After the orangutan monster landed, he roared toward the sky. Following his roar, the small orangutan monsters also took action. The four orangutan monsters arrived at four locations on the battlefield.

Then I saw them all raising the scorpion tails behind them high, and then faint black smoke spurted out from them, and then they moved very quickly. As they moved, the smoke soon attracted all the warriors and The monsters are all wrapped up in it.

Seeing this scene, everyone took out the gas masks prepared in advance and put them on their faces.

Li Shiyi thought of this possibility when he saw the orangutan monster with a scorpion tail behind it, so he reminded the shelter to ask everyone to bring gas masks.

However, what surprised everyone was that the gas masks had no great effect in the smoke. As the poisonous mist spread, everyone except Li Shiyi began to behave strangely.

This poisonous mist does not seem to have strong damage capabilities. Its effect is to make people feel paralyzed, and the one hundred super soldiers collapsed to the ground due to the paralysis in a short period of time.

Looking at this scene, Li Shiyi was secretly glad that he had upgraded the air purification system for the tank, otherwise he would have fallen to the ground by now.

At this time, the blood wolf noticed that all the monsters present were not affected by the poisonous mist, so he quickly rushed to a monster and smashed the monster's head with his sharp claws.

Then, his claws began to change, and a tentacle grew on his index finger. The tentacle slowly extended and touched the monster's wound.

This tentacle is part of the blood wolf's rapid evolution ability. It can analyze the abilities of living things through the tentacles and produce corresponding evolutions in a short period of time.

After a few seconds, the blood wolf withdrew his tentacles. At this time, he already had the ability to be immune to toxins.

Then, he cut his finger, and then moved quickly. Every time he met a member of the Canglang Team, he would drop a drop of his blood into the other person's mouth.

These members of the Blue Wolf Team are all werewolves who evolved through the blood of blood wolves. Each of them has abilities similar to those of blood wolves. Of course, they do not have the potential to evolve infinitely, but after blood wolves acquire new abilities, , you can still use your own blood to let the members of the Canglang Team gain corresponding abilities.

As for those super soldiers and werewolves who transformed through potions, the blood wolf did not give them blood, because eating his blood directly would cause the other party to permanently become a werewolf or die.

The members of the Blue Wolf Team did not have the ability to evolve quickly, but under the influence of the blood of the Blood Wolf, they also initially gained a certain degree of immunity to poison, allowing themselves to return to a state where they could move normally.

In this state, their bodies are extremely weak, and their strength and speed are greatly reduced, but even so, they are more than enough to deal with ordinary monsters.

After temporarily resolving the crisis of the poisonous mist, the blood wolf's body flashed with electric light, and once again rushed in front of the orangutan monster and started fighting with it.

At this time, Li Shiyi also consumed part of the material to repair the electromagnetic railgun. At this time, the gun body was flashing blue light, aiming at the orangutan monster that he had been careful about.

boom! With a huge sonic boom, the cannonball accurately hit the monster's head, smashing it to pieces.

Later, Li Shiyi followed the same pattern and killed the other two monsters one by one.

At this time, the Canglang team also cleared all the ordinary monsters in the valley, and now the only thing left is the last orangutan monster who is fighting the blood wolf.

At this time, Li Shiyi finally saw the true ability of this monster. The lightsaber in the hands of the blood wolf was very effective in slashing the monster, and every time it slashed, it would cause a large wound.

But while this monster was fighting the blood wolf, it was still devouring the corpses of other monsters with its huge mouth.

At this time, its body has become extremely huge, more than four meters tall. The huge body has limbs of many different creatures, and even the number of heads has reached seven.

Under such a size, the wounds made by the lightsaber have almost no sense of existence.

Sitting in the chariot, Li Shiyi frowned tightly. He had previously shattered the head of the orangutan monster with one shot. According to past experience, even an infected monster would not survive after being shattered. The head would die later, but the monster did not die.

At this time, as many as seven heads grew on its body. Even as it continued to devour corpses, the number of heads was gradually increasing, and its life aura also became very huge, exceeding the limit. A big part of the blood wolf.

There must be some kind of weakness. There can't be such an unkillable creature. Li Shiyi frowned, his brain working rapidly, thinking about ways to win.

During this process, he never stopped attacking, and all weapons were firing continuously. However, his attack was just like the blood wolf's attack. The wounds caused were too small and were insignificant to the monster.


At this moment, Li Shiyi suddenly noticed that no matter how the monster's body changed, there was only one feature that always remained, that is, there was always a scorpion tail behind them, and the huge monster seemed to be conscious. The ground uses its front to receive attacks and rarely exposes its back.

Li Shiyi vaguely felt that the position of the scorpion's tail was probably the core of the monster, so he quickly shouted: Attack the position of the scorpion's tail!

The sound amplified by the chariot reached the blood wolf's ears, and then he quickly looked behind the monster, and sure enough he found the already inconspicuous tail. At this time, he had also realized that this tail had always existed. , 80% is the core part of the monster.

After determining the attack target, the blood wolf's body began to transform, becoming a cheetah-like form that he had changed before. As white air spewed out from the blowholes on both sides of his body, his speed was greatly increased, and then Like a red lightning, it climbed up the monster's huge body.

At this time, the monster has become a mountain of flesh that is ten meters high and cannot move. It can only collect flesh and blood by relying on the limbs of other monsters on the edge. The blood wolf looks very small on this monster.

Along the way, there were constantly limbs of various creatures trying to stop him, but they were all cut off one by one by the lightsaber in his hand.

Soon, he arrived at the location of the scorpion's tail. At the same time, the various biological limbs on the monster were waving more crazily, and new limbs were constantly sprouting around the blood wolf's location.

But none of this caused any trouble to the blood wolf. He raised his lightsaber and slashed hard at the scorpion tail. The scorpion tail was cut off instantly, and the entire monster's body began to twitch crazily.

Seeing this, the blood wolf raised his lightsaber again and stabbed it hard into the position of the broken tail. Then he stirred hard, and with a piercing cry, the entire mountain of meat became silent again.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Li Shiyi's ears [Kill mutated infected creature: giant scorpion, killing stage: third stage, reward energy crystal*2000]

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