Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 200 Questioning

On the way back to the fortress, the three of them could not conceal their excitement while sitting in the car.

There are a total of 1,300 embryos in Baiquan City, which will hatch in twenty-eight days.

Now, their control is in the hands of Li Shiyi. In twenty-eight days, the fortress will have an army composed of Corisi biological weapons.

What concerned Li Shiyi the most was that according to the information given in the system illustration, the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo was level two.

You know, when you first met the gatekeeper, the information given in the system illustration was Level 1, but the Type I Corisi biological weapon was only in the embryonic stage but was rated as Level 2.

It can be inferred from this that after the Type I Corisi biological weapon is hatched, its own rating may reach level three.

Li Shiyi has already seen the special characteristics of the gatekeeper. If Li Shiyi hadn't temporarily obtained the permission to use the blood-thirsty battle ax, he might not have been able to deal with the opponent.

Not to mention that this biological weapon also has a huge size and superb defense power, and the huge size represents huge power and destructive power.

These two points alone are powerful enough, not to mention that as a biological weapon, it may also possess some special abilities.

Soon, Li Shiyi and his party returned to the fortress, and then Li Shiyi directly summoned the mayor and others to the operations hall.

I have good news to tell you. After everyone arrived, Li Shiyi didn't say any polite words, and kept his straight-to-the-point style as always.

Last time we found some special biological embryos in the city center, and the good news this time is related to it.

I control these embryos. After saying that, Li Shiyi stopped and watched the reactions of others quietly.

Controlled this embryo. What do you mean by control? The mayor adjusted his glasses nervously and looked at Li Shiyi, What do you mean?

Yes. Li Shi nodded. It was obvious that the mayor had guessed something.

What I mean by control is that after hatching, the creatures in these embryos will obey my orders.

And there are a total of 1,300 such embryos in Baiquan City.

Thirteen hundred! Upon hearing this number, Commander Qi of the Military Department stood up suddenly. He slapped his hands on the table and made a loud sound. Because he stood up too violently, the chair was overturned. On the ground.

Mr. Li, are you saying that there are a total of 1,300 embryos like this, and that they will all obey your orders after hatching?

Yes. Li Shi nodded, not paying attention to Commander Qi's somewhat rude behavior.

Commander Qi did not speak, but kept staring into Li Shiyi's eyes.

What, Commander Qi, don't you believe it? Li Shiyi smiled and leaned back on the chair.

Mr. Li, I am a soldier and I have always been straightforward, so I will speak out if I have anything to say. Commander Qi spoke again, with no emotion in his voice.

Please speak. Li Shiyi stretched out a hand forward to signal Commander Qi to continue.

I am deeply grateful and respectful to you for allowing our sanctuary to join the Citadel.

But in the face of a crisis like this, I don't think you should deceive us.

Oh? Even though he was questioned by Commander Qi, Li Shiyi still didn't get angry.

Commander Qi, do you think I'm deceiving you?

Is not it?

Then Commander Qi thinks, why should I deceive you?

I don't know. Although he admitted that he didn't know, Commander Qi still looked firmly at Li Shiyi's eyes.

I just don't know how Mr. Li did this. You said before that there are monster embryos in the city center, and many of them are buried deep underground.

This time you said that there are a total of 1,300 embryos, and they are all under your control.

This would be too conflicting.

Actually, I was already suspicious when you told us this information last time. I not only doubted the existence of embryos, but also suspected that you had exaggerated this crisis.

If what you say is true, then I hope you can explain how you knew there were monster embryos underground last time.

How did we get accurate numbers this time, and how do we get these things under control now.

Although Commander Qi said these words in a very offensive way, no one present said anything to stop him. It was obvious that the mayor and others also cared about this matter.

As for Qiangwei and Xuelang, they are of course unconditionally allowed to use them as newcomers, but they believe Li Shiyi can handle this matter and do not need their intervention.

That's a good question. Li Shi nodded, then stood up, walked to the window, opened it, and looked outside the window.

So, Commander Qi, have you ever thought about where this fortress came from?

Have you ever wondered why the fortress is so well-stocked.

Have you ever wondered where lightsabers, genetic enhancers, and even Gauss rifles and electromagnetic rail guns come from?

Have you ever wondered how I made enough contribution value inquiry devices for every soldier in the fortress overnight?

Have you ever thought about how that magical recycling function is achieved?

You have thought about it, not just you, I believe everyone here has thought about it, but they just haven't said it yet. Today Commander Qi asked you the questions you want to ask.

As soon as Li Shi looked away from the window, his eyes swept across everyone's faces.

Since everyone is so curious, I will give you an answer.

I came from the future.

Future? Not only Commander Qi, but also everyone present repeated this word softly.

Qiangwei and Xuelang also looked at Li Shiyi with interested expressions.

Yes, the future. Li Shi nodded, and then said this set of words that he had already prepared.

In the future, the apocalypse will still exist, and under the strong pressure brought by the apocalypse, human beings have exploded with unprecedented potential. Technology has developed very rapidly, and technology that travels through time and space has been invented.

And I was sent from the future to save the world.

These things are technologies of the future. As for the embryo incident, the reason why I gave different statements twice is because I received help from the future.

It requires a lot of energy and resources to allow a living being to travel through time and space alive, and it is highly risky, so I am the only one who comes.

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