Before Li Shiyi could finish digesting the information just now, Professor Fang continued: In addition, we also analyzed the DNA of the parasitic scorpion. Its DNA has no similarity with any creature known to mankind. We It’s not even possible to figure out what kind of creature it’s supposed to be.”

What does this mean?

This means that the scorpion creature did not evolve or mutate from any known creature on earth. You know, even the genes of the blood wolf,

It is also possible to find the human part in it. The genes of various creatures, including mutant octopuses, can be traced. Only the genes of the parasitic scorpion cannot be found from any source.

Where did you get the mutated octopus gene? Li Shiyi asked doubtfully.

We separated it from the pheromones you asked Mr. Blood Wolf to bring back. Professor Fang glanced at Li Shiyi strangely, as if he was wondering why Li Shiyi's focus was here.

Then Professor Fang continued: Based on this result, parasitic scorpions are like creatures that appear out of thin air, or even species that do not belong to the earth.

A species that does not belong to the earth? After hearing this, Li Shiyi became completely serious. Even the fact that the organs of parasitic scorpions can produce viruses did not make him care so much.

After all, it has now been proven that the virus cannot spread through the air, and Li Shiyi is not worried at all about water sources.

But if this scorpion is really a species that does not belong to the earth, then perhaps their discovery is a key, a key to unlocking the truth of the doomsday.

This is for you. While thinking, Li Shiyi took something out of his pocket and handed it to Professor Fang.

What is this, the branch of the mutated willow tree you gave to the shelter? Professor Fang took what Li Shiyi handed over and took a look.

Yes. Li Shi nodded, I just broke it casually. I thought it might be useful for your research. It's mainly because it's a bit difficult to break it with your own strength, so I asked the golden mask to break it for you. A paragraph.”

Then thank you in advance. We really need a large number of samples of mutated organisms.

This is not difficult. Li Shi nodded, The octopus in the lake has already listened to me. When the time comes, I will catch you some mutated aquatic animals from the lake.

That's great, Mr. Trader, let me go and do some work first, and you can take a look around on your own. After saying that, Professor Fang took Professor Sun to do research without waiting for Li Shiyi's answer.

Professor Fang is really a research madman. Li Shiyi sighed and shook his head, but did not mean to blame Professor Fang.

After leaving the laboratory, Li Shiyi once again controlled the robot and returned to the mayor's office. As soon as he entered, he found a person reporting something to the mayor.

Li Shiyi took a closer look and could tell that the clothes the man was wearing were the uniforms of the shelter hunting team, but they were now in pieces.

It was as if he had just gone through a battle, and as he reported, the mayor's expression became more and more serious.

Seeing Li Shiyi come in, the mayor said to the man: Xiao Lin, tell Mr. Trader briefly what you just told me.

Okay. The man named Xiao Lin nodded, turned around, and said to Li Shiyi with a respectful look: Hello, Mr. Trader, I am the captain of the seventh search team of the shelter, Lin wind.

Hello. Li Shi nodded, Don't be so polite to me, just tell me if you have anything.

Okay. Lin Feng nodded, and then continued: That's it, today my team and I were ordered to go out to collect samples. The place we went to was the valley of Beilishan, the same place where you fought before.

We were originally going to collect samples of the remaining biological corpses there, but when we got there, we found that all the corpses there had disappeared.


These discoveries in the shelter today really gave Li Shiyi a big surprise. First, it was said that parasitic scorpions can produce viruses, then it was said that parasitic scorpions may not be earth creatures, and now it is said that thousands of corpses in the valley have disappeared. .

Go on. Li Shiyi didn't think for too long, then waved his hand to indicate to Lin Feng that he could continue.

After discovering such an anomaly, I led my team to investigate into the valley. After all, this is also our responsibility. The search team also has the obligation to detect potential threats to the refuge.

During the investigation, we found traces of dragging bodies on the ground. Following the traces, we arrived in the middle of the valley, where we found a cave entrance.

The entrance to the cave? Li Shiyi muttered. He clearly remembered that there should be a pile of rocks there.

Yes, there is a cave entrance there. Lin Feng continued, When we approached the cave entrance, something changed.

In that cave entrance, a large number of monsters suddenly ran out. They were in the same shape as the monsters in the valley you described before. They were all made up of various creatures that were randomly spliced ​​together.

We didn't take it seriously at first, because we knew that a monster of that level would die if its head was smashed, and the hole was not big, and the frequency of monsters appearing was very slow, so we were able to cope with it.

But not long after, the ground of the valley suddenly shook, and then cracks appeared on the ground starting from the entrance of the cave.

After we escaped, we found a huge hole in the valley floor, and a huge scorpion emerged from it. It seemed to be three or four meters tall, and with its tail, it was more than ten meters long.

The fourth stage of the scorpion! After hearing this, Li Shiyi thought of this immediately.

We don't know what kind of monster it is. In short, in addition to it, a large number of low-level monsters also emerged. Fortunately, after a hard battle, all of us escaped back. We paid special attention on the way. There are no monsters following us back.”

Li Shiyi lowered his head in deep thought without looking at Lin Feng. After hearing Lin Feng's words, he said to the mayor: Mayor, I suggest that the people in this team be isolated and not allowed to come into contact with the residents of the shelter.

Mr. Trader, are you doubting us? Lin Feng asked in disbelief after hearing Li Shiyi's words.

It's not that I don't believe you, it's that there's something fishy about this matter. Li Shiyi shook his head, The people in our organization have fought with those monsters before. I know those monsters. It's impossible for you to survive their pursuit with your speed. came down, but you still came back without even sacrificing a single person, there must be something wrong here.

Mr. Trader, our manhunt team is loyal to the shelter and risks our lives every day to go out. We.

That's enough! Li Shiyi shouted angrily, interrupting Lin Feng, I just said that you should be isolated, not imprisoned, and I didn't say that I would kill you. Since you said that you are loyal to the shelter, why are you doing this? Don’t you want to do anything?”

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you brought back the eggs of the scorpion on your body and infected the shelter?

Just as Li Shiyi finished these words, another person rushed in from outside the door and shouted: Oh no, someone in the search team is crazy!

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