Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 132 Losing control

Crazy, who is crazy? Tell me clearly what happened? Lin Feng heard what the person who came in said and rushed over, grabbed the person's shoulders and asked loudly.

At the same time, Li Shiyi had already controlled the robot and rushed out, running into the blood wolf that had just arrived.

Xue Lang, come with me quickly. Seeing Xue Lang coming over, Li Shiyi shouted quickly.

He was originally going to find the blood wolf, but just in time the blood wolf arrived, which saved him time.

Okay. Xue Lang nodded, then turned around and followed Li Shiyi.

Do you know where the people from the search team are? Li Shiyi asked as he walked.

Each hunting team has its own room. I don't know which team you are talking about.

The team that just came back.

Then they should be in the armaments hall on the first floor. After each operation, the search team has to go there to count the losses and report the number of firearms and ammunition that need to be replenished. Then someone will deliver the supplies they want to the room where their team is located.

Take me to the armaments hall, hurry up. Hearing that Xue Lang knew the location of the search team, Li Shiyi quickly urged, and then rushed towards the first floor at full speed.

After arriving on the first floor. , Li Shiyi saw the so-called crazy member of the search team at a glance. At this time, he had been subdued. Two werewolves were pressing him to the ground, and the residents of the shelter surrounded them. He walked in a circle and watched from a distance.

Let us pass. Walking to the outside of the circle formed by the crowd, Xue Lang shouted. When the surrounding residents saw that it was Xue Lang and Li Shiyi coming, they consciously stepped aside and made way for them.

Captain Blood Wolf, Lord Trader, you are here. When the two werewolves saw it was Li Shiyi and Blood Wolf, they raised their heads and said hello.

Well. Li Shiyi didn't say anything. He lowered his head and glanced at the members of the search team on the ground. The appearance of this member had not changed much. His face was full of crazy expressions. Only his pupils were still alive. Seeing some emotions is pain.

After observing, Li Shi said to the two werewolves: Take him and follow me.

After saying that, Li Shiyi turned around and walked towards the research room of the shelter, while the blood wolf and the werewolf escorted the man and followed him.

When Li Shiyi arrived at the research room, he saw that Professor Fang and Professor Sun had prepared a hospital bed. After seeing Li Shiyi, they said to Li Shiyi: I knew you would definitely take him. Whoever comes here, help him over first.

After hearing what Professor Fang said, he quickly turned back to the two werewolves and said, One of you will put him on the bed, face down, and the other one will find a rope to tie him up. Move quickly.

The two werewolves quickly acted according to Li Shiyi's instructions. Taking advantage of this time, Li Shiyi asked Professor Sun and Professor Fang: How did you know that I would come over? Do you know about the hunting team?

No. Professor Fang shook his head, We don't know the specific things, but we know that they went to the Scorpion Valley to perform a mission. In this way, if something goes wrong with them, you will most likely bring them there. We are here, so as soon as we heard the news that the search team had an accident, we quickly started preparations.

Awesome. Li Shiyi gave a thumbs up, and at this time, the werewolf had already tied up the man with a rope.

Seeing that the man was under control, several people quickly surrounded him. Professor Fang and Professor Sun stood far away to prevent any danger. Xuelang stood between the two professors and the team member to protect them. stand up.

Li Shiyi stood beside the bed and reached out to lift up the man's shirt.

Sure enough. After opening their clothes, a small black scorpion tail that had obviously just grown out was exposed in front of them.

Li Shiyi reached out and pinched the tail gently, and the team member began to struggle violently.

Seeing this scene, Li Shiyi let go of the tail, and then said to Professor Sun and Professor Fang: It must be a scorpion. I didn't expect this thing to be able to parasitize humans.

Actually, Professor Sun and I already had this speculation after we discovered that parasitic scorpions can produce viruses on their own. Unfortunately, the hunting team had already set off by that time. Professor Fang said with a frown.

Can he still be saved? Li Shiyi asked, looking at the members of the search team who were twisting wildly.

Professor Fang sighed and replied: It's hopeless. I suggest giving him a good life.

You don't want to keep it for research? Li Shiyi asked in surprise.

Li Shiyi did not expect that the shelter would actually agree to kill this team member. After all, living samples that had been invaded by machines should be rare experimental materials.

The virus nerves generated by the parasitic scorpion should be eroding his brain now, but his brain is not dead yet. He should be in pain now. Even if we do nothing, his brain will die in a few hours. .”

Rather than studying how parasitic scorpions invade the bodies of living people, we think it is more important to give him a happy life. After all, he became like this for the sake of shelter. As for research, his corpse is probably enough.

Well, since you all said so, let's give him a ride. Forgive me for being safe, Li Shiyi walked to the werewolf warrior, picked up the werewolf warrior's gun, and pointed it at the head of the team member.

At this time, the team member's eyes were also looking at Li Shiyi. Li Shiyi didn't know if it was his own illusion or something. He always felt that there was a hint of begging in the eyes of the team member when he looked at him, as if As if urging him to shoot.


After the gunfire, the research room became quiet. The body of the team member finally stopped struggling. Li Shiyi had walked over, stroked his face with his hand, and closed his eyes for him.

Then, Li Shiyi turned around and walked outside without saying anything.

After leaving the research room, Li Shiyi saw that the mayor had also come down. Lin Feng was standing next to the mayor, being held by two werewolf warriors by the arm, and was talking loudly to the mayor.

The sound of Li Shiyi approaching attracted Lin Feng's attention. Lin Feng turned around and saw Li Shiyi. He blushed instantly and shouted to Li Shiyi: What happened to the gunshot just now? You guys What happened to Huzi!

Li Shiyi did not answer his words, but walked over quickly, then raised his gun and pointed it at Lin Feng's eyebrows.

Li Shiyi's move greatly exceeded everyone's expectations and successfully calmed Lin Feng down.

I killed him. I put a gun to his head like this and killed him. You ask me, do you want to accompany him? A cold and emotionless voice came from the robot's mouth. , passed into Lin Feng’s ears, “Do you have any dissatisfaction?”

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