This villa area looks so grand. Li Shiyi followed Zhang Shengkai and looked around.

The roads in this villa area are very spacious, with some yards scattered on both sides. There are villas in the yards, and the styles of the villas are not uniform.

And Li Shiyi could see that there should be a lot of vegetation nearby to beautify the environment and purify the air.

But now only a few red plants are still alive, and they have nothing to do with beauty.

Qiangwei, did you live in a place like this before?

No. Qiangwei shook her head.

It turns out that this is the first time Qiangwei has seen such a luxurious place.

Li Shiyi thought secretly in his heart.

The place I lived before was much better than here. Qiangwei added, The scenery here is much worse than my home, and these villas also look a bit small.

Listening to Qiangwei's words, Li Shiyi suffered 10,000 points of critical damage in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn't say those words just now.

Li Shiyi was glad in his heart. If he had said those words just now, he would probably have been laughed at by Qiangwei.

And she will remember it for a long time.

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi couldn't help but praise his wit.

Here we are, right here.

After turning a corner, Zhang Shengkai led Li Shiyi and others to stand in front of a courtyard.

Li Shiyi clearly felt at this moment that Qiangwei was a little nervous. He could see that Qiangwei's free hand was tightly clenched into a fist.

Sun Lu also hugged Qiangwei's other arm nervously at this moment.

So Li Shiyi reached out and took Qiangwei's other hand, and Qiangwei loosened her fist and held Li Shiyi's palm tightly together.

Don't be nervous. Li Shi comforted Qiangwei, Why are you so nervous when you go back to your own home?

Yeah, I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous. After listening to Li Shiyi's words, Qiangwei relaxed and took a deep breath.

And Li Shiyi can completely understand the mood of building a wall for this matter.

After all, they have been separated for so long, and they are facing the end of the world, and even communication has been cut off.

And under such circumstances, Qiangwei was about to return home and see her family.

It is inevitable to be nervous. The so-called timidity of being close to home is probably just like this.

Zhang Shengkai walked to the courtyard gate and pressed the doorbell.

Almost as soon as the doorbell rang, a voice came from over there.

It was a female voice that sounded like she was about forty years old. The voice was very soft, giving people a very gentle impression.

At this time, the voice came out from the doorbell with a slight tremor: Is it Weiwei?

Mom, it's me.

Hearing this voice, Qiangwei couldn't bear it anymore. She suddenly let go of Li Shiyi's hand and rushed to the doorbell's camera.

And her tears also flowed uncontrollably from her eyes at the same time.

Qiangwei's move also allowed the person on the other side of the doorbell to see her appearance clearly.

So, the girl just now spoke up again with a very surprised tone, and said hurriedly: Weiwei, it's really Weiwei.

Then, the electronic lock on the gate of the villa yard opened with a snap, and at the same time, the gate of the villa in the yard was pushed open from the inside.


After the door opened, a woman came out from behind the door.

What Li Shiyi saw on this woman's face were wrinkles caused by haggardness, as well as huge surprise and happiness.

Obviously, this woman is Qiangwei's mother, Liu Fang.

The haggard look on her face was because Qiangwei was not by her side.

The surprise and happiness at this moment was because Qiangwei finally returned to her side.

The moment Qiangwei saw Liu Fang, she turned into a gust of wind and rushed to her side.

Mom, I'm back. Qiangwei rushed into Liu Fang's arms, and the two hugged each other tightly.

It's good to be back, it's good to be back. Liu Fang let go of Qiangwei excitedly and put her hands on Qiangwei's shoulders.

Come here, let mom take a good look at you. You must have suffered a lot in this apocalyptic world. Look at you, you're all hungry and thin.

Hearing this, Qiangwei burst into laughter.

Mom, I have never been hungry, how could I lose weight due to hunger?

Have you ever been hungry? Liu Fang looked at Qiangwei hesitantly.

How is this possible? You have been wandering outside for so long, coming all the way from Sioux City to the capital, and you are not in a shelter like your mother.

I know you are afraid that your mother will worry. Liu Fang smiled and held Qiangwei's hands.

I'm not lying to you, Mom, I really have never been hungry.

Qiangwei turned her head and looked at Sun Lu next to her. At this time, Sun Lu was also talking to her mother, crying excitedly.

Mom, if you don't believe it, you can ask Lulu.

When Sun Lu heard Qiangwei's words, she turned around and said, Aunt, what my sister said is true. We have never suffered or been hungry.

If you don't believe me, look at me, aunt, do you think I'm a little fatter than before?

It seems that's really what happened. Liu Fang looked at Sun Lu hesitantly, and then asked Qiangwei.

What's going on? You guys? What have you experienced?

Of course this is all thanks to my brother-in-law. Sun Lu answered before Qiangwei could speak.

Brother-in-law? Upon hearing this word, Liu Fang frowned, What brother-in-law?

Don't be nervous, mom. Looking at Liu Fang's appearance, Qiangwei smiled bitterly, and then pulled Li Shiyi who was standing aside.

Mom, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Li Shiyi.

Hello, aunt, I am Li Shiyi, Weiwei's boyfriend. Li Shiyi had a gentle smile on his face, leaned forward slightly, and nodded towards Liu Fang.

For today's meeting, Li Shiyi specially wore a suit. This suit was tailor-made for him by someone who could make clothes in the fortress when he was in the fortress.

So the clothes fit perfectly on Li Shiyi at this time, and Li Shiyi's figure was already very tall and tall, and his face was also very handsome.

At this time, the clothes set off his temperament even more. Such an image makes it easy for people to feel good about him.

In fact, this outfit did have the effect he wanted. The only flaw was that Li Shiyi was carrying a bag in his hand.

Okay, okay, good boy, come on, let's go into the room and talk. Liu Fang first looked at Li Shiyi, and then the frown that had been tightly knitted relaxed.

So the group of people walked into the villa.

As soon as he entered the villa, Li Shiyi immediately noticed some life auras, which were far stronger than ordinary people.

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