Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 237 Special Defense Force

So that's it. Qiangwei nodded.

But why didn't the driver ask again? Sun Lu asked again.

Because we are well dressed. Li Shiyi said to Sun Lu with a smile.

You see where we got on the bus, everyone was poorly dressed, but look around here.

As he spoke, Li Shiyi pointed around.

Look at the clothes the people in this place wear. Are they all very nice?

Really. Sun Lu observed what Li Shiyi said and found that it was indeed the same as what Li Shiyi said.

How do you know this? Qiangwei looked at Li Shiyi strangely.

Of course I have done my homework in advance. Li Shiyi proudly took out the fortress tube and waved it in front of Qiangwei.

Basic information like this has been collected by the fortress a long time ago. You can see it at a casual glance. I looked at it specifically last night.

How about it, am I very considerate? Li Shiyi said as if he wanted to take credit.

Yes, yes, you are the most thoughtful. Qiangwei looked at Li Shiyi and said funnyly, Come, come here, I will reward you with a bobo.

Then Li Shiyi moved his face closer, and Qiangwei kissed it gently.

You two are really affectionate. Sun Lu stood aside and looked at Li Shiyi and Qiangwei resentfully.

That wooden guy in my house doesn't know anything about romance and is so annoying.

That's called honesty. Qiangwei looked at Sun Lu helplessly, Isn't that what you liked about her in the first place?

Oh, that's right. Who makes me like him like this?

After sighing, Sun Lu said helplessly.

Okay, okay, stop making trouble and leave quickly. With that said, Qiangwei pulled Sun Lu towards the east gate of Area A.

Stop, please show your ID.

At the east gate of Area A, a man in black combat uniform stretched out a hand to stop several people.

We are here to find someone. Li Shiyi stepped forward and took out his Evolver badge.

Wait a moment, I need to check your badge. The man in black combat uniform took Li Shiyi's badge and swiped it on an instrument in his hand.

Then, the information in the badge was displayed on the screen of the instrument, and then the man in black combat uniform raised his head and glanced at Li Shiyi, seeming to compare Li Shiyi with the photo on the screen.

It turns out to be Lord Evolver. The man in black combat uniform bowed to Li Shiyi and handed back Li Shiyi's badge with both hands.

After Li Shiyi took the badge, the man in black combat uniform said to Li Shiyi: Who are you looking for? I will help you contact him.

No. 37 Yijuyuan, Mr. Li Feng or Ms. Liu Fang, the person looking for them is me. My name is Li Weiwei. At this time, Qiangwei stepped forward and said.

Okay, please wait a moment. After saying that, the man in black combat uniform turned his head and entered a small room.

After he entered, he made a phone call and walked out of the house after a while.

Guys, please come with me.

After saying that, the man in black combat uniform walked in one direction, and Li Eleven and others quickly followed.

Along the way, at regular intervals, they saw several sentry posts. Standing on the sentry posts were soldiers with guns.

The security conditions here seem to be very good.

While Li Shiyi was watching, he chatted with the man in black combat uniform.

Yes, after all, people with status live here, so safety must be guaranteed.

Then why don't you check our weapons? Li Shiyi asked.

You are an S-class evolver after all, and this is the end of the world. Even people entering and leaving Area A basically carry weapons with them, so it is impossible to ban weapons. The man in black combat uniform explained

Then aren't you afraid that I'm here to seek revenge? What if I pull out a gun when I go in? Li Shiyi asked.

The picture of you just at the door has been transmitted to Mr. Li Feng. I can only bring you in after they verify it. Based on this, I judge that you are not here to seek revenge.

Secondly, I am a warrior. If you really try to do something here, I will use all means to stop you, and there are evolvers everywhere in Area A on standby.

Once they receive the signal, they will come as quickly as possible, and as you can see, we also have many permanent soldiers here.

So even if you are an S-class evolver, I don't think you can pose any kind of threat.

When saying these words, the tone of the man in black combat uniform did not fluctuate, and no matter what Li Shiyi asked, he never felt strange.

To others, Li Shiyi's words sounded like he was trying to gather information and try to do something here.

And the purpose of this man in black combat uniforms in saying these words is also very simple, which is to show strength and clearly tell you how powerful we are.

If someone is really going to do something, after hearing this, they need to think about it carefully.

Because it was obvious that what this man in black combat uniform was talking about was only the defense force on the surface, and there must be many invisible people doing security work secretly.

However, Li Shiyi's purpose in asking these things was simply to know whether it was safe or not.

According to Li Shiyi's idea, he wanted to bring Qiangwei and Sun Lu's families to the fortress.

But Qiangwei told him that her parents and family might not be willing to follow them to the fortress. After all, this is where they have lived for a long time.

If this is the case, Li Shiyi will have to consider whether the environment they live in is safe. If necessary, Li Shiyi will find a way to insert some power.

This is Yijuyuan.

Walking to the door of a villa community, a man in black combat uniform took out an ID card, swiped it in the locked area next to the community door, and then the door opened.

I didn't expect that even in the end of the world, your parents would still be able to live in the villa.

While Li Shiyi was talking to Qiangwei, he also took the opportunity to observe the card in the hand of the man in black combat uniform.

[Special Defense Force: Zhang Shengkai]

Of course, my parents are very powerful. Qiangwei said.

It's indeed amazing. Li Shiyi agreed.

At the same time, Li Shiyi also saw part of the information on the card: Are you soldiers?

Yes. Zhang Shengkai nodded.

We are a special defense force that performs security tasks. After all, these are troubled times, and ordinary security forces are of little use.

Thank you for your hard work. After discovering that the opponent was a soldier, Li Shiyi's attitude changed somewhat.

Nothing. Zhang Shengkai said.

Please follow me, number thirty-seven is over here.

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