Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 127 Full Moon Scimitar

Liu Chen couldn't accept that a B-level mutant beast like the Five-horned Rhinoceros appeared in front of him now, and it still appeared in the form of a corpse many years ago, but no matter how hard he thought about it, this was an undeniable fact. .

But if all this is done by those little Japanese invaders, the secrets contained in it are really shocking.

When the Japs invaded China, it had already been at least several decades, but how could mutant beasts exist at that time? How could a mutated beast that has reached B level appear?

Even though Liu Chen had been a human being in two lifetimes, he had even experienced a ridiculous rebirth, but at this time he could not accept the fact before him.

But whether you accept it or not, some things are undeniable.

Just a few decades ago, a B-level mutant beast was born in the world. At that time, it had nothing to do with the doomsday, and there was no record of it in history.

Could it be Zhao Wuliang said, the end of the world is inseparable from the Japs?

Liu Chen couldn't help but have this idea, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that it seemed completely untenable.

If the little devil really had that kind of ability, especially during the world war decades ago, then the result of the final war would not be what it is now.

This energy source must be destroyed, otherwise the defenses of those humanoid creatures cannot be broken at all, and Liu Chen, have you noticed that after close contact, you can vaguely feel that there are energy fluctuations in those humanoid creatures, which means these guys It’s not an absolutely dead thing, it needs to be destroyed as soon as possible.”

Xiaoying said after observing carefully again.

Unlike Liu Chen, she naturally would not think of those terrible things, but would only make the most correct judgment based on the facts in front of her.

It has to be eliminated.

Liu Chen finally came to his senses, nodded and said.

Regardless of what this weird incident is about, the most important thing is to solve the problem at hand.

Although these humanoid creatures don't know what their strength is, they are definitely not kind people. Once they truly wake up, Liu Chen may be able to protect himself, but it's hard to say for others.

Even Xiaoying is like this.

At the current stage of the apocalypse, Xiao Ying, who is at the peak of F level, can indeed be called a master, but if we say how strong he really is, that is not necessarily the case.

At least as far as Liu Chen knew, there were thousands of evolvers in this world who could threaten Xiaoying or even kill him, which is a bit exaggerated, but there were definitely hundreds of them.

And more importantly, the energy source that keeps these humanoid creatures from completely disappearing is a mutated beast that has reached level B. From this, it can be roughly inferred that the strength of these humanoid creatures is absolutely terrifying.

Even after so many years of slumber and weakening, I am afraid that it is not comparable to ordinary evolvers.

Therefore, it must be eliminated as soon as possible. This is an undisputed choice.

Okay, then I'll take action.

Although Xiaoying is a girl, her personality is much more straightforward than that of a man.

After asking for Liu Chen's opinion, he no longer hesitated. He moved his hands and took out two strange-shaped weapons from his clothes, and then hit the body of the five-horned rhinoceros.

Liu Chen could see clearly that they were two strange-looking boomerang-like weapons. They seemed to be made of metal, but the luster was extremely dim. Liu Chen couldn't tell what kind of metal they were for a while.

But judging from the cold light emanating from the blade, it is definitely an extremely sharp weapon.

This is normal. Xiaoying and the man named Lenghan, whom Liu Chen has met but never interacted with before, are the two most important evolvers in Wei Renxiong's mind. Of course, they must be equipped with the most powerful weapons.

Although the Jincheng gathering place is nominally different from the provincial capital gathering place, which is a gathering place that is nominally controlled, in fact the real strength may not be much weaker.

After all, it is already the end of the world. Even if no one has directly announced that they will go it alone, it is normal for no one to obey the orders of the other.

Just like Liu Chen is now a wanted criminal by the Beijing Military Research Institute, but when he comes to Wei Renxiong, he doesn't pay attention to this bullshit order. This is one of the proofs.

Wei Renxiong used the power of a gathering place to create two weapons made of rare metals for Xiaoying and Lenghan, both of which were incredibly powerful.

The one in Xiaoying's hand is based on a boomerang and has a nice name from a martial arts novel, the Full Moon Scimitar.

Although it may not be as magical as the magic knife in the novel, its power is probably not much different.

Even an ordinary iron rod made of fine steel with the thickness of a bowl can be broken into two pieces with just a light cut in front of this full moon scimitar, and the fractures are neat. It can be called a magic weapon that can truly cut iron like mud. Sharp weapon.

According to Wei Renxiong's evaluation, this weapon, purely in terms of sharpness, is no weaker than the alloy sword made by the Beijing Military Research Institute at a cost of a lot of money and various scarce metals.

The two full-moon scimitars whizzed out at extremely fast speeds. Liu Chen felt his eyes blurred as the two weapons had already hit the target hard.

Although Xiaoying did not know the true origin of the five-horned earth rhinoceros, it did not prevent her sharp intuition from being able to detect that the mutated beast corpse had strong defense. Therefore, the target of these two swords was not the body of the five-horned earth rhino, but the body of the five-horned earth rhino. It is the light that connects the five-horned earth rhinoceros to those humanoid creatures.


When the two full-moon scimitars hit the light, they made a metallic sound, which was clear and deafening.

It has to be said that Xiaoying's attack power is indeed powerful. Although it is only the peak evolutionary level of F-level, the power of this attack is already close to E-level in Liu Chen's opinion.

It's just that the five-cornered earth rhinoceros exists. Even though it has been dead for so many years, its power has almost disappeared, but after being refined with secret techniques, those rays still contain rich earth energy, and its defensive power is still amazing.

After the collision, the light dimmed for a moment, and there was still a long way to go before it was truly cut off.

Xiaoying did not believe in evil, so he took back the full moon scimitar in his hand and struck out again, more than a dozen times in a row. In the end, his pretty face started to turn pale, and he was clearly exhausted.

But those lights, although getting dimmer, still show no sign of being cut off.

Let me do have a rest first.

Upon seeing this, Liu Chen finally took out his alloy sword and stepped forward and said.

Mad Cow is still on the way back to the south, driving out a chapter in the car. The time is a bit late, please forgive me~

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