Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 246 Mutated Zombies

Everyone, retreat immediately to a safe area!

It seemed that there was a gap between every attack of the monster. The blood wolf discovered this and immediately turned around and yelled at the soldiers, asking them to evacuate quickly and outside the safe zone.

After hearing the blood wolf's order, the soldiers retreated one after another, retreated to the chariot, and used the chariot as a cover. At the same time, they stared intently at the monster and the blood wolf captain standing in front of him.

This time the blood wolf was mentally prepared in advance. When it started to tremble, it had already dodged around and quickly hid behind a tree.

She was not wrong. After a moment, the monster stopped shaking violently, and the bone spurs on its body were suddenly activated. The bone spurs made a whistling sound and flew in all directions.

The trunk of the big tree where the blood wolf was hiding was very thick and could protect his entire body. Only a few muffled thuds were heard, and then a few leaves slowly fell from his head.

The bone spurs were firmly inserted into the tree trunk and caused the entire tree trunk to tremble. One can imagine how powerful the activated bone spurs were.

The other team members had already found a safe position, and all the bone spurs were intercepted by the hard tank. The bone spurs collided with the hard shell of the tank, making a ping-ping-pong-pong sound.

Although the bone spurs were very sharp and the force they inspired was very strong, they still failed to penetrate the chariot and did not harm the soldiers hiding behind.

The bone stimulation only lasted for a moment, and then there was no movement. The blood wolf cautiously poked his head out and found that the monster was completely naked, with tiny holes all over its body.

The monster missed a hit and actually chose to escape. It turned around and staggered away into the park.

But how could the Blood Wolf let him leave like this?

The blood wolf pulled out the bone spur inserted in the tree trunk and held it in his hand. He took a step back and concentrated all his strength on his arm. Then he took a step forward and threw it at the fleeing monster. The bone spur made a crackling sound. Empty voice.

This attack seemed to be more powerful than the monster's launch. This attack was powerful and heavy. The sharp bone spurs penetrated the monster's body and nailed it firmly to the ground. The monster struggled hard, but the bone spurs were too strong. , it can't move at all, and it can only be in vain.


The monster could only roar feebly, and stared at the blood wolf with its two white eyes, as if trying to dig a bloody hole in his body.

Although it was once one of his team members, now it has turned into a zombie. If it is more merciful, it will only create a situation that is unfavorable to itself.

The blood wolf took advantage of the fact that the monster couldn't move at this moment, stepped forward quickly, and kicked it violently in the lower jaw. The military boots under his feet were very hard and contained steel plates inside. This kick was so powerful that the monster's entire mandible and cervical vertebrae were broken. Kick them all to pieces.

The head hung weakly, like a rag doll without cotton. The blood wolf pulled out the bone spurs inserted in its body and inserted the knife into its eye sockets again. This time, the monster did not move again, and dark and sticky blood flowed from the eye sockets. It leaked out, and he was obviously dead.

Are you okay Captain!

The other team members rushed over immediately and stepped forward to explore the monster. They found that it was dead. Only then did they feel completely relieved and asked the blood wolf with concern.

I'm fine...

The blood wolf was only halfway through his words when he saw several zombies emerging from the entrance of the Wetland Park, seemingly attracted by the sound of the battle just now.

And among these monsters, there were four that were exactly the same as the one just now. Their bodies were covered with bone spurs. The monster suddenly stopped not far from the team.

Seeing this scene, Li Shiyi's heart suddenly sank, and he immediately shouted: Everyone, get in the car quickly!

Hearing Li Shiyi's voice, all the combatants took action quickly. They were worthy of being elites. They were able to remain calm and calm even in such a very critical situation.

As the last soldier got on the car, the door was immediately closed. Li Shiyi, who was sitting in the cab, pressed a button on the steering wheel and heard only the sound of the motor running, followed by a clicking sound. The metal screens on the chariot's windows slowly lowered.

The entire tank was basically designed by Li Shiyi, so he knew the functions of each button in the tank very well.

The metal screen window is made of metal with excellent hardness and toughness. When all defense facilities are turned on, the entire tank can even withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of artillery shells, and the people inside the vehicle can still live in peace.

Those monsters launched the bone spurs all over their bodies, and the fan-shaped area in front of them was within the attack range. The monsters let out sharp screams, and then the bone spurs shot out in unison.

Dozens or hundreds of bone spurs shot out from the body. The sharp bone spurs were extremely fast. Some penetrated deeply into the soil, and some were firmly rooted in the tree trunks.

The bone spurs hit the chariot hard, but the chariot was stopped by the hard shell and the iron net on the tempered glass. Many bone spurs pierced the tires, but they only penetrated the surface, not at all. Does it hurt or not?

There were endless crackling sounds outside, and even the vehicle was shaking violently, but the tank still withstood the monster's bombardment.

What kind of monster is this?

Is it a mutant? Why have I never seen it before?

This round of attack ended quickly, but the huge noise attracted a large number of zombies from the wetland park.

No, there are more and more zombies!

Eleven, let's rush out and hit him directly.

Xue Lang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, pointed at the zombies ahead.

It can only be this way!

Eleven nodded and controlled the vehicle to accelerate. The engine roared violently like a terrifying beast, and the vehicle immediately accelerated.

The violent acceleration caused the backs of the soldiers in the car to press tightly against the seats, and the scenery outside the window quickly receded. The monsters obviously did not expect that not only did they not escape, but they even faced them.

The chariot was like a crazed bull, rushing towards the mutated zombies and monsters. The wheels kicked up dirt on the ground, and the speed of the vehicle immediately increased. The engine made a powerful roar, and the chariot was hard. The front part of the vehicle hit the zombie's body hard, breaking its bones, and the entire body was hit by the huge force of the tank and flew backwards forward.

Then it was slammed to the ground. The mutated zombie without bone spurs was just like an ordinary zombie. The body was smashed by the huge force of the chariot. Although the head was not broken, the zombie was like a puddle of mud, lying like this. On the ground, unable to get up.

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