountered no resistance during the contract process.

That's why You Ye was able to turn Huang Yang into his own family so easily, not only helping him heal his injuries, but also giving him strength.

Huang Yang thanked You Ye very much, but You Ye only said one sentence: If you dare to betray me, even if you run to the ends of the world, I will definitely kill you.

Although You Ye said it very seriously at that time, Huang Yang just wanted to laugh for some reason. Maybe You Ye was not suitable for being too serious, so Huang Yang found it very funny.

But of course, he was kicked hard by You Ye. Although the vampire's skin was very hard and would not be hurt by any sword, You Ye's kick made him change his face in pain.

At that time, he did not expect that You Ye's kick could smash a big tree that was hugged by several people. If he had known about it, even if he had ten more courages, he would not have dared to make fun of You Ye easily.

In fact, Youye wasn't really angry. She thought that if she didn't be cruel to her family members and let them know how powerful she was, it would be difficult to manage them in the future.

You Ye thought of all the things she had experienced in the mansion, such as being forced by the housekeeper to change into formal clothes that she disliked the most, being forced to take a bath by the servants, and so on.

You Ye always felt that her servants were too kind, so they treated her like this.

So You Ye wanted to be stricter with Huang Yang this time, and firmly engraved the image of himself as a strict master in Huang Yang's mind.

However, after being together for such a long time, You Ye found that Huang Yang not only had no complaints about her, but also relied on her in every possible way, which made You Ye feel very comfortable.

Tan Xia and Tan Dong, who were still laughing at You Ye, couldn't laugh anymore. Tan Dong spit out a mouthful of blood and suffered severe pain in his head, while Tan Xia had a strong tolerance for mental pressure.

But even so, as soon as her spiritual line entered You Ye's realm, she felt unprecedented pressure. This kind of pressure was something he had never felt before.

She wanted to pull her spiritual gossamer back, or cut off the spiritual connection with You Ye, but at this time she suddenly found that her mental power had been controlled by You Ye, and she could not withdraw at all.

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