Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 120 Monster in the Valley

Beili Mountain and Linyi Lake are famous scenic spots near Sioux City. They can be described as beautiful mountains and clear waters. One of these two scenic spots is located in the northeast and the other in the southeast. They brought a lot of economy to Sioux City before the end of the world.

However, in this doomsday, Beilishan, which used to be full of vitality, is now a dilapidated scene.

On Beili Mountain, Xue Lang took the lightsaber given to him by Li Shiyi and cut through the thorns in front, cutting down dead trees that were in the way and clearing the way for the chariot behind.

Boss, why do you have to drive up the mountain? Xue Lang asked with a slight complaint while waving his lightsaber. Although cleaning up dead trees and branches was a very simple task for him, he Still can't understand Li Shiyi's behavior.

You don't understand. Li Shiyi looked at the resentful look on the blood wolf's face and replied with a smile, I, your boss, have all my abilities on this chariot.

I know. I saw the cannon on your car before in the park. It is indeed very powerful. But this time we are just doing reconnaissance. Is it necessary to do this?

Be careful with your ten-thousand-year-old ship, Blood Wolf. I call it prepared. If anything else, if you encounter danger, having a chariot is an extra layer of protection.

Li Shiyi was almost tired of saying this word.


Although the opening of the road slowed down the two of them slightly, they were actually still very fast. After a while, the two of them were close to the top of the mountain.

Li Shiyi kept the life scan on while going up the mountain, but he didn't find any signs of life other than him and the blood wolf along the way.

This is extremely abnormal. There are a lot of vegetation on Beili Mountain. With such a huge base, there should be quite a few mutated plants. Before in the city, he turned off the detection of plant life in the life scanning function, but now he has It was opened, but no sign of life was found.

After discovering this abnormality, Li Shiyi called out to Xuelang, and the two stopped.

Go directly to this direction. The super creature is here. Maybe when we get there we will know what is causing the strange phenomena on this mountain.

Boss, how do you know where that super creature is? Xue Lang turned around, blinked, and asked Li Shiyi.

I can see the aura of living things. The more powerful the aura of a creature, the more obvious it is. I relied on this ability to discover you.

Oh, that's it. Xue Lang nodded, Then let's set off, boss.

Let's go, be careful on the road and pay attention to what's going on around you.

After saying that, the two set off again, heading in the direction of the super creature.

Not long after, Li Shiyi discovered signs of life for the first time on the life scanning interface. It was a red dot, which represented an infected creature ahead.

So he slowed down the car and started to move forward cautiously with the blood wolf.

The further he walked, the more Li Shiyi was thankful for his decision to move forward cautiously, because as he moved forward, a large number of red dots appeared densely on the map, as if a mountain of creatures had gathered in this area.

Looking at the red on the screen, Li Shiyi stopped the car, then took out a robot and asked the robot to move forward instead of him. The blood wolf hesitated for a moment, then quickly grew an exoskeleton on his body, and then faced Li Shiyi Said: Let me take a look too, boss.

At this time, part of Li Shiyi's consciousness has been transferred to the robot. While controlling the robot, he said to Xuelang: Okay, but you have to be careful. If there is danger, just run away. With your speed, you should It can run. If my robot breaks down, it will break down. It doesn’t matter.

Don't worry, boss. After saying that, the blood wolf chased after the robot.

This time, the two of them moved very slowly. After advancing about two hundred meters, Li Shiyi and the others came to the edge of a valley, and saw a scene in the valley that surprised him.

In the center of the valley, there is a high raised stone pile. Standing on the stone pile is a very strange monster, which looks like many animals pieced together.

Li Shiyi carefully identified it. The monster was mainly a gorilla, with a scorpion's tail growing from its back. Its giant hands had long sharp claws that clearly did not belong to him, and there were also long claws on its back. It has a pair of bird wings, its pupils have also changed into the shape of a feline, and its mouth extends forward, forming a look similar to that of a wolfdog. Under the influence of the virus, all the fur on its body has fallen off and been replaced by A layer of scales.

In addition to it, the valley is full of densely packed infected creatures, and they are all like the mutant orangutan. Each creature has the characteristics of a variety of creatures. What these creatures have in common is that they all have scales growing on their bodies. , and no creature is standing in the shadow, all creatures are exposed to the sun.

Boss, why do I feel like these creatures are basking in the sun? At the edge of the valley, the blood wolf asked the robot in a low voice.

They are just basking in the sun. If I guessed correctly, the scales on their bodies should absorb the energy contained in the sun's rays.

This valley is too strange. These creatures are all in a mess, as if they were put together by man. There are even branches growing on the bodies of animals, and animal mouths growing on the tops of trees. How did this come to be? Li Shiyi became more and more frightened as he watched. He accidentally hit a stone at the bottom of the valley.

The sound of rolling stones also attracted the attention of the monsters in the valley.


The mutated orangutan in the center of the valley stood up and let out a roar, and then other creatures responded one after another. The roars of various animals suddenly rang out in the originally extremely quiet valley.

Then, the orangutan roared again and pointed a finger in the direction of the blood wolf and Li Shiyi. Following his movements, the creatures in the valley rushed towards the blood wolf and the robot. , some of them with wings even flew over directly.

Let's go! Li Shiyi roared, and then he suddenly pulled up the blood wolf and ran towards the chariot. You quickly become smaller. When you come here, you can get in the car directly. You don't want me as a robot anymore!

After speaking, Li Shiyi controlled the robot and rushed into the group of monsters.

Their location was only about 200 meters away from Li Shiyi's chariot. Under the speed of the blood wolf, the robot fought for this moment and the blood wolf came directly to the chariot.

Seeing Xue Lang coming, Li Shiyi quickly opened the passenger door, and then Xue Lang rushed in like a red light.

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