I'm afraid your boss is not a lunatic. Li Shiyi found it difficult to accept his boss's behavior, Tell me about the situation in the Land of Evolution. Although I captured you, the Land of Evolution is still there.

The name of the Evolution Land was given by me. Before the end of the world, this was the name of my laboratory. As he spoke, Professor Fang frowned and thought, The composition of the Evolution Land has two parts. One is The scientific research department is led by me, and the second is the action department led by the boss.

Before the apocalypse, the boss owned a biotechnology company of his own. At that time, he invited me, but I refused. Unfortunately, his original doomsday personnel met to go camping together on the day of the apocalypse. They all turned into zombies.”

The only one who can really do research in the current scientific research department is myself. Everyone else is protecting me or assisting me. My task is to provide them with blood wolf blood.

Blood wolf blood? Li Shiyi heard this and asked, Is that what they injected?

Yes, there are blood wolves and inhibitors in there. The blood of blood wolves can turn them into werewolves, and the inhibitors can slow down the speed of their genetic werewolves, allowing them to turn back into humans within a certain period of time.

The blue potion they inject every time is a neutralizing agent. The ingredients are similar to the gene collapse potion, but the effect is milder and weaker. Injecting this potion before they are completely transformed into werewolves can restore them to humans.

Speaking of which, this is what I want to tell you. I still store the blood of the blood wolf in a place. I have never told the boss the origin of the blood. He always thought that it was something I made, but in fact It’s extracted from the blood wolf, use a little less.”

I do this to protect myself. I need to make him need me to ensure my status. If he discovers the truth about blood wolf blood, I will not have such a high status.

Because only if I provide him with blood wolf blood can he transform his soldiers into werewolf warriors. Although I am making the inhibitors and neutralizers, he doesn't care whether those people can turn back into humans again. If If he gets the blood of a blood wolf, he will inject it directly into his subordinates without hesitation, and he may even inject it into himself.

But direct use of blood wolf blood is dangerous, and direct injection may cause death. That's why I discovered those two medicines.

But these things are all recorded in the institute. After so long, I guess they should have discovered it, so if you are willing, I hope you can help me get the blood of the blood wolf back.

Firstly, this can stop the boss's plan. Once there is no werewolf blood, they will no longer be a threat. Secondly, Lao Sun and I have also made new progress in our research. If we can get blood wolf blood samples, maybe We will soon be able to develop second-generation genetic enhancement agents.

No problem, it's a small matter. No matter what the purpose is, I will get the blood of the blood wolf back. Also, do you know if there is any way to lure the boss out? I still think it is better to deal with him.

It's a bit difficult to lure him out. I rarely see him, and I haven't seen him once since the blood wolf escaped. Speaking of which, what he cares about most is the blood wolf. If there is any way to lure him out, , then we must start from the blood wolf.

Okay, leave the rest to me. You can go back. The robot waved and returned to the mayor's office, and Li Shiyi's consciousness returned to itself.

Then he started the robot placed next to Xue Lang. As soon as he started it, Xue Lang looked over: Boss.

Yeah. The robot nodded, Are we underground?

Yes, boss, we dug this ourselves. We usually stay here and go out at night to absorb the power of the blood moon. Xue Lang replied.

So that's it. Li Shiyi looked around and then looked at Xue Lang, Han Zijian, do you want revenge?

Boss, you. Xuelang didn't expect Li Shiyi to call out his name directly, and was a little surprised. Then he thought of something, I know, boss, you asked Fang Xiuqi, that is to say, Fang Xiuqi It’s all in your hands, are you willing to give it to me?”

Yes, Fang Xiuqi is indeed in my hands. The robot nodded, But I'm not asking you to kill him, but another person.


Your father.

I don't have a father.

That's the boss of the Land of Evolution. You can call him whatever you want. The robot shrugged, Although the experiment on you was done by Fang Xiuqi, the person who led this gaffe is the boss of the Land of Evolution. I want to ask you if you want to take revenge on him.

Think. Such a word came out of Xue Lang's mouth. There was neither anger nor hatred, but a very plain word.

Obviously, revenge against his boss has been deeply imprinted in his heart, so much so that the artistic conception has nothing to do with emotion. This is something he must do. Hatred and anger are no longer enough.

I have a plan that may allow you to complete your revenge.

At night, Xue Lang followed the address given by Li Shiyi and came to the door of a ruined building. This was Fang Xiuqi's research institute before the end of the world, and it is also where Xue Lang's blood is now preserved.

Xue Lang opened the door and walked in. As soon as he entered, he felt the breath of his own blood.

It has been so long and the blood of the blood wolf has not been taken away. You and your men are too weak, Han Cheng. The blood wolf said to himself as he walked towards the place where the blood was kept.

Who? After walking a few steps, Xue Lang seemed to hear something, and then shouted in a certain direction.

As soon as the voice fell, a figure walked out of the shadows. The clothes on that figure were the combat uniforms of the Land of Evolution.

Why is it a werewolf? In the dark environment, the figure did not notice the difference between the blood wolf and other werewolves. He just thought he was an ordinary werewolf. Is he one of those low-level werewolves in the wild?

Low-level werewolf? Upon hearing this, the blood wolf looked at the figure and stared at him.

Come out, let's fight. The figure was not afraid. He took out a potion with his backhand and injected it into his body. Several figures also walked out of other corners of the room and injected the potion.

Use my blood to transform and then deal with me, do you think it's possible? Seeing the behavior of these people, a sneer appeared on the corner of the blood wolf's mouth.

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