Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 224 Fortress Pass

This is this? Professor Fang and Professor Sun picked up the gun-shaped syringe that Li Shiyi took out and looked at it carefully.

Isn't this a general-purpose gene enhancer? Professor Fang looked at Li Shiyi while holding the general-purpose gene enhancer.

But we didn't redeem this thing.

This is for you. Li Shiyi smiled.

But we have nothing to contribute?

No need to contribute. Li Shiyi shook his head.

Although you didn't go out to hunt zombies, your contribution to the fortress far exceeded the few zombies you hunted.

Starting from today, all the resources of the fortress are provided to you unlimitedly. Not only you, but also all the personnel of the institute can enjoy the highest level of treatment in the fortress.

Of course, the treatment of other researchers will definitely not be exactly the same as yours. The specific treatment they will receive needs to be carefully formulated.

This was an oversight on my part. I should have done this a long time ago, but I didn't think about it until recently.

This. Professor Fang and Professor Sun's hands holding the universal gene enhancer were shaking uncontrollably with excitement, and tears were shining in their eyes.

Okay, you deserve this. There is no need to be so excited.

Before the end of the world, how could I possibly get you this kind of treatment? This is already a bargain for me.

Okay, you can go and have a rest after eating. There is still plenty of time for research, so there is no rush.

But I suggest you rest in the special fixed beds, because I plan to leave here today.

Don't worry about the giant snake's body. I will find a way to take it away together, and I will also collect enough samples in the swamp for your future research.

After saying that, Li Shiyi left the dining room.

Standing outside the door of the dining room, looking at Professor Fang and Professor Sun in the restaurant through the small window, I couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

He knew why Professor Fang and Professor Sun reacted so violently.

Because Li Shiyi, as the leader of the fortress, has the power of life and death for everyone.

If he wants someone to die, he doesn't even need to take action. He just needs to expel that person from the fortress and banish that person to the wild. Basically, he declares that person's death sentence.

But Li Shiyi, who had such power, did not dominate anyone, and even gave such treatment to Professor Sun and Professor Fang.

It is understandable that they can be moved by this.

In contrast, those in the werewolf team were somewhat unable to figure out this truth.

Of course, with the physical fitness of a werewolf, one might be able to survive in this apocalypse, but it is just survival.

It is impossible to achieve the standard of living in the fortress on your own.

However, it was impossible for Li Shiyi to let the werewolf leave, this matter was certain.

He will not let any werewolf escape the control of the fortress once the werewolf enters a gathering place of ordinary humans.

And if this werewolf wants to do something, the consequences will be catastrophic. After all, not everyone has the ability to fight against werewolves like the Land of Evolution.

After the affairs at the institute were over, Li Shiyi left the fortress alone and came to the bodies of four giant snakes.

No matter what's strange about this swamp, we can't stay here any longer. We'd better leave here as soon as possible.

Talking to himself, Li Shi took the bodies of the four giant snakes into another dimension.

Although the corpses of these four giant snakes are very huge, after all, the extra-dimensional space has been upgraded to a size of one thousand meters by one thousand meters, which is more than enough to accommodate these corpses.

After collecting the bodies of the four giant snakes, Li Shiyi sent some robots to collect a large amount of muddy water and luminous plants at the edge of the swamp, and then returned to the fortress.

After returning to the fortress, Li Shiyi went to the research room to take a look and found that Professor Fang and Professor Sun had already gone to rest, and then returned to the fourth floor with satisfaction.

You got up so early, Eleven.

After returning to the fourth floor, Li Shiyi found that Qiangwei had gotten up and was sipping a bowl of tofu puffs.

It's okay, I went out to deal with some things. Li Shiyi smiled at Qiangwei, and then sat down next to Qiangwei.

You are drinking tofu noodle. Is it sweet or salty?

Of course it's salty!

That's great. I also like to drink salted tofu. The salted tofu is the best in the world!

The salty tofu brain is the best in the world! Qiangwei happily raised the spoon and made a happy sound from her mouth.

It's such a wonderful feeling to be able to drink tofu pudding in the last days. Qiangwei held the spoon in her mouth and looked out the window.

If it weren't for the light of this bloody sun, it would really feel like we were still living in the past.

After listening to Qiangwei's words, Li Shiyi smiled lightly.

Okay, I don't want to be so melancholy anymore. Since the end of the world has come, let's adapt to it, change it, and even end it.

I believe we can do it.

After all, I still have a system.

Of course, Li Shiyi didn't say the last sentence, he just said it silently in his heart.

I also believe we can do it. Qiangwei naturally trusted Li Shiyi unconditionally.

Later, Li Shiyi made a broadcast on everyone's contribution value inquiry device throughout the fortress, reminding everyone that the fortress was about to set off.

In fact, after experiencing these several marches to the fortress, the residents in the fortress have already become accustomed to it.

Except for the initial stage of the fort where you need to sit on chairs with safety belts, everyone can move normally the rest of the time.

In addition, each person's contribution value inquiry device has also been integrated with communication functions. As long as the distance from the fortress is no more than 100 kilometers, communication can be carried out.

Everyone's personal information is also stored in the contribution value query device. It can be said that this thing is everyone's ID card in the fortress.

Every time someone enters or exits the fortress, the scanning device at the entrance of the fortress will be connected to the contribution communication device on that person.

And the face recognition system is compared with the information in the contribution value communication device. If an abnormality is found, an alarm will sound in the fortress.

The supervisor closest to here will receive the notification and rush here quickly.

Fortunately, Titan Fortress can be manufactured based on the drawings provided by Li Shiyi, and this software requirement can be completed directly by the system by consuming energy crystals.

This greatly shortens the design time. If programmers are summoned in the fortress to make this system, then I don’t know how long it will take.

And this thing was also given a very down-to-earth name by the residents of the fortress, called Fortress Pass.

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