Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 128 Falling to the ground and waking up

The sword-like light flashed instantly, and the alloy sword in Liu Chen's hand was filled with all his strength at this moment, slashing towards the light of the five-pointed earth rhinoceros with a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

Although there was an outsider like Xiaoying by his side, Liu Chen did not dare to hold back at this time. This knife already contained the energy of an E-level power evolver.

There was no way, just when Xiaoying attacked, the energy fluctuations in those humanoid creatures had become more and more violent, and it was obvious that they would wake up soon.

If Liu Chen can't cut off those energy connections before the other party wakes up, a fierce battle will be waiting for them.

Since he didn't know what the strength of those humanoid creatures were, Liu Chen didn't care about exposing his true strength just to be on the safe side.

Of course, power evolvers are different from other evolvers. Unless there is a precise testing instrument, it is difficult to accurately judge the evolution level of the evolver based on the appearance alone.

Although Xiaoying is smart, he may not be able to tell that Liu Chen has reached E level.


The long alloy knife collided with the energy light, making an ear-splitting noise. Liu Chen felt his arms suddenly shake, and a numb feeling surged up. The knife seemed to have struck a huge iron mountain.

The bright light surged crazily from the body of the five-horned earth rhinoceros. At this moment, it seemed to turn into a small sun, so dazzling that no one dared to despise it.

At the same time, an extremely powerful energy wave also spread from the body of the five-horned earth rhinoceros towards the surroundings. The astonishing sense of oppression made Liu Chen and Xiaoying keep retreating, unable to compete at all.

After all, the five-horned earth rhinoceros was a terrifying existence that reached B level during its lifetime. Even if it has been dead for many years now, there is still a strong pressure in the body, which is definitely not something that today's evolved people can withstand.

Xiaoying's pretty face changed dramatically, and her beautiful eyes were full of horror. She obviously didn't expect that a corpse could be so terrifying. The pressure alone made her feel suffocated, chest tight, and even made her want to vomit blood.

Liu Chen's expression remained normal. He had long known the evolutionary level of this five-horned rhinoceros. He had seen the terrifying demeanor of this ferocious creature in his previous life, so he would not be surprised now.

Brother Liu, Miss Xiaoying, are you okay?

Zhao Wuliang and others below also noticed the strange situation here and shouted loudly.

We're fine, but you should be careful, those things are going to fall. Liu Chen also responded loudly.

Although the light erupting from the body of the five-horned earth rhinoceros was astonishing, it only lasted for a few seconds and then began to slowly dim.

Liu Chen, who had recovered his vision, had already noticed that the bodies of those humanoid creatures were crumbling. As the light dimmed and even finally broke off, these humanoid creatures could no longer hang in the air and would definitely fall to the ground.

But at that time, Liu Chen could not predict whether these humanoid creatures would die completely or wake up.

But no matter what, cutting off the light first is the result Liu Chen wants to achieve.

Therefore, Liu Chen ignored the numbness of his arm and swung the alloy sword again, and another extremely precise slash landed on the same place.


At the same time as another loud noise was heard, the energy link was finally completely disconnected, and humanoid creatures began to fall to the ground one after another.

Although the two full-moon scimitars in Xiaoying's hands were extremely sharp, their real power was still very different from that of the alloy swords. In addition, Liu Chen's strength was far superior to Xiaoying's. After two sword strikes, he finally succeeded.

Of course, Xiaoying also has a lot of credit for this.

If the opponent hadn't slashed more than a dozen times in a row, the energy of the five-pointed earth rhinoceros had been dissipated a lot. Even with Liu Chen's amazing strength, the two swords wouldn't have been able to achieve the current effect.

Let's go down too...

Now that the goal has been achieved and Tongtong is nowhere to be found, there is no point in staying up there.

But Liu Chen had just spoken, and before he could make any move, he heard Zhao Wuliang and others below exclaim in surprise.

No! This thing is alive...

Before he could finish his words, deafening gunshots began to ring out, but Zhao Wuliang and others had already launched an attack.

Due to panic, the lighting equipment in the hands of Zhao Wuliang and several evolution warriors were now thrown aside, causing the light to become chaotic and mottled. Liu Chen and Xiaoying were so far apart in the suspended room that they could not see clearly what was going on for a while. What was there, I could only vaguely see it, as if a humanoid creature fell to the ground and began to struggle to get up.

Sure enough, there is still someone alive...

Liu Chen's heart suddenly tightened, and he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, so he and Xiaoying quickly jumped to the ground.

The distance of seven or eight meters is a little difficult for an evolutionist, but there is no problem at all when jumping down, and there is absolutely no chance of falling.

Bang bang!

As soon as Liu Chen and Xiaoying landed on the ground, they saw two humanoid creatures that looked like evil ghosts swaying towards them.

Although the movements were a bit slow, Liu Chen could immediately tell from the energy fluctuations on his body that these humanoid creatures had reached the peak level of F-level and were still rising. I am afraid they would soon be able to break through. Class E.

At this time, Liu Chen no longer cared about shocking how the little devils had come up with this kind of evolutionary level biological weapons decades ago. After all, the opponent had even come up with B-level mutant beasts, and some E-level ones. The stuff is nothing at all.

With a sharp shout, Liu Chen swung the alloy sword in his hand again. Before Xiaoying could make a move, he cut the two humanoid creatures into two pieces with one strike in front of the opponent's shocked eyes.

Liu Chen did not choose to chop off the head of the humanoid creature, but cut it off at the waist. Of course, it was not that he couldn't do it, but he wanted to try to see what the difference was between this kind of humanoid creature and evil ghosts, and whether he should also chop it off. Only then can the brain truly die.

What surprised Liu Chen was that although these humanoid creatures looked similar to evil ghosts, their vital points and vitality seemed to be different.

After being chopped into two pieces, the two humanoid creatures only twisted a few times on the ground before completely falling silent. It was obvious that they were really dead this time.

After confirming this, Liu Chen finally felt relieved.

As long as the opponent's vitality is not strong, even if the evolution level is higher, it will not be too difficult to deal with.

Of course, with Liu Chen's current strength and the new weapon such as the alloy sword in his hand, even a real E-class evil ghost can be killed, but it will not be that easy.

After getting rid of these two humanoid creatures, Liu Chen and Xiao Ying ran quickly and joined Zhao Wuliang and others.

These humanoid creatures have been hanging here for at least several decades, but because of the energy of the five-horned earth rhinoceros, none of them died. Now they are getting up from the ground and launching ferocious attacks on Zhao Wuliang and others. .

It only arrived tonight, and I rushed out another chapter. If there are no accidents, normal updates may be resumed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Please forgive me~

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