Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 24 High Quality Wheat

After the robots finished harvesting, the wheat piled up again.

High-quality soil is indeed much better than ordinary soil. It not only matures faster, but also has higher yields!

I have to say, it’s expensive for a reason!

Li Shiyi is ready to recycle and continue the matryoshka plan.

[There are recyclable items detected. Are they recycled? 】

[High-quality wheat, recyclable, rewards high-quality wheat seeds*20, production acceleration liquid*10, energy reserve*500]

Hey, even the wheat has become high-quality wheat?

Only then did Li Shiyi discover that the wheat had turned into high-quality wheat.

According to the system prompts, the higher the quality of crops, the more beneficial it is to people. Originally, he was thinking about where to get higher-quality crops, but it turns out that by planting them in high-quality soil, he can get high-quality crops!

Moreover, the recycling rewards have almost doubled!

For a moment, Li Shiyi felt that this high-quality soil was too fragrant!

Unfortunately, he thought it was a small loss to exchange 10,000 energy reserves for a piece of high-quality soil.

Now it seems that it smells really good!

Even Li Shiyi was wondering when he would replace the other three pieces of ordinary soil with high-quality soil.

As for higher-grade soil, Li Shiyi couldn't even think about it.

After all, a piece of higher-grade soil requires 100,000 energy reserves!

Even if you sell him, you can't exchange for a piece of soil!

Of course, replacing the other three pieces of ordinary soil with high-quality soil will be a matter of course in the future.

Now Li Shiyi is going to recycle the wheat first.

Ding, the recovery is successful, and you will receive rewards of 20 high-quality wheat seeds, 10 production acceleration fluid, and 500 energy reserves.

Just like last time, half of the wheat disappeared.

It seems that after the wheat upgrade, the cost of recycling has not increased.

Looking at the remaining wheat, Li Shiyi first put a small bag of high-quality wheat in the storage room. He was going to taste what this high-quality wheat tasted like.

Then all the remaining wheat is recycled.

Obtain high-quality wheat seeds*20, production acceleration liquid*10, and energy reserve*500 again.

After recovering the wheat, Li Shiyi did not choose to plant it.

He had a guess: since ordinary wheat seeds planted in high-quality soil will become high-quality wheat, then when high-quality wheat seeds are planted in ordinary soil, when they mature, will they be high-quality wheat or ordinary wheat?

In order to prove his suspicion, Li Shiyi decided to wait until the wheat in ordinary soil matured, then plant ordinary seeds into high-quality soil, and then put high-quality wheat seeds into ordinary soil.

If his conjecture is correct, then all he gets in the future will be high-quality wheat seeds.

After a while, Li Shiyi smelled a fruity fragrance.

Only then did I realize that the apples and bananas I had planted earlier were ripe.

Li Shi ordered the robot to pick it.

Got a bunch of apples and bananas.

Li Shiyi picked up an apple and tasted it. It was very crisp and the meat was very full.

Tastier than any apple he's ever tasted.

I ate another banana and found the same thing.

Li Shiyi left enough for him to eat, then recovered all the rest, and obtained another batch of seeds and production accelerating fluid.

But there is no place to plant it.

There was no way, Li Shiyi could only plant it in a few corners of high-quality soil.

He is very much looking forward to whether apples and bananas will taste more delicious after they become high-quality.

Therefore, Li Shiyi personally dripped production accelerating fluid on them, hoping that they would mature quickly.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the imperial capital, in a very solemn office.

More than a dozen men in military uniforms with dignified temperaments and solemn expressions were sitting at attention, as if they were waiting for something.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room opened, and a middle-aged man in casual clothes, with a figure as tall as a javelin and eyes as sharp as an eagle, walked in.

The man looked solemn and calm, followed by a woman carrying a notebook.


Seeing this man, everyone else stood up at the same time and shouted respectfully at him.

You must also know what's going on now!

The middle-aged man glanced at everyone and said in an unusually heavy tone.

Then, his rich voice sounded again: Just now, zombies appeared everywhere, and the whole world was in chaos, and our country is no exception. According to statistics, there have been more than 10 million casualties!

What! There have been 10 million casualties?

So soon? How long has it been?

Where did these things come from? How could they be so large?

More than a dozen people in military uniforms started talking, one after another.

Although they knew the matter was very serious, they did not expect it to be so serious.

Quiet! I asked you to come here to discuss solutions, not to listen to your arguments!

The middle-aged man spoke again, his voice was extremely majestic, and the conference room fell silent for an instant!

Then, the man made eye contact with the woman behind him.

The woman understood what he meant, nodded, then turned on the computer and played a video.

Run! Run!

The zombies are coming! Run for your life!

Ah, don't eat me, help...

The video is of a certain street in the imperial capital. Zombies are rampant on the street, killing ordinary people everywhere.

Everyone frowned as they looked at the ordinary people being eaten by zombies.

Pah, pah, pah...

Then, gunshots appeared in the video.

Great, the police are here, we are saved!

Police uncle, please save me, save me!

Kill them, they are crazy and cannibal!

Kill them quickly.

Seeing the arrival of the police, everyone seemed to see hope of survival and quickly called for help.

Then, the police lined up their police cars in rows, preparing to block the zombies.

Hit me, hit me hard! Don't care about bullets!

At this time, one of the policemen shouted.

Seeing so many human deaths filled their chests with rage.

Da da da da da...

After the policeman spoke, crisp gunshots rang out instantly.

At the beginning, the zombies fell one after another under their powerful firepower.

Seeing this, the people in the conference room also felt very happy, and they could finally take revenge!

However, the scenes that followed made them all have veins on their heads and gnashed teeth!

Although under their fire suppression, batch after batch of zombies fell.

As time goes by, the zombies get closer and closer to these police officers.

As the saying goes, manpower is limited, but the number of these zombies is so terrifying!

Finally, a zombie broke through many obstacles and came in front of these policemen...

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