Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 247 Must come back safely

Before the apocalypse, Huang Yang was an employee of a small business. He worked hard to make ends meet. He worked in the company for a long time and was finally about to be promoted and live the life he wanted. When the apocalypse broke out .

He also recalled the scene of the last day of the base. There were sudden car accidents on the busy street, and there were many of them. Many vehicles lost control, and the street became chaotic in an instant. Countless vehicles crowded on the road, blocking the crossroads. There was a lot of water, and the vehicles coming and going stopped. There were cries, shouts, and even curses, and soon there was a situation of biting people.

It started with a small number of people, and eventually more and more people were infected. These infected people soon turned into monsters and zombies that didn't think and only knew how to eat.

These infected zombies turned around and attacked the normal people. For a while, the road became a mess. Some people were attacked by several zombies and lay on the ground making shrill screams, but everyone had already It was difficult to explode, so no one could help him. He just watched his body being eaten by zombies, and finally died completely.

It was dusk at this time, and Huang Yang had just gotten off work. Just when he left the work area, he saw the infected person. A normal person turned into an extremely terrifying zombie in front of him. He ran away frantically. , escaping from pursuit, and screaming at the same time. At this time, she only knew how to escape, but she didn't know that the apocalypse had broken out.

He only knew how to escape, wanting to escape from this place of right and wrong. In the end, he successfully escaped from the company. When he stepped out of the company door, what he saw was not a street at dusk, with people coming and going and busy traffic.

Instead, there were corpses and blood all over the ground. It was like a hell on earth. Horrible monsters were running rampant on the streets. These monsters that were supposed to only appear in movies, TV or novels actually appeared in reality.

For a time, the amount of information was so overwhelming that he couldn't take it anymore, but the zombies didn't give it a chance to think. They only chased him desperately, trying to turn him into their own food and turn Huang Yang into one of them. member.

Huang Yang could only run away desperately, spending day after day on the run, but he was very sensitive to danger, so he was able to survive the early stages of the apocalypse.

Under the baptism of the apocalypse, he became stronger and stronger and was able to stand alone. Later, he became a warrior to resist zombies and was incorporated into Li Shiyi's combat squad.

Later, in order to protect the scientific expedition team that went to Nanhu Park for exploration, he was sent to the park. His mission was to protect these scientific researchers and allow them to safely return the samples to the fortress headquarters.

At first he thought it was just an ordinary escort mission, and he didn't know at the time that the wetland park was actually full of dangers, so he underestimated the mission. He was not the only one to think so. Everyone who was sent to perform this mission The executors all think so.

But they eventually paid the price for their immaturity.

When they drove into the depths of the wetland park, something strange happened.

Is there anyone-

Is there anyone...can come and

There was a sound in the distance, very faint, as if someone was asking for help, but the sound was very unclear.

Did you...hear anything?

It seems like someone is asking for help!

Huang Yang, who had keen hearing, heard the sound first, and he immediately spoke to the other team members.

Of course, the captain in charge of their combat squad also heard it, but he didn't speak and just sat in the car.

Captain, someone seems to be asking for help!

Why don't we go take a look?

Huang Yang asked, and the voice seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

Don't mind your own business. We have only one purpose of this trip, and that is to protect these scientific researchers. As soon as they finish collecting materials, we will evacuate immediately. We will never stay here for even a second!

Their captain was a middle-aged man. Although he was not tall, he had the aura of a leader. He scolded Huang Yang sharply.

There is no danger here. Captain, you are too sensitive. It has been a long time since we entered the Wetland Park. If those monsters were here, they must have appeared by now and come out to attack us.

But we are still safe until now, so there must be no danger!

Huang Yang tried his best to persuade, but the captain was unmoved and even a little annoyed.

What do you know? Even if there are no monsters here now, it doesn't mean that other places are safe. What if you attract monsters from other places?

You can't risk the life and death of the entire team for an uncertain factor! Shut your mouth now and stay in the car. If not, cover your ears!

The captain pointed out the window and then at Huang Yang, trying his best to persuade him not to think so much.

But Huang Yang, who was full of blood, obviously didn't think that much. He just yelled angrily: Block your ears, do you want me to die without saving you?

After that, Huang Yang opened the car door and rushed out. No matter how the captain called him, he didn't look back and rushed straight towards the place where the sound came from.

Why is this loser so obedient?

Tell him not to go but he has to go!

The captain looked like he hated iron, and he clenched his fists in anger and hammered the steering wheel twice.

Captain, I will go with him. If there is any danger, I will definitely pull him back as soon as possible. If there is no danger, we will come back immediately after rescuing people.

Okay, Xiaonan, you must bring this trash back to me. You two must come back safely.

Although it is safe here now, it does not mean that other places are safe. I always feel that something is wrong here.

I understand Captain.

The soldier known as Xiaonan also jumped out of the vehicle and quickly chased after Huang Yang in the direction he left.

The captain looked helpless, but he had no choice. He couldn't leave here now, so he could only pray that they could return safely.

Researchers in white coats are transporting the equipment used in the research meeting from another vehicle. What they want to investigate is the soil and water sources here. If it is not polluted, a small one can be built here. Camp.

The calls for help became weaker and weaker, and Huang Yang couldn't help but speed up his running speed, for fear of being a second too late.

And Xiaonan kept chasing behind him. He watched Huang Yang's figure getting further and further away, and he couldn't help but speed up.

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