408Chapter Ugly

408Chapter Ugly

For those people, it is really hard to see.

“Hello, do you know my name? What exactly is this place? Why did I appear in this place in the first place?”

Luffy’s own in this place to ask some of the village inside the old man, it is estimated that it is possible to know where they actually came from, and then go to ask when found but there are always some people will be gloomy smile after avoiding, as if many people in this are not willing to talk to him.

Seeing this situation, Luffy my face is also changed a little, after all, this thing is happening now, for them and their677 own to think of something is not another thing at all, later again when there is such trouble, those hearts and minds again what things, for others are considered more trouble.

“In fact, I do not know where you are from, you might as well think about where you are in the end people, since you are in this village, he said you must be born in our village, otherwise you can not be in this place, or that you go out to play at the beginning of the brain fell, all memories are forgotten? ”

(cfbj) hear this person such words, Lu Fei always feel their back some chill, could not help but leave, but do not know why the village inside the other places are not, they see that kind of pink flowers at the door, but in their own door and a few other door will always have this kind of thing, think about this reasoning, Lu Fei took a step forward, looking at their own front These things happen.

Eventually thought to decide to go to those places with this kind of flowers, to see what is going on, if they really have a relationship with those people, maybe they are now encountering these troubles, can really find those people, and so on in the future again what things, maybe also have to rely on their own efforts.

“Do not think about where you came from in the end, these people here why do not tell you, if you are really here, why they do not know your name, so these people must be lying to you, you better wake up Luffy!

He said to himself after these words and rushed to the front of the past, now these things are happening is not to say a little bit of two simple things can be solved, if this really wants his life, it is likely to strike at this time.

I do not know why, when looking at these people inside, Luffy always feel as if they were cheated by all the same, this thing happened in itself, they do not know how to do, at the beginning of the time those people even think to get something with Luffy’s body, but at the end of the time do not know why they always want to make this person into their own clan.

“I do not know what those places actually refers to what people, if it is really them, maybe I will be able to know the secret of my body, but I always feel that this thing is not so simple, why those people are not in front of their homes those things, to the time of this situation now instead so anxious not to let me go to touch that flower ”

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