What, your blood, what are you talking about? Although the blood wolf spoke in a low voice, other people around him had turned into werewolves, absorbing the blood moonlight shining in from the window.

It seems that you don't know anything. It's really sad. You have been deceived for so long and you didn't even know the truth before you died. The blood wolf shook his head and did not answer other werewolf words, but directly entered the battle state.

The blood-red pattern on his forehead once again extended all over his body, and his body began to shine with black-red light. Before entering the fighting state, these lights had not appeared. It was obvious that his control over his own power was getting stronger and stronger.

This, what's going on. Under the shining light, the changes in the blood wolf were clearly seen by other werewolves, but it was obvious that they could not understand what was happening in front of them.

Attack, don't let him continue. Although the people in the Evolution Land didn't know what happened to the blood wolf, they still knew that they should interrupt him, but unfortunately, it was of no use.

The figure of the blood wolf moved slightly and turned into a red lightning, traveling back and forth in the room. Every time a person in the Land of Evolution was touched by the red lightning, there would be an additional wound on his body.

In fact, there is no red lightning, it is the trajectory formed by the blood wolf shining with black and red light as it moves rapidly.

There is no difference between these ordinary werewolves in front of him, whether they have transformed or not. Under the influence of the production accelerating fluid, his current basic numerical value is comparable to that of Zero. These warriors who rely on his blood to transform into werewolves are no different from ordinary werewolves in front of him. People are no different.

The battle did not last long, or in other words, it was not a battle, but a one-sided crushing.

After a while, except for the one who appeared at the beginning, all the other werewolves lost their breath, and the remaining one also lost the ability to fight.

The blood wolf walked up to him, found a blue potion from his body, and injected it into him. Soon, the man was released from the werewolf transformation.

Contact your boss. This operation is so important, so you should be able to contact him directly.

Okay, okay. The man was lying on the floor with a pale face. In a panic, he took out an earphone and put it on his ears. This earphone was originally worn on his ears, but he took it off after the werewolf transformation. .

After putting it on, he pressed a button, and after a while, a voice came from the earphones: What, did something unexpected happen during the operation? Why didn't you come back directly? Did you contact me, or did you catch some important person? , have you caught Fang Xiuqi?

It's me, I want to see you. Xue Lang snatched the earphones over and said into the earphones.

You, you are... Over the headset, the boss seemed a little surprised when he heard Xue Lang's voice, and his speech slowed down, Is it Zijian?

Han Zijian is dead. He was already dead the moment you handed him over to Fang Xiuqi. Now I am a blood wolf!

There was silence on the earphone for a while, and then another voice came: Okay, I'll go see you now. After saying that, the communication in the earphone was cut off.

Xue Lang threw the headphones aside, then dragged the only living person to the door of the institute, then placed the person in his hand against the wall and sat down at the door.

The man was injured and gasped hard: You, you are Han Zijian, I have heard of you.

Oh, have you heard of me? Xue Lang became interested after hearing his words, Tell me, what have you heard?

I heard that you are the son of the boss. The boss sent you to Professor Fang and used you as a test subject for the first werewolf experiment, which was Experimental Subject Zero. However, you appeared during a certain experiment. Unexpectedly, you escaped.

The boss sent people to attack you several times, but you escaped death. To be honest, I quite sympathize with you.

Sympathize with me? Xue Lang turned his head, You are almost dead, why should you sympathize with me?

Ahem. The man lowered his head, coughed twice, and gasped twice before continuing, Of course I sympathize with you for having such a father.

In the land of evolution, the gossip we talk about the most is about you. I heard that when you were a child, your boss never paid attention to you. The boss used to do big business and was very busy, so you rarely saw him since you were a child. He only You’ll be given money, and you’ll pretty much be raised by butlers and servants.”

Your mother died in childbirth the year you were born, but we all didn't believe it. The boss was so rich and couldn't hire any kind of doctor. How could someone die just from a difficult childbirth? We all suspected that your mother was killed by the boss. Of course, this matter is purely speculation.

You said you had such an unhappy life when you were a child. When you finally grew up, you were treated as a test subject by your father, and you became like this. Now, you can't even be considered a human being.

Although I have lived a hard life and have no money in my life, I am very happy. My parents are still alive and living well in the shelter. I often visit them. If I have any regrets, it is probably that I have none. Go get a wife, she won’t be able to carry on the family lineage.”

But compared to you, I think I am happier.

After saying these words, the man's breathing became more intense. It was obvious that his life had reached its end.

You kill me, but I don't hate you. It's not easy for everyone to be their own master. If you want to blame, just blame this apocalypse.

However, Xue Lang didn't hear this last sentence, because a car came in front of him from the end of the street.

The car door opened and a middle-aged man stepped out: Zijian.

Don't call me Zijian, you don't have the qualifications! Xue Lang interrupted the middle-aged man rudely. It was obvious that this person was Han Cheng.

Me. Han Cheng was interrupted by Xue Lang's calligraphy and painting, but he was not angry. Instead, he glanced back and forth at Xue Lang's body with gentle eyes, Okay, that's great, Zijian, you are just like me. As expected, it has become the most powerful creature in the last days.

You know, Zijian, I have never regretted turning you into a werewolf.

This is the end of the world. It doesn't matter whether you are a human or not. The important thing is to survive. And I handed you over to Fang Xiuqi for this purpose.

I don't care what you become. I just hope that you can be strong enough and have the ability to protect yourself. I hope that you will not die because you are weak.

That's enough! Tears flowed from Xue Lang's eyes, and he interrupted Han Cheng's words by yelling again.

He originally thought that he could face Han Cheng. He thought that he had been hating Han Cheng for a long time. If he saw Han Cheng again, no matter what the other person said, he would not care, and then end the other person's life with one claw.

But at this moment, he was crying.

Yes, how could you not care?

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