Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 124 The Blood Wolf’s Premonition

Send the scorpion. Li Shiyi muttered the name, and then looked at the position of the three small orangutan monsters on the ground. Obviously, these three monsters were not dead, because Li Shiyi just smashed their heads. , the core at the tail was not attacked.

Then he called Snow Wolf over, took the lightsaber from Snow Wolf's hand, walked to the side of the three small orangutan monsters, and chopped their bodies into pieces with the sword, leaving only the piece near the tail, and this , the system still did not give a kill sound.

After disposing of the corpses, Li Shi gave an order to Team Canglang: Take these three samples back and give them to Professor Sun and Professor Fang, and let them study them to see what happened to this monster.

Okay, Lord Gold Mask.

Hearing this title, Li Shiyi was stunned for a moment. Because there were many people present, Li Shiyi was wearing a golden armor mask, and among those people, except Ye Han, was one of the identities he used to disguise himself a long time ago.

If you hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten that I even made this disguised identity. Li Shi muttered in a low voice, and then told: Be careful of these corpses when you go back. They are still active and may be harmful to you. You launched the attack.

Okay. Captain Fu of the Canglang Team nodded, and then began to direct the Canglang Team to move, taking the soldiers who had collapsed on the ground under the effects of the toxin out of the range of the poisonous mist.

Seeing that there was nothing going on here, Li Shiyi called out to Xuelang. The two got in the car and left first.

Boss, why do they call you Golden Mask? Aren't you a trader? In the car, Xue Lang asked a question that he had not asked in the valley just now.

This is one of my previous disguised identities. No one in the shelter has seen my face. The identity of 'Trader' has always been in contact with the shelter online or through robots, and I sometimes go out for operations. I will wear this mask like today, and the information sent to the shelter through my trader identity says that I am called Golden Mask.

Boss, with your strength and relationship with the shelter, is it necessary to do so many disguises?

Hearing Xuelang's words, Li Shiyi smiled: At that time, I was not as powerful as I am now, and the relationship with the shelter was not what it is now. It is always right to be careful.

So that's it. Xue Lang nodded.

As Xue Lang said, Li Shiyi no longer needs to disguise himself in front of the Sanctuary. His current strength has far exceeded that of the Sanctuary. The Blue Wolf Team is now a team of the Sanctuary in name, but in fact But he obeyed the blood wolf's orders.

Li Shi was not worried at all that the 140 werewolves who were residents of the shelter would not listen to him, because the blood wolf told him that those people relied on the blood of the blood wolf to become werewolves, and the blood wolf had a higher rank for them. With the suppression power, even those who used to hate the blood wolf will be willing to obey the blood wolf's orders from the bottom of their hearts when they are suppressed at a high level.

But Li Shiyi didn't intend to tell everything to the shelter. There was no need to do so. He could just maintain the status quo. It wouldn't matter even if the shelter discovered the truth of the matter in the future.

Li Shi drove the car to a deserted place, and then took the blood wolf into a different dimension.

As soon as he entered, Xuelang called out to Li Shiyi: By the way, boss, I have something to tell you.

What's the matter? Tell me. Li Shiyi looked at Xue Lang.

I have had a premonition recently. I feel that the current situation is not the true face of the doomsday. It will not be long before the doomsday changes again, and then a new and even greater crisis will appear.

Premonition? Li Shiyi looked at Xuelang doubtfully.

“This is my ability to gather information and analyze it to predict the future to a certain extent.”

This process of collection and analysis is not completed in my mind, but occurs spontaneously as an ability. My mind will only receive the results fed back by this ability. Of course, this is also because of this I am not familiar with the ability yet, but once I become familiar with it, this ability will become controllable.

So that's it. Li Shiyi frowned and nodded.

Originally, he had not taken Xue Lang's so-called premonition seriously, but after listening to Xue Lang's explanation, Li Shiyi gradually started to pay more attention to this matter.

It seems that I have to find a way to upgrade the different-dimensional space as soon as possible. Li Shiyi thought to himself, then brought up the resource panel and looked at the two items he cared about most:

[Dimensional space stone fragment: 1840]

【Energy Crystal: 54127】

Looking at the numbers in front of him, Li Shiyi touched his chin. He had gained a lot this night. He and the blood wolf killed a large number of infected creatures. These infected creatures were more advanced than ordinary zombies. Killing each one will give you 20 points. Energy crystals. After this battle, his energy crystals reached more than 50,000.

Then Li Shiyi clicked on the different-dimensional space panel:

【Different dimension space】

[Size: 500*500 meters]

[Facilities: Agricultural and Livestock Base, Enhancer Research Institute]

[Upgrade conditions: Space Dimension Stone*2+Energy Crystal*50000]

[After upgrade status: The size is 1000*1000 meters, a technology will be activated immediately, and the existing technology will be upgraded]

[Current status: Insufficient conditions, unable to upgrade]

Enough energy crystals, 18 space dimensional stones can be synthesized, and there are still more than a hundred fragments left to upgrade to another dimension. Li Shiyi murmured to himself as he looked at the data.

It seems that materials still need to be recycled.

Early the next morning, Li Shiyi and Xue Lang had a meal, and then left the extra-dimensional space.

Boss, do you have anything to do today? Xue Lang asked Li Shiyi while walking on the streets of Sioux City.

Xuelang, don't be afraid of what I'm going to do next. Li Shiyi replied as he walked away.

Don't worry, boss, I'm a blood wolf, I won't be afraid. The blood wolf nodded seriously.

Then he saw Li Shiyi walking to a ruins on the roadside, reaching out and touching the ruins, and the ruins disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Xue Lang's eyes widened in disbelief.

Li Shiyi also heard the system prompt in his ear.

Recover building ruins, reward steel*500, concrete*20,000, space dimension stone fragment*1.

Not bad, not bad. I got a dimensional space stone fragment in my first recovery today. This is a good sign. Li Shiyi was very happy after listening to the system prompts.

Boss, are you talking about magic? The blood wolf finally came to his senses at this time, and then asked Li Shiyi a magical question.

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