The appearance of this zombie is very strange. In the words of Blood Wolf, it looks like a monkey lying on the ground, but its head looks a bit like a mouse, and its hind legs look like a rabbit.

But the monkey tail on its butt clearly told the blood wolf that there was no scorpion in its body.

I don't know whether it mutated to look like this, or whether it became like this through fusion like a parasitic scorpion. Forget it, let's make a quick decision and take its body back to the two professors.

It didn't take long for the blood wolf to return to the fortress. He had also killed the strange zombie, and he was carrying the body in his hands and heading towards the research room.

This is what Professor Fang and Professor Sun specifically told them. Once any special type of zombie is discovered, the body must be brought back to them for research.

At this time, Xue Lang had also handed over the body to Professor Sun and Professor Fang.

Then two professors, let's continue their research. I still have to fight.

Professor Sun and Professor Fang did not speak, or even look at the blood wolf. They just nodded to indicate that they heard it, and then continued to study the zombie corpses in front of them.

In this way, the battle has lasted for two hours. Even with two shifts taking turns to fight, some people were already exhausted. Some older children even participated in the battle.

What Li Shiyi was most concerned about were the zombies that were said to be close to the fourth-order scorpions, but these powerful zombies did not appear for a long time, which made Li Shiyi slightly relieved.

Although with the existence of the electromagnetic railgun, Li Shiyi should be able to eliminate any zombies, but after all, it is the work of the Corisi virus, and Li Shiyi has to worry about whether there will be some strange individuals with special abilities.

If there is a monster specializing in speed or defense, or if multiple super zombies attack together, it is indeed unknown whether the electromagnetic railgun can cope with it.

In this way, the people in the fortress dragged their tired bodies and mechanically repeated the actions of placing orders, shooting, changing bullets, and continuing to shoot. The initial roars had also disappeared, followed by silence and Occasionally based complaints.

Damn, why are there so many zombies!

Stop talking and save some energy. The zombie wave in the distance shows no sign of stopping. I don't know how long this battle will last.

As the war continued, people's spirits were exhausted, and from time to time someone would be carried away due to exhaustion.

These people are not only overdrawn physically, but also mentally stressed.

Some people, because it was only their first battle, had already started to shake their gun hands. Fortunately, there were enough zombies and they didn't need to aim.

It was also at this time that Li Shiyi's voice spread throughout the fortress through the broadcast system.

This was also a part of the plan that was planned in advance. As the Holy Son of the Holy Religion and the belief of the people in the fortress, Li Shiyi’s voice could soothe their emotions and even stimulate their potential. Therefore, even if Li Shiyi was very Reluctantly, he followed the mayor's advice.

With Li Shiyi's comfort and encouragement, many people's emotions were gradually aroused, and people's enthusiasm gradually became high. With Li Shiyi's last words, Let us kill all the zombies together! With a loud voice, everyone inside the fortress shouted in unison.

Kill all the zombies!

Kill all the zombies!

Kill all the zombies!

In the main control room, Li Shiyi, who finally finished reading the manuscript, threw away the paper in his hand and sat on the chair.

At this time, he no longer needs to continue driving the fortress. Below the fortress is a hill made of zombie corpses. This is the location specially chosen by Li Shiyi. The terrain is high, and the zombies will not be able to touch it for a while. Get the fort.

After another hour or so, even the people who had stimulated their potential under Li Shiyi's encouragement were finally unable to fight anymore, so Li Shiyi ordered the start of the second phase of the battle.

After the order was given, everyone withdrew from the windows, and the windows on the first floor were closed one by one.

At the same time, the ladies who were previously part of the logistics force appeared in front of the windows on the second and third floors. Along with them, there were werewolves and super soldiers, and at their feet were placed, It's boxes of explosives.

Yes, they are responsible for the second stage of the battle. Maybe they are not good at using firearms, but throwing explosives is still no problem.

After everyone was ready, the order to attack was not issued immediately. As time passed, more and more zombies surrounded the fortress, and finally the fortress was completely surrounded.

Do it! It was at this moment that the order to attack was finally given. People activated the explosives in their hands and threw them towards the bottom of the fortress.

And this is exactly the effect of the plan. Wait for the zombies to gather together and surround the fortress before starting the bombing. This will cause each explosion to cause more damage. Secondly, even if someone cannot throw the explosives to It doesn't matter how far away it is, as long as it can be thrown under the fortress.

This battle lasted for two hours. The ladies' arms were already extremely sore, but they still persisted in throwing explosives outwards. Their performance also moved Li Shiyi.

Subsequently, Li Shih issued the order for the third phase of the battle. This phase of the battle was conducted entirely by werewolves and super soldiers.

For them, shooting and throwing explosives on the spot will not make them tired at all. Although the battle has lasted for several hours, they still have plenty of physical strength at this time. As the third phase of the battle begins, they They jumped from the window one after another and jumped into the pile of zombies with long knives in hand.

As soon as they landed, everyone was immediately surrounded by zombies, but they were all wearing the war armor issued by Li Shi, so they were not worried about being hurt by the zombies. As they moved, large swaths of zombies fell on the ground. For them, killing zombies in this way is faster than using a gun.

Often, with a swing of their swords, nearly ten zombies would be killed by the sword. Even if some zombies had their limbs chopped off and their heads were not in Shanghai, they would die after falling to the ground and having their heads crushed by their companions.

The werewolf warriors fought more violently, and some warriors even didn't even use their long knives. The zombies fell to the ground one after another with their sharp claws waving.

But even they had physical limits. After about two hours, they withdrew into the fortress, and the fourth phase of the battle began.

The fourth phase of the combat plan is also called the Iron Wall Plan, and the content of the plan is.

The fortress is completely closed, the defense is maintained, and all personnel rest. At this stage, someone only needs to keep an eye on the surveillance to prevent the emergence of super individuals that can endanger the fortress.

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