Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 119 The Second Super Creature

However, the mayor didn't care about the reason why Li Shiyi asked the question. He just answered: Please wait for this question and I will take a look.

After saying that, the mayor looked through the information again. After a while, he pulled out a document and said to Li Shiyi: I found it. Let me take a look. 31% of these people need to gain strength to kill zombies. To avenge their families, most of these people have lost all their loved ones.”

There are also 27% who agree with the view that werewolves are more advanced humans and want to evolve, so they participated in this project.

Hearing this, Li Shiyi glanced at Xue Lang secretly. He could clearly see that Xue Lang became obviously happy when he heard this.

There are also 33% who hope to gain strength to defend the shelter. However, after investigation, a large part of this group are people with impure motives and have been screened out.

In the end, there are 1% of people who have some miscellaneous reasons, which I won't go into.

Very good. It seems that starting the werewolf project is the right choice. After hearing the answer he wanted, Li Shiyi nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: Then the remaining people who did the genetic matching test, When will the results be available?”

It's already out. Li Shiyi had just finished asking when a voice came from behind him. Li Shiyi looked back and found that it was Professor Sun who came in from outside.

Mr. Trader, Mr. Xue Lang, hello. After Professor Sun came in, he first greeted Li Shiyi and Xue Lang, and then continued.

After testing, a total of 140 of the 307 people passed the genetic matching test. If nothing else, they can all become excellent werewolf warriors.

Quite a few. Li Shi nodded and said, I remember that there were plans to form a werewolf unit before, but then someone proposed that each team should be assigned a werewolf because the number of werewolves was too small. As for the plan to enhance overall strength, which of these two plans should be implemented has not been discussed yet, right?

That's true. The mayor nodded and replied.

Then there is no need to hesitate this time. There are 140 new werewolves, plus 28 werewolves except blood wolves, for a total of 168 people. Every six people form a werewolf team, and 28 teams can be formed. Each team They can all be led by an old werewolf.

Then put these six-person teams into various teams. When necessary, they can also be drawn out to form an elite werewolf team.

In this case, there should be no controversy.

There should be no problem, just follow the plan you mentioned.

Two days later.

On the training ground of the shelter, there were twenty-eight werewolf teams standing neatly, each team consisting of six werewolves.

The residents of the shelter also put down what they were doing at this time and came to the door of the training ground to watch this spectacular scene.

The blood wolf was standing in front of these werewolves at this time, looking at the team in front of him expressionlessly.

Although it couldn't be seen on his face, Li Shiyi knew that Xue Lang was still very nervous, but in this situation, as the strongest werewolf, Xue Lang still had to be present.

Li Shiyi saw Xue Lang pretending to be indifferent and wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. He felt funny in his heart. After laughing, he decided to go over to help Xue Lang ease the awkward atmosphere.

Walking to the blood wolf, Li Shiyi relied on the speaking skills he learned on TV in his previous life, and said a lot of impassioned words, which made all the werewolves excited, and then left with satisfaction.

After all, everyone in the shelter now knows that this robot is the carrier of traders, so when they saw the robot, their emotions became very high. Coupled with Li Shiyi's skills, it formed like this Effect.

After the ceremony, Li Shiyi and Xue Lang came to the mayor's office again.

I didn't expect Mr. Trader to be so eloquent. This time, the mayor knew it was Li Shiyi without even raising his head. After all, in this shelter, the only one who walked in without knocking was Li Shiyi.

Hey, it's drizzle. Li Shiyi joked with the mayor in a very proud tone, and then changed back to a serious look and said, I plan to take Xuelang to the outside of the city to explore That big mountain to the northeast.”

The mountains in the northeast? The mayor raised his head and asked slightly nervously, Are you going to see the super creature in the northeast that you told me about before?

Yes. Li Shi nodded.

Do you need to bring some manpower, or mobilize all the werewolves to go with you?

No need. Li Shiyi waved his hand, I am going here just to check the intelligence. There is a high probability that we will not fight. Of course, if we are sure that we can deal with that guy, we may also take action.

Okay, please remember to pay attention to your safety. I'm leaving first. Xue Lang, come find me later. I'll wait for you at the east expressway toll station. After saying that, Li Shiyi regained consciousness before Xue Lang agreed. The mayor and Xuelang were left looking at each other.

Mr. Trader is still as vigorous and resolute as ever. After saying that, the mayor sighed, lowered his head and continued to process the documents. The reason why he sighed was because before he could finish his sentence, the blood wolf turned into a Lightning left.

After Li Shiyi's consciousness returned to his body, he immediately left the extra-dimensional space and drove his chariot to the location agreed upon with the blood wolf.

When he arrived there, the blood wolf was already waiting for him.

You're really fast. Li Shiyi got out of the car with a smile and said to Xue Lang.

Boss, is this your true face? The werewolf looked at the strange man in front of him. He had never seen him before, but he felt familiar.

And this is naturally the result of the thinking anchoring device.

How about it, boss, am I very handsome? Hehe, I forgot to take off my mask last time to show you my peerless appearance. What a mistake.

Handsome, boss is so handsome. What Xuelang said was not flattery. To be fair, Li Shiyi really deserved the words Fengshen Junlang.

Okay, no more joking, let's set off. After saying that, Li Eleven Xuelang got into the car and returned to the seat in the cab.

Xue Lang walked to the passenger seat, opened the door, hesitated and said, Boss, I can't seem to get in, so I'll just run and follow you.

You should be able to become smaller. Li Shiyi asked doubtfully, and then said, Forget it, if you don't like coming up, just run away.

After saying that, Li Shiyi closed the car door, then started the car and sped towards the mountains in the northeast. Xue Lang followed closely with his excellent speed.

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