In fact, according to Li Shiyi's idea, Qiangwei should return directly to the fortress after returning from the wilderness.

But Qiangwei herself expressed that she wanted to see what it was like inside the Kelisi Ecological Transformation Group and also accompany Li Shiyi by the way, so she stayed.

But obviously, the things here have had a certain impact on Qiangwei's soul. It seems that she won't eat dinner today.

At this time, Zhan Shi would not refuse Li Shiyi's proposal, so he nodded and left.

The blood wolf took on the role of driver and left with Qiangwei.

It didn't take long for the anatomy plan of the fleshy balls inside the Corisi Ecological Transformation Group to be finalized.

First, they built a shelf around the meat ball. The height of this shelf was higher than the entire meat ball.

Later, some hooks were installed on the top of the shelf, and the hooks were connected to the meat balls.

Next, some supporting structures were put on the shelf to support the entire meat ball.

Then came the final step. The robot carefully cut an opening on the top of the shelf with a knife.

But the pictures coming from inside told them that the previous preparations were not unnecessary.

A deep opening was cut into the meat ball, and the opening was filled with a large amount of black and red liquid.

If not prepared in advance, the liquid would probably spurt out and flow on the ground the moment the meat ball was cut open.

As the liquid was extracted, the scene inside the meat ball was finally revealed to everyone.

There are all kinds of strange organs inside this meat ball, and you can't tell what their functions are just from the appearance.

What concerned Li Shiyi the most was the structure at the bottom of the meat ball.

A black round thing with red bumps all over it.

Obviously, this is the structure formed by the lizard-like monsters carrying turtle shells in the original Corisi army.

And this structure is probably an organ that can emit the kind of rays that can cause biological mutations.

Of course, the specific details still need to be studied.

What Li Shiyi is most concerned about is the reason why the Kelisi ecological transformation group is sleeping.

If you can crack this reason and use it for yourself, then you no longer need to worry about the threat posed by the Corisi ecological transformation group in the future.

After seeing the internal structure of the Kelisi Ecological Transformation Group, Li Shiyi also returned to the fortress.

As soon as they arrived on the fourth floor, they saw the mayor, Sun Lu, Han Feng and Qiangwei discussing something together at the table next to the main console. There was a woman Li Shiyi didn't recognize with them.

What are you talking about? Li Shiyi walked out of the elevator and asked several people.

Eleven, you're back. Upon hearing Li Eleven's voice, Qiangwei stood up from her chair and greeted Li Eleven with a smile on her face.

The mayor and Sun Lu also nodded to Li Shiyi and said hello, but Han Feng looked a little reserved.

But probably because he accepted his new identity, Han Feng just pretended to be casual and greeted Li Shiyi.

The woman Li Shiyi didn't recognize stood up straight, tapped her left chest with her right hand close to the shoulder, and saluted Li Shiyi.

Li Shiyi waved his hand, saying that she didn't need to be polite, and then asked Qiangwei: What are you discussing?

Of course it's Lulu's wedding. Qiangwei happily pulled Li Shiyi to the table and picked up a pile of documents to show Li Shiyi.

You see, this is the plan. It was designed by Ms. Liu Yingying Liu. She was engaged in planning work in this area before the end of the world.

Let me take a look. Hearing that it was Sun Lu's wedding planning, Li Shiyi also became interested, took the document in Qiangwei's hand and started to read it.

I have to say that professionals are different. There are many novel ideas in this document.

There are many plans in line with the apocalyptic style, and the environment of the fortress is cleverly used.

While watching, Li Shiyi nodded repeatedly: As expected of a professional, really good.

After receiving Li Shiyi's praise, Liu Yingying seemed very excited. She was obviously one of the people who believed in the Holy Religion and admired Li Shiyi very much.

Li Shiyi also saw this and said sternly to Liu Yingying: Thank you for your pious dedication, my believer, I will give you glory and rewards.

To be honest, this set of actions and rhetoric had been designed as early as the establishment of the Holy Cult, but now, this was the first time Li Shiyi had used it.

Holding back the feeling of being a middle school student and feeling ashamed, Li Shiyi finally said this sentence.

On the other side, Qiangwei He Sunlu was so full of smiles that she could no longer hold back.

As for the other party involved, Liu Yingying, she was so moved that she almost cried, and she quickly performed another holy ritual to Li Shiyi.

Obviously, as long as Li Shiyi was present, it was impossible for Liu Yingying to discuss issues with them seriously.

After sighing, Li Shiyi left a message, You guys discuss it slowly, I'll leave first. Then he took the elevator to the third floor.

Snow Wolf, let's go hunting. Carrying the Gauss rifle, Li Shiyi pushed open the door of the werewolf warrior training room on the third floor, and the blood wolf was training inside just as Li Shiyi expected.

This training room was specially built for werewolves. After all, the equipment used by ordinary people for training is simply a piece of cake for werewolves.

Things like sandbags can be broken even more casually.

In this training room, all the equipment is specially made and can fully meet the training needs of werewolves.

Naturally, the Blood Wolf would not refuse Li Shiyi's invitation. After stopping his movements, he left the fortress with Li Shiyi.

As for the hunting Li Shi mentioned, he naturally meant going out to kill zombies. This is also a new term that has recently emerged in the fortress.

Obviously, this is a way of naming that people produce after repression.

In the past, people were hiding from zombies and other monsters, but now, humans have finally gained the capital to hunt zombies.

During this period, one after another people have accumulated enough 1,000 contribution points to exchange for Li Shiyi's general-purpose gene enhancer.

This medicine is reusable, and one person can use up to three.

Although there would be no harm in using more general-purpose gene-enhancing agents, it would not have any effect.

So no one will use more than three in a row.

Of course, one thousand contribution points means killing 500 zombies and recovering the bodies of 500 zombies. In such a short period of time, it is almost impossible to complete this task alone.

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