Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 25 The decision of the meeting, heading to Sioux City

More and more zombies break through the levels and come to the police.


A young policeman finished all his bullets and was knocked down by a zombie when he was changing the bullets. He became the zombie's food!

Xiao Liu!

Seeing the young policeman falling into the mouth of the zombie, the policemen became angry.

Da da da da da da...

They pulled the trigger with all their strength, eager to kill all these zombies.

Oh shit!

In the conference room, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore!

They are soldiers themselves.

The military and police are not separated from each other, they are considered the same.

How could they not be angry when they saw a policeman who was protecting the country and the people being eaten alive by a group of zombies?

They clenched their fists one by one, wishing they could rush to the battlefield right now and kill these zombies properly!

However this is not the end.

Damn it, I'm going to kill you!

One of the policemen rushed forward with a rifle, trying to rescue Xiao Liu who was surrounded by a group of zombies.

He rushed forward quickly and quickly used up all the magazines.

Then he took out a saber and started fighting with the zombies!

Although his fighting ability is outstanding, these zombies are not afraid of death, cannot feel pain, and are incredibly powerful.

Soon, he was attacked by zombies and died among them!


Quick, cover your retreat!

At this time, they also knew clearly that they were no match for these zombies and wanted to retreat.

But the number of zombies was so large that without fire suppression, their actions became faster and faster.

Soon, the retreating policemen were all eaten by them!

After that, the zombie brigade rushed towards the next intersection...

The video ends here.

Assholes, these beasts! They killed so many people.

How did they turn into zombies? Is it because of that exposure to sunlight?

There are too many zombies, and it seems like one bullet can't kill them. It takes a lot of bullets!

Damn it, we must kill them all and avenge these soldiers!

In the conference room, everyone was extremely excited.

However, they were always in high positions and their temperament was far beyond ordinary people, so they quickly calmed down.

They know that what they need now is not anger, but a calm mind to analyze and solve the problem!

This situation is not limited to this one, it is happening all over the country. Now all provinces and cities have entered the first level alert mode!

However, you have all seen that there are so many zombies that the police alone are no match for them, so I suggest sending out the army!

The middle-aged man had sharp eyes and expressed his opinion.

In his opinion, if we want to quickly solve this problem, we must send out the army.

I agree!

I agree!


After hearing the man's words, everyone spoke in agreement.

They also saw the video just now. The power of the police alone is indeed not enough. The army must be sent to suppress it.

Seeing that everyone agreed, the man nodded, and then began to say: In addition to humans turning into zombies, according to the situation collected from below, there are also animals that have turned into zombies! We must also have this point. Be on guard!

After a night, the Blood Sun rises as usual.

After one night, all parts of the world were attacked by zombies, causing extremely serious losses.

The remaining survivors are also in panic. Fortunately, there are currently no zombies with skills such as opening doors and climbing walls.

They stayed at home and were safe for the time being. The only hidden danger was food.

Trapped at home, once the food reserves are eaten, there will be no food, and you will have to go out to look for food.

On the other side, Li Shiyi woke up from the car. Although zombies appeared, they did not have much impact on him.

It's time to eat, it's time to sleep. After all, his chariot has an intelligent system turned on, which makes it safe enough even after he falls asleep.

After washing up, Li Shiyi began to prepare breakfast.

After eating meat for so long, it’s time for a change of taste.

Li Shiyi ground high-quality wheat into flour, and then steamed a basket of steamed buns and steamed buns.

I don’t know if it’s because of the high-quality wheat or because Li Shiyi’s cooking skills are too high, but the food he makes is very delicious.

Moreover, Li Shiyi felt that since he ate food made from high-quality wheat, he felt full of strength, as if he had endless energy.

After a simple breakfast, Li Shiyi knew that he could not stay in the car factory forever.

If you want to survive in this zombie-infested world, or even live comfortably, you must strengthen yourself.

Therefore, Li Shiyi planned to go shopping outside Su City.

See if there is anything that can be recycled. If there are zombies, he can also take care of some of them.

With that said, Li Shiyi started the car. Before leaving, he recovered the two trucks that originally contained the meteorites, and obtained a lot of energy reserves and some materials.

Using these materials, Li Shiyi synthesized twenty robots.

After that, Li Shiyi drove towards Su City.

At the same time, just after Li Shiyi left the car factory, a zombie with gray hair all over his body appeared at the car factory.

Then, the zombie swallowed all the zombies Li Shiyi had killed one by one.

After that, the zombie's body was undergoing huge changes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only has the body grown larger, but the hair on its body has become thicker, and its claws have also become sharper. It is completely like a monster, which is terrifying!

After eating all the corpses, the zombie quickly left the depot.

On the other side, Li Shiyi drove to a small village on the edge of Su City.

If it were in the past, at this time, farmers would be working in the fields with hoes.

But now, there is no one, all the houses are closed, and there is not a single poultry that is usually seen most.

This would make things easier for him.

While driving, Li Shiyi discovered a farmhouse.

The door of the farmhouse was open, and it was not difficult to see that there were many bodies lying inside.

Li Shiyi guessed that this place should have been attacked by zombies.

In addition to the corpses, there were also a lot of supplies inside, and Li Shiyi certainly didn't intend to let them go.

Of course, it was impossible for Li Shiyi to get off the car.

It's too dangerous to get out of the car.

Who knows if there are zombies in the farmhouse?

So, Li Shiyi took out the robots in the different dimension space, and after giving the instructions to move supplies, thirty robots entered the farmhouse in a row.

Since these robots are directly bound to him, he can view the perspectives of these robots at will.

Through the robot's perspective, Li Shiyi can see the situation in the farmhouse more clearly.

There were no living people in the farmhouse, only four corpses that had been obviously bitten by zombies.

Seeing this scene, Li Shiyi lamented that if he had not activated the system, he might have become the zombies' food just like them.

Emotions came and went quickly. Li Shiyi put away his emotions and ordered the robot to move out all the materials that could be moved.

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