As expected, although the sleeping Corisi transformation group was affected, it was still intact.

What reassures Li Shiyi is that even after suffering such an attack, the Corisi ecological transformation group showed no signs of recovery.

Then Li Shiyi controlled the robot to dig on the ground. After a while, a large hole was dug on the ground, revealing the roots of the Kelisi Ecological Transformation Group inside.

The next thing was simple. Use a lightsaber to cut off the entire Corisi ecological transformation group and part of the roots, and then many robots performed the task of transporting it.

After all, the Kelixi ecological transformation complex is almost as big as a bungalow, and Li Shiyi cannot move it by himself.

And the place where this thing was transported was not a fortress, but a biological laboratory in Baiquan City.

That laboratory had been specially built by Li Shiyi for this experiment, and there was enough space inside.

And the size of the channel is also designed according to the size of the Corisi ecological transformation group.

So the robots followed the passage and stuffed the Corisi ecological transformation group in.

It has to be said that the building synthesis function of the fortress is indeed very useful, and it can be easily manufactured as long as there are design drawings and enough materials.

The next thing they need to consider is how to open this thing.

After all, this is like a stone wrapped with jade. Even if you know that the jade inside is priceless, you still have to find a way to remove the outer stone so that it can display its true value.

Fortunately, the lightsaber is still effective against the shell of the scorpion. Although it is very laborious to cut, it only takes some time to break the scorpion's carapace.

Of course, the lightsaber is only effective against this ordinary carapace, and has no effect on the giant scorpion armor.

After all, the Scorpion Armor is not as simple as piecing together seven pieces of the Scorpion's carapace.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to make a whole scorpion armor using the carapace of a scorpion.

Subsequently, with the efforts of many robots, this sleeping Corisi ecological transformation group was finally completely cut away from the roots.

Now they only need to lift up the hard outer shell to see what's inside.

But Li Shiyi didn't do that. What he needed to do was bring back this sleeping Kelisi ecological transformation group.

Although he also wanted to open this thing and take a look at it to see what it looked like inside.

However, for safety reasons, he gave up the idea. If he accidentally damaged the structure inside and affected the research of the two professors, it would be more than worth the loss.

Of course, it didn't take long for Professor Fang and Professor Sun to rush over in time.

When it comes to doing experiments, they are much more enthusiastic and active than Li Shiyi.

Professor Fang and Professor Sun were accompanied by many soldiers and other researchers.

The soldiers first protected the two professors, and secondly, they also took on the task of helping them carry experimental equipment.

After probably more than an hour of busy work, the interior of the laboratory was finally decorated.

Li Shiyi and others also stood together with the two professors, observing the Kelisi ecological transformation group through the huge tempered glass.

At this time, there were many researchers inside wearing isolation suits and constantly recording something.

Some of them also carried some instruments to scan the sleeping Corisi ecological transformation group from time to time.

As time goes by, some data is constantly being sent out of the huge room.

The original holes in this sleeping Corisi ecological transformation group also provided some convenience for their experiments.

They used a special huge syringe to penetrate through the holes, penetrated the tissue inside, and obtained some black-red liquid.

According to Li Shiyi's idea, these syringes should not be inserted.

After all, when they threw grenades through these holes, they failed to cause any harm to the Corisi ecological transformation group.

But now these syringes were inserted very easily, but Li Shiyi thought about it for a moment and felt relieved.

Probably because this Corisi ecological transformation group is sleeping.

As the tissue fluid was collected, Professor Sun and Professor Fang also became busy and went to another room to start research.

Just when Li Shiyi felt a little bored, Professor Sun walked in from outside the room. Seeing this scene, Li Shiyi knew that he finally didn't have to wait any longer.

Mr. Li, you can ask the robot to open the outer shell of this thing. After our inspection, we have determined that opening the outer shell will not cause damage to the structure inside.

Okay, then let those people inside come out. Listening to Professor Sun's words, Li Shiyi smiled on his face.

It's true that he has stayed here for so long and finally waited for this moment.

Subsequently, the researchers in the isolation room withdrew, and Li Shiyi's robot was also sent in.

The robots formed a circle around the Corisi ecological transformation group, and then used their lightsabers to cut again along the gap that had been cut at the bottom.

Li Shiyi had previously ordered the robot to cut open the outer carapace because he was worried that taking rash actions would damage the internal structure of the Kelisi Ecological Transformation Group.

As for the fleshy structure attached to the carapace, it was not damaged at all.

The purpose of cutting open the carapace is also to prevent the thing from suddenly waking up.

If this Corisi ecological transformation group suddenly wakes up, at least if the carapace is opened, they can deal with it in time.

And Li Shiyi is now ordering these robots to cut open the fleshy structures inside.

After a while, the robots completed the cutting.

In addition, the entire carapace was also cut with a crack in the middle. After all, they couldn't lift such a big thing directly from above.

As a result, the shell of the Corisi ecological transformation group was like a cut watermelon, half removed from both sides by the robot, revealing the contents.

If Li Shiyi were to describe it, there would be a huge pink meat ball inside, and nothing else.

Obviously, what really works is within the package of this meat ball.

But the syringe just now told them that there was a lot of liquid in it, so they couldn't cut it rashly.

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi glanced at Qiangwei, who had already frowned with a look of patience on her face.

If you think this thing looks disgusting, you should go back to the fortress first. Li Shiyi hugged Qiangwei's shoulders and said with concern.

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