407Chapter Strange Encounter

But just over a year later, this is the result.

Thought of here, Shanks is also sad can not hold. At least these are also particularly not easy, each of them are economic a lot of things, if they can be careful some, natural is a good thing.

“Child, these years you have suffered, I know all about you, forgive dad for taking so long to find you, don’t worry, in the future the entire Yang Yu three financial state consortium is yours, dad will never easily leave you again.”

The old man forced himself to regain his composure, and then explained to Shanks the reason for the whole thing.

“My name is below the force, it was twenty-seven years ago, I was a small contractor, that year business is better, earn a little money, I thought you were born, simply find a car to bring you two mothers here, but on the way to meet the hungry refugees, they stopped the car, robbed the money, smashed the car, wounded the driver, also took advantage of the chaos and took you…

“Since then, your mother cried every night, and I never had another child, a few years ago, your mother left, she told me before she died must not give up on you, and I did do so. I finally found you, son!”

“Listen to your mother said, your chest has a semicircular birthmark, and this is also the basic basis of my judgment, these months, I used to means. The hair of your hair, has done a firm, you are my child ah!

If just now Shanks is still a little half-hearted, then now Shanks is really believe, because in his chest, there really is a semicircular birthmark.

The two people said a lot more, the lower force eventually obtained Shanks forgiveness, which also let the lower force moved to say.

“Son, I am now in Mexico to talk about an investment, may be a while to return, see you grow up, Dad is also very happy, I have arranged your cousin Kachen Dong, later he will give you a black card, this black card does not have a limit, you can spend as much as you want, I hope it can improve your current predicament. ”

The entire mouth of Shanks opened wide, there is no limit of the black card, what kind of existence is that?

He and the following force just confirmed the father-son relationship, really did not expect to receive such a big gift, which just now also in order to rent a house and worry about Shanks suddenly a little at a loss.

A few people and simply chatted some, and finally below the force because of work reasons had to temporarily hang up the phone.

“So, cousin, did you and uncle have a good chat? Now you’re not going to call us both a scam, are you?”

The phone has just been hung up, standing on the side of the lower force and his two people came over, the lower force directly to a pure black card to the front of the Shanks, a bad smile.

For just now (Wang Zhao Zhao) things, Shanks is also feeling very embarrassed, especially for him this person, he just kicked him.

“That, he this person brother, really sorry, I just . ….

“It’s okay, it’s okay, young master, you kicked me that is to give me face, don’t apologize, it’s a small thing.”

Sensed Shanks to open his mouth to apologize, he the man hurriedly waved his hand, a hint of flattered look on his face.

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