Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 227 Evolutionary Association

Corisi Cult? Li Shiyi asked softly in confusion.

But the guards didn't pay attention to Li Shiyi's words and continued.

It's just that I didn't expect that the people of Corisi Cult are already so stupid now?

You want to sneak into the safe area dressed like this?

Tell me, what do you want to do by sneaking into the safe zone?

We are evolvers. Li Shiyi frowned and looked at the black muzzle of the gun in front of him.

He really didn't like the feeling of being pointed at a gun. If he hadn't known that the other party just misunderstood him and acted like this, Li Shiyi would have probably killed all these people.

Are you evolvers? The guard narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Shiyi.

I know it doesn't look very similar. Li Shiyi spread his hands, But it is indeed the case. If you don't believe it, you can test us.

Wait here. After the guard said these words to Li Shiyi, Ou ran away from here and entered a small room next to the checkpoint.

I'm going to apply. Li Shiyi looked in the direction of the small room and said to himself.

It didn't take long for the guard to come back.

Come with me. After the guard came out of the small house, he ran to Li Shiyi and said to Li Shiyi.

Then he walked in one direction, and Li Shiyi and three others followed him under the guard of other soldiers.

This is it. Li Eleven and the others followed the guard to a place that looked like a gym. At this time, many people were exercising in the gym.

Among those exercising, many were dressed in a way that could clearly tell they were in the military.

When these people who were training saw Li Shiyi and the others being brought in at gunpoint by soldiers, they didn't have any special reaction. They just gave them a cold look and continued to do their own exercises.

This is the training room exclusively for evolvers. As they walked, the guard introduced the three of them.

This is the place for testing. You only need to conduct basic tests on strength and speed.

The guard took the three of them to a small house, pointed at an instrument and said to them: This instrument is for testing punching strength. You can punch each one.

I'll do it first. Xue Lang took a step forward, moved his wrist, and said to Li Shiyi.

Okay, but remember to control your strength and don't break the instrument. Li Shiyi said to Xuelang.

Don't worry, it's fine. This is a specially-made instrument, specially used by evolved people. If you really manage to break it, you don't have to pay any compensation.

If you can really break this thing, you will be qualified to be my commander.

Oh, really? After listening to the guard's words, Li Shiyi smiled and then said to the blood wolf.

In that case, feel free to fight.

Okay. Xue Lang nodded and walked to the instrument.

Then, Xue Lang raised his fist towards the instrument.

As far as how high the data can be, the movements are not standard, I will do it.

Before the guard could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the blood wolf's movements.

Under Xue Lang's full punch, the instrument broke directly into two sections along the location where it was attacked.

The guard's jaw seemed to be breaking his head in two, and his mouth was wide open.

How about it, do you believe what I said this time?

Seeing the guard's reaction, Li Shiyi crossed his arms and said with a smile.

The instrument is broken, how can we test it?

No, no need to test, just follow me.

Unknowingly, the guard had already used honorifics towards Li Shiyi and the others.

Put down the guns, everyone, put down the guns.

The guard turned around and shouted twice to the soldiers still holding guns, then turned to Li Shiyi and said, This way, please.

Li Shiyi did not give in, and walked directly in front of the guard, and the guard quickly followed, walking half a body behind Li Shiyi.

Where are we going? Li Shiyi asked the guard as he walked.

I'll take you to see the regular army.

Regular army? Li Shiyi frowned, What do you mean?

The regular army is a formal army. The guard explained to Li Shiyi, We are called temporary armies. They were recruited after the end of the world. In the past, we were all common people.

Our main task is to assist the regular army in its work, which is similar to the auxiliary police before the end of the world.

In addition, simpler tasks such as gatekeeping are also left to us.

Oh, is that so? Li Shiyi looked at the guard, So, you are quite dedicated.

He knew that Li Shiyi was talking about the fact that he had stopped Li Shiyi and the others, so he smiled and explained.

Dedication is only one aspect. The main reason is that if we accidentally put people in who shouldn't be put in due to our mistakes, we will be sentenced. In serious cases, we may even be executed.

Now is no different than before the apocalypse. Now is a troubled time. The so-called troubled times should be treated with heavy rules. In today's world, human life is the least valuable. People are dying almost all the time.

I'm lucky enough to join the Provisional Army and get such a guard job.

You don't know, the pay of the Provisional Army is quite good. At least we can eat well every day, and the work is actually relatively easy.

You are quite honest. You told me everything before I even asked. Li Shiyi looked at the guard and said strangely.

Mainly because, are you evolved? As long as you are willing to join the army, you can directly obtain military rank. Then you just need to remember me.

Obviously, the guard also saw that Li Shiyi and the other three were led by Li Shiyi, so he followed Li Shiyi all the way.

Then what if we don't plan to join the army? Li Shiyi looked at the guard with a half-smile.

That's okay. As evolvers, you can still obtain a special status even if you don't join the army.

When the time comes, I will no longer be a temporary military guard. I will just follow you and help you handle your affairs.

Li Shiyi asked: The guards' treatment is so good, why are you willing to just quit?

It doesn't matter. The guard waved his hand, If I work as a guard here, I will be a guard for the rest of my life. If I follow you, I might have some future.

Let's not talk about it for now, sir, we're already here. The guard led Li Eleven and the others to a building and stopped.

And there are five big characters written on this building: Evolutionary Association.

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