Just as Li Shiyi was observing the surroundings, he suddenly saw a huge figure appearing on the east side of the fortress. The thing seemed to be about ten meters tall, walking on all fours, and was huge.

What kind of monster is this?

It was obvious that this was the product of a mutation after some kind of animal became a zombie. At this time, it had undergone earth-shaking changes from its original appearance, causing Li Shiyi to be unable to recognize its species.

At this moment, the zombies at the front entered the firing range of the fortress. As the order was issued, everyone pulled the trigger almost at the same time.

Suddenly, gunshots rang through the sky, and the first real war between the fortress and the zombies began!

With the sound of gunfire, the main attackers in front of each window entered the battle, while the reservists on the side replenished their ammunition. After this logistical assistance, the logistics troops inside the fortress were also constantly busy. Delivering ammunition to the soldiers in front of each window.

With a thundering sound, the zombies at the front fell one by one like wheat blown by the wind.

After firing the first shot and killing the first zombie, those who had never fought before suppressed the fear and uneasiness in their hearts.

It turns out that shooting zombies is so easy, just kill them!

Da da da da~

At this moment, people were firing guns crazily, venting their anger and gloom.

In this apocalyptic world, almost everyone has relatives and friends who have died at the hands of zombies. How many people have fantasized about killing zombies with their own hands to avenge their relatives and friends, but they have never had the chance.

But this time, they finally waited for this opportunity, and people roared and shed tears while frantically slaughtering the zombies.

As the zombies fell, the following zombies did not know whether they were attracted by the gunshots or stimulated by the death of other zombies. They started walking and started running slowly, each with their mouths open. , making a hoarse roar and rushing towards the fortress crazily.

For a time, the air was filled with the strong smell of gunpowder and the unpleasant smell emitted by zombie corpses, and those with less combat experience gradually became accustomed to the use of firearms.

Countless zombies fell under the guns, but the number of zombies was too much. They stepped on the corpses of their own kind and charged towards the fortress fearlessly.

Obviously, this will be a protracted war, and it is impossible to kill so many zombies in a short period of time. Fortunately, since the construction of the fortress was completed, the production of weapons and ammunition has not stopped, and Li Shiyi has recovered a lot of materials. Most of the effort goes into this process.

Half an hour later, whistles sounded from all over the fort, which was an order to exchange combat rights. The main attacker and the reserve forces needed to exchange positions at this time.

But many people are unwilling to end. They are eager to fight and to vent their anger by killing zombies.

But in the end they were replaced, because they also knew that only by conserving their physical strength could they kill more zombies. If they kept fighting without resting, they would not be able to recover after half an hour's rest when they were exhausted. Came here.

In this way, as the two teams of men and horses continued to cycle back and forth, time slowly passed. The zombies had also stepped on the road paved with the corpses of the same kind, and finally came to the vicinity of the fortress.

But even so, no one was worried. The fortress at this time was supported by caterpillar tracks and was at a certain height from the ground. The zombies could not touch the fortress.

But as the zombie corpses increased, slowly, the zombies behind stepped on the corpses of the same kind and could almost touch the edge of the fortress.

Seeing this scene, Li Shiyi sat in Santana, turned off the environmental display inside Santana, and the steering wheel also appeared in front of him at this moment.

The last time I drove the fortress, I used my conscious driving. This time, I'm going to try the feeling of driving a tank.

As he spoke, Li Shiyi started the car, but with his actions, the last thing that started was the fortress.

Let's go!

Following Li Shiyi's movements, the entire fortress moved in the wilderness and crashed onto the ground where the corpses of the surrounding zombies were piled.

In the process, many zombies were ruthlessly crushed by the tracks and turned into a puddle of flesh.

I didn't expect it, I can move! Li Shiyi muttered while driving the fortress. He had watched many zombie movies in his previous life. In the movies, when zombies attacked the city, there would be zombie corpses piled up in hills. , in the end the zombies climbed up the city wall stepping on the corpses.

But this scene will not happen on the fortress, because the fortress will move.

At this moment, the voice of the blood wolf came from his earphones: Boss, I am about to go out. A strange zombie appeared outside. It is small in size, but extremely fast and has a strong power. With its jumping ability, that monster has killed many warriors through the window.”

Okay, then go ahead and remember to pay attention to safety.

Okay, boss. After hearing Li Shiyi's reply, Xuelang hung up the communication.

Li Shiyi continued to drive the fortress and was not worried about the blood wolf.

Of course, this is not because Li Shiyi doesn't care about the blood wolf, but because Li Shiyi's scorpion energy armor is currently wearing the blood wolf. With the existence of the mechanical energy armor, even if the blood wolf encounters Monsters that cannot be defeated will not be in any danger. After all, the armor supported by the scorpion carapace has a very strong defense.

The blood wolf, who had received Li Shiyi's instructions, had already arrived outside the fortress. As soon as he appeared, his appearance made the zombies retreat one after another, as if there was something in the blood wolf that frightened them.

Seeing this scene, Xue Lang lowered his head and looked at the scorpion energy armor on his body. It was obvious that the gatekeeper core in the armor was playing a role. As a Corisi tribesman, although the gatekeeper is only the lowest, But it is also much more advanced than the biological status caused by these Corisi virus infections. It has the natural ability to suppress zombies at the life level.

I didn't expect the Gatekeeper Core to have such a role. Listening to Xue Lang's report in the earphones, Li Shiyi had a look of surprise on his face.

The blood wolf also started fighting with the strange zombie at this time. Facing this zombie, the core of the gatekeeper was still exerting a suppressive effect, but the blood wolf could feel that this zombie was not only afraid of the core of the gatekeeper. Besides, there is also desire inside.

It seems that this core has some effect on zombies. While analyzing the information in front of him, the blood wolf quickly attacked the zombie.

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