Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 223 The value of snake corpses

The next morning, as soon as Li Shiyi woke up, he saw a message from Professor Fang on the communicator.

Oh my God, Professor Fang and Professor Sun didn't sleep all night.

While yawning, Li Shiyi turned on the communicator.

The content of this message is also very simple.

The basic information about the giant snake sample has been studied.

Obviously, the meaning of this message was to ask Li Shiyi to go to the research room to find them after he woke up.

Li Shiyi sighed, and then sent a message to the person in charge of the laboratory's diet through the communicator.

Have them deliver three breakfasts to the dining room next to the laboratory.

Then Li Shi got out of bed, cleaned up, and came to the laboratory.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Shiyi saw Professor Fang walking towards him with two dark circles under his eyes. Although Professor Fang looked very tired, his expression was very happy.

Professor Fang, you and Professor Sun didn't sleep all night, right?

Professor Fang was stunned when he heard Li Shiyi's words. Obviously, he did not expect that Li Shiyi would ask him this question.

Well, it's true that I didn't sleep, but it doesn't matter. We are all used to it. We finally have new research samples. It doesn't matter if we don't sleep all night.

I know you love research and science. Li Shiyi pondered for a moment, considered his words, and then continued.

But you have to understand one thing. You and Professor Sun are not conducting research for your own sake.

You are conducting research for the sake of the fortress and even all mankind.

What you are doing now will play a huge role in our fight against the doomsday.

So, you must ensure your own health, do you understand?

Don't worry, Mr. Li, we know what's going on. It's okay to stay up all night.

After listening to Li Shiyi's words, Professor Fang was a little moved, but he still pretended to be nonchalant.

Hey. Seeing Professor Fang like this, Li Shiyi sighed.

It seems that in the future, some people will have to be found to manage the daily lives of Professor Fang and Professor Sun. Even if it is forced, Li Shiyi will ensure that they rest.

Afterwards, Professor Sun also walked out of the research room, holding a document in his hand.

Not surprisingly, Professor Sun, like Professor Fang, had two big dark circles under his eyes.

Li Shiyi looked at the dining room next to him. No one was coming in or out at this time. Obviously, the three breakfasts he asked for had been delivered.

Okay, come on, two professors, let's have some breakfast first and talk while we eat.


So, the three people came to the dining room.

As soon as he sat down, before Li Shiyi could move his chopsticks, Professor Sun took the document and started explaining it to Li Shiyi.

Li Shiyi took the document that Professor Sun had typed, then closed it and put it aside.

Just talk briefly first. Let's talk while eating. Anyway, I'm not a scientific researcher. What you said is too professional and I can't understand it.

That being said, Li Shiyi's main purpose is to let Professor Sun have a good meal.

After all, if Professor Sun was asked to hold the document and keep talking, he might not be able to finish it even after Li finished his meal.

Then let me tell you briefly.

After hearing what Li Shiyi said, Professor Sun also picked up the tableware and described their findings to Li Shiyi while eating.

First of all, as you said, these giant snakes are not creatures of the Corisi race, but mutated creatures native to Blue Star.

But after we conducted a simple analysis of its genome, we came to some conclusions.

The mutations in these organisms are caused by human influence.

Human influence? Li Shiyi raised his eyebrows.

Yes. Professor Fang took a sip of the lean meat porridge in the bowl, raised his head and continued to speak to Li Shiyi.

There are obvious traces of artificial induction in their genomes. We speculate that some components in the swamp may have produced such an effect.

Analysis of the soil composition of the marsh is already underway and the results will be available soon.

If the results of the sudden composition analysis prove that we are correct, it means that this swamp did not occur naturally.

Didn't it happen naturally? Li Shiyi thought.

But if this is the work of the Corisi tribe, then the mutation of these giant snakes is too rough, they just become bigger.

No. Professor Fang shook his head.

Getting bigger is nature's simplest and most effective way to enhance a creature's combat capabilities.

Just like what you encountered during yesterday's battle, if we don't use electromagnetic railguns, it will be difficult to cause damage to these giant snakes.

If we were not the ones who encountered these giant snakes, but an ordinary army, they would probably have been wiped out by now.

After listening to Professor Sun's words, Li Shiyi recalled the scene of fighting the giant snake.

Indeed, the scales of those giant snakes are particularly hard, and due to their size, the thickness of those scales is also very high.

This means that ordinary bullets cannot penetrate the defense of those giant snakes, only bullets with high penetrating power can.

But this raises another problem. Compared with the giant snake, the size of the bullet is too small. If it cannot hit the heart and brain, it will not be able to cause effective damage.

That's it. Professor Sun nodded.

But fortunately it's us who encounter these monsters. Instead of losing anything, we gain a lot.

Harvest? Li Shiyi looked at Professor Sun, What harvest? Is this the body of a giant snake?

Yes. This time it was Professor Fang who spoke.

The corpses of these giant snakes have extremely high utilization value. Their scales are very stiff and their skin is extremely tough. If used to make combat uniforms, they can probably be close to the level of golden armor.

In addition, their brains and blood contain a special substance, which we speculate can promote biological evolution.

Promote the evolution of living things? Li Shiyi was really surprised when he heard this.

Yes, but it's just speculation right now. Whether it has such an effect requires continued research.

And the snake meat on it has extremely high nutritional value, so I won't go into details on this.

So, we think we should recycle these giant snake carcasses as soon as possible.

After all, they have been dead overnight. If they rot due to too long time, it will be a heavy loss for us.

Okay, I'll make arrangements right now. Li Shi nodded and took the last bite of food.

Then he took out six general-purpose gene enhancers from his waist.

This is for you.

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