Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 199 Corisi Biological Weapon Control Device

In other words, all parts of the Santana's body have been strengthened. If it were an ordinary vehicle, driving at this speed, it would probably fall apart soon.

As for the gatekeeper core rewarded by the system, Li Shiyi planned to exchange it for a scorpion armor after solving the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo, and synthesize the scorpion energy armor for the blood wolf.

The selection of evolvers previously carried out in the fortress has also been completed, with a total of 378 people. These people have also been specially formed into a team, the Evolution Team.

As for this team, Li Shiyi does not plan to use any gene enhancement potions for them for the time being, whether it is a general-purpose potion redeemed by contribution points or an ordinary gene enhancement potion produced by the Fortress Research Laboratory.

The purpose is to observe their evolutionary data and use it to understand the evolution of human beings in the end of the world.

In fact, Qiangwei, as the most evolved individual, is the most suitable for observation. However, Li Shiyi used the strengthening potion on Qiangwei early, and her current body data can no longer be used as the data of an evolved person.

Of course, no matter what, Li Shiyi will use genetic enhancement potion for Qiangwei. After all, the higher the strength, the safer it is.

Except for the evolvers, the residents in the fortress formed a total of 230 teams, and the number of each team was different. The minimum number was two people, and the maximum number was the upper limit of 100 people.

Those who did not participate in the battle were the old, young, women and children who did not have the ability to fight.

After all, more resources can be obtained by fighting, and the system of teams and super soldiers also greatly ensures the safety of the soldiers. In this case, everyone with combat capabilities participates in the battle.

The efficiency of this combat plan was also extremely high. In just a few days, Li Shiyi's virus points reached 100,000.

This is also because the situations in Baiquan City and Sioux City are different.

In Sioux City, almost all the zombies were eliminated by the three super creatures.

The scorpions use zombies as carriers to perfect themselves.

Octopus and the fish in the lake use zombies as food.

As for the blood wolf, it simply kills zombies. As an evolved creature that can swallow viruses, the blood wolf has the ability to attract zombies within a wide range.

In fact, most of the zombies in Sioux City were wiped out by octopuses and scorpions, and only a small part of them were wiped out by blood wolves.

But in Baiquan City, there are no scorpions, octopuses, or blood wolves.

Therefore, the zombies transformed by the residents of Baiquan City, except for some zombies in the city center who were devoured by Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos, and a small part that were eliminated by the shelter, most of them are still wandering in Baiquan City.

As a city with a population of half a million, it is conservatively estimated that there are still at least 100,000 zombies in Baiquan City, and the current combat operations of the fortress have only eliminated about half of this number.

After the virus points reached 100,000, Li Shiyi immediately purchased the Corisi biological weapon control device and drove to the city center of Baiquan City with Xue Lang and Qiangwei.

In fact, Li Shiyi originally did not want to bring the two of them, but the two of them firmly disagreed with Li Shiyi going into danger alone. Li Shiyi had no choice but to agree to bring them here.

People are always like this. In front of the people they care about, even if they know that the other person will not be in danger, they will still worry.

With the support of the god-level engine, it only took a short time for Li Shiyi and others to arrive in front of the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo they saw last time.

And the reason why they dared to drive at such a fast speed in the city center was because they had figured out the situation here last time.

Even though they saw this huge Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo, Li Shiyi and others still felt shocked. It was hard to imagine how powerful the creature hatched from such a large embryo would be.

And Li Shiyi just wants to say one thing now, that is.

Your biological weapon is very good, but now, it is mine!

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Li Shi jumped directly into the pit with the Corisi biological weapon control device after getting off the car, then walked on a tentacle and came to the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo.

Li Shiyi lowered his head and looked at the Corisi biological weapon control device in his hand, and then installed it on the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo.

The appearance of this device is also very strange. If he didn't know what it was in advance, Li Shiyi would even think it was a syringe.

This device is black, and its base is wrapped in a black shell. There are no lights or displays on it.

At the top of the base is a transparent container. Inside the container is a blue liquid mixed with a drop of Li Shiyi's blood.

When the base of this device came into contact with the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo, several spikes immediately protruded from it, fixing the entire device on it.

At the very center of the base, a needle protruded and penetrated into the embryo, and then a burst of electronic synthesized sound sounded from the device.

[The target is detected to be the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo, and control testing begins]

[It has been detected that the embryo has been controlled, and forced control is now carried out]

[Original control information is being cleared]

[Original control information has been cleared]

[Inject new control information]

After this prompt sounded, the liquid in the container at the top of the device was injected into the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo.

[New control information has been injected and is waiting to take effect]

[New control information has taken effect]

[Embryonic network detected]

[Prepare to distribute new control information throughout the network]

[The new control information has been distributed to the entire embryo network, and a total of 1,300 embryos have been detected]

[Start controlling information locking to prevent information from being cleared]

[Control information has been locked, the embryo is expected to hatch in twenty-eight days]

Afterwards, the device fell off from the embryos, and Li Shiyi also felt the existence of these embryos in his consciousness, just like the willow trees back then.

Three hundred embryos. With a hint of fear, Li Shiyi repeated the number of embryos, then turned and returned to the chariot.

Although the volume of the device's notification sound was not loud, Blood Wolf and Qiangwei both had extremely powerful hearing, so they also heard the notification sound just now.

Looking at Qiangwei and Xuelang with excited expressions on their faces, Li Shiyi smiled and sat back in the car.

Get in the car and let's talk as we walk.

Qiangwei and Xuelang also quickly got into the chariot.

In fact, Xue Lang and Qiangwei had witnessed the whole process. They just couldn't believe it. After they got in the car, Li Shi only said a word.

What you heard is true.

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