Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 226 Entering Beijing

As for the second point, Li Shiyi wanted to see the other party's attitude towards other human organizations.

Let the mayor, as the controller of the fortress, contact the human organizations in the capital to see if they will use his status as mayor to coerce him into joining the capital.

The attitude of the capital will determine how the fortress will treat them in the future.

If the other party still uses the identity of the mayor to intimidate the fortress and uses the system and morality before the end of the world to restrain it.

It means that there are incompetent managers in the human organizations in the capital, otherwise the other party would not try to use the same tactics as before the end of the world to deal with the fortress after contacting the fortress.

In that case, Li Shiyi will find a way to screen the top leaders of human organizations in the capital and replace those with insufficient abilities.

After all, in this apocalypse, if there is still someone who thinks that the things before the apocalypse are useful, then this person is definitely not qualified to become a high-level leader of an organization in the apocalypse.

At least it shows that this person is not yet ready to truly enter the apocalypse.

And Li Shiyi is not worried that the mayor will betray him.

First, he has been in contact with the mayor for so long, and he still understands the mayor's character.

In Li Shiyi's heart, it cannot be said that he has 100% trust in the mayor, but he can still do it 90% of the time.

Moreover, Li Shiyi's trust in the mayor is not just because of the mayor's character.

Another thing is that he knows the mayor's thoughts. The mayor is not a person who is greedy for power.

He values ​​the safety of the residents, and he knows enough about Li Shiyi and the fortress.

He knew that if he betrayed Li Shiyi, he would not be able to take away any of the residents of the fortress, and no one would be willing to give up life in the fortress and go elsewhere.

Moreover, the control of the fortress is not in his hands, and he has no way to hand over the fortress to others.

Based on these conditions, Li Shiyi dared to temporarily hand over the power of the fortress to the mayor with confidence.

Of course, Li Shiyi will not completely let the mayor go.

In order to prevent the mayor from really betraying him, he betrayed him, causing Li Shiyi to fall into crisis.

Li Shiyi will place a robot next to the mayor to monitor the mayor around the clock.

As for how to explain the matter of this robot to the capital's organizations, that is a question for the mayor to think about, and Li Shiyi will not be responsible.

Under such circumstances, the mayor completed the first contact with the human organization in the capital.

The other party's envoy received a relatively high standard of reception after arriving at the fortress for the first time.

Of course, Li Shiyi and the mayor did not show up for the reception this time. Others only entertained the envoy and took the envoy around the fortress.

And during the tour, I also revealed some of the conditions of the fortress to this messenger.

He also expressed to the envoy that the fortress was willing to contact the envoy from the capital.

Afterwards, the envoy returned to the capital with the gifts given by the fortress.

And this gift is a lightsaber given by the fortress.

As a weapon that far exceeds human technology, the lightsaber is enough to show the opponent the technological strength of the fortress.

In addition, even if the opponent successfully reproduces the lightsaber, it will not pose a threat to the fortress.

After all, the lightsaber is a melee weapon and has a limited role in war.

Just one day later, the messenger came to the fort again.

And this time, he also brought a special item.

This item was a device made by Jingcheng to restore communications after the electromagnetic pulse that covered the world.

This time the meeting will be completed using this communication device.

After all, in this case, neither party dared to let her go to the other's territory easily.

This method of remote conversation is naturally the first choice.

As for what the two sides wanted to talk about, Li Shiyi didn't care at all.

It is nothing more than exchanging information about both parties themselves, and exchanging information related to the end of the world that both parties have learned.

Then discuss cooperation matters and whether one party will merge into the other.

Under the full supervision of the robot sent by Li Shiyi to the mayor, the mayor completed this meeting with the other party.

Although Li Shiyi did not listen to what the mayor said through the robot, Li Shiyi was not worried at all.

Because the artificial intelligence built into the robot has high enough intelligence, it can judge whether the mayor's negotiation content needs to be reported to Li Shiyi.

As long as the content of the market negotiation does not violate the principles set by Li Shiyi, the robot will not actively send information to Li Shiyi.

While the mayor was negotiating with the other party, Li Shiyi had already arrived inside the capital.

Is this the safe zone they say?

In front of a level, Li Shiyi stopped and looked at the people coming in and out of the level.

Next to Li Shiyi were Qiangwei and the blood wolf who had turned into a human state.

Don't look here, let's go in. Qiangwei, who was wearing a peaked cap, moved to hold Li Shiyi's hand and said to Li Shiyi.

Okay. Li Shiyi smiled at Qiangwei, and then led Qiangwei and Xue Lang to the checkpoint.

In fact, before the mayor negotiated with the other party, Li Shiyi had already left the fortress and headed towards the interior of the capital.

On the way, Li Shiyi also met many people in the capital. According to these people, Li Shiyi already had a general understanding of the capital.

The reason why these people were willing to tell Li Shiyi the information was because Li Shiyi offered food in exchange.

When these people saw that Li Shiyi was willing to offer fresh meat in exchange, they knew almost everything.

Of course, it was not that no one wanted to rob Li Shiyi, but unfortunately, the three people they faced were monsters who were not afraid of bullets.

The result is naturally conceivable.

We're going into the safe zone.

Walking to the checkpoint, Li Shi said to the guard in front of the checkpoint.

Do you have an apocalyptic ID card? The guard looked at the three of them and asked Li Shiyi.

No, we came from out of town.

Coming from out of town? Hearing Li Shiyi's words, the guard looked at Li Shiyi in surprise.

Just you three?

Just the three of us.

Do you think I will believe it? The guard looked at Li Eleven and the others coldly.

Are you the deported exiles?

Of course not. Li Shiyi was not angry after hearing what the guard said. He just shook his head and wanted to explain to the guard, but was interrupted by the guard.

I know you are not. Suddenly, Li Eleven and the others were surrounded by people who came out of nowhere. Each of them held a gun and looked at Li Eleven and the others coldly.

You are so clean and well-dressed. You don't look tired at all. Of course you are not exiles.

You are Corisians!

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