Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 267 Barriers and Domains

Seeing the stairwell without stairs, You Ye was obviously dumbfounded, just when she wanted to leave from here.

The originally doorless stairwell was suddenly blocked, and the stairway was closed by a very hard iron door.

You want to stop me with just a mere gate? It's just a fool's errand!

As You Ye said that, he raised his legs again and kicked the iron door hard. However, no matter how hard You Ye used his strength, he could not destroy the door that suddenly appeared in the stairwell.

Why is this door so hard?

You Ye kicked the wooden door hard and shouted hard, and suddenly her expression became very frightened, as if she had seen something terrifying.

She couldn't help but scream, but the sound insulation effect of this door was so good that her voice didn't reach the outside at all. Even if she screamed, the servants outside couldn't understand it at all. to her voice.

And because she was so scared, she even forgot that he and the servant could directly establish a link with their spiritual power.

Those servants also thought that You Ye, a mere wooden house, could handle it by himself, so they all disappeared.

But Youye didn't know what the servant was thinking at all. She was already frightened by the sight in front of her, and there was nothing scary in front of her.

Only a few cockroaches appeared, but these few cockroaches made Ran Youye jump up in fear.

Tan Xia and Tan Dong had already left when You Ye came here, and there were several scarecrows placed on the top of the wooden house. She used her own power to disguise the scarecrows as alive.

Let them stay at the top of the wooden house and use them as tools to induce You Ye to come.

Of course, Youye has fallen into Tan Xia's trap now, and she is in a panic. At this time, she has even forgotten that she is a vampire and has very powerful power.

She was now like a young girl who was already frightened just by seeing a cockroach. Tan Xia, who was observing You Ye's every move with her mental power, was now leaning forward and backward in amusement.

Youye doesn't know that her current appearance is clearly visible to Tan Xia and Tan Dong. If she knew, she would be so angry that she would faint to death.

You Ye suddenly remembered something, summoned the blade, and attached the power of the flame to the blade.

The high-temperature flames burned the cockroaches to death, and not only that, the high-temperature flames also ignited the wooden house, and the flames shot into the sky.


Cockroaches are too scary, but this girl is really smart.

You Ye stood in the wooden house amidst the flames soaring into the sky. She still held the blade in her hand. With a thought in her mind, the surrounding flames immediately disappeared.

Just a blackened iron door told what happened just now.

You Ye jumped up high with all her strength, and easily jumped from the stairwell to the top of the wooden house. She didn't find anything on top, but saw two scarecrows.

It was the kind of scarecrow that was placed between the farmland, and You Ye immediately understood why the scarecrow was placed here, and why the servants believed that this was the other party's residence.

The reason why these scarecrows are placed here is to make the servants and Youye think that they are inside the house, thus attracting them here, and then set many traps here, waiting for them to automatically take the bait.

This was Tan Xia's plan, and Tan Dong was responsible for controlling the zombies, and worked with Tan Xia to kill the intruders, but they obviously underestimated You Ye, who was an immortal vampire.

No matter what kind of damage he suffered, he would not die, and You Ye had already given up the sense of pain long ago. The sense of pain was just dispensable to You Ye.

Pain not only interferes with people's thinking, but also makes them feel horrified.

This is what humans have evolved to do to avoid danger, but for You Ye, these are useless things.

Just after You Ye climbed to the top of the wooden roof, the stairwell was immediately sealed, and poisonous tree vines immediately emerged from all directions.

These vines seemed to be alive under Tan Xia's control.

Star-studded tree vines launched a frantic attack on You Ye, and the sharp vine leaves on those tough vines glowed with white light under the reflection of the moonlight.

In the space of gathered trees and vines, You Ye looked at the vine leaves that kept flying towards her. The flight path of those vine leaves was very unique, just like the falling maple leaves in autumn.

It's just a small trick.

You Ye was very disdainful of this. She did not dodge, but waved the blade in her hand very easily. The very sharp blade shone with a cold light.

The flames attached to it carried high temperatures, scorching all the approaching vines until they were charred black.

If the vines were alive, they would definitely let out a very shrill scream, but they were just tools controlled by Tan Xia.

Since there are no windows on the top floor of the wooden roof, the light inside is extremely dim, but even if it is dim, there is no problem at all for You Ye.

The firelight carried on her blade illuminated the entire dim space like daylight.

But those tree vines seemed to be able to regenerate infinitely. No matter how she attacked, these tree vines would regenerate crazily.

She quickly grew tired of it and red lines flashed across her body.

The originally dark pupils suddenly turned blood red at this moment, and the surrounding trees and vines seemed to be blocked by something. They were unable to attack You Ye at all, and they couldn't even touch her body.

It turned out that You Ye used his power to create a barrier around him. Those trees and vines had no power to penetrate the barrier, so they could not hurt You Ye who was protected inside by the barrier.

Xiao Nizi is so capable that she can even expand her own territory.

In Tan Xia's knowledge, she had never seen such a powerful barrier before, so she regarded the barrier as her domain.

But the reason why You Ye created the barrier was not to keep those trees and vines out. She wanted to use the barrier as a medium to create her own domain here.

The higher the level of the field, the greater the mental energy required and the more time it takes, but for You Ye.

You only need to create a barrier first, and then use this barrier as a medium to create your own realm.

Apparently You Ye was fed up, and she wanted to open up a huge area to cover the entire wetland park.

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