391Chapter:Race against time

391Chapter:Race against time

So does it mean that Thor himself will be very fast at learning how to manipulate the economic elements?

Some are not very happy with a soft cold hum, John Cena seems to be for Ouyang Yan Fu at this time to speak out words feel very difficult to accept.

While stretching out his hand gently in the tip of his nose and rubbed a few times, while his gaze once again turned back to the confinement of Thor’s space barrier.

“No matter how you say, anyway, now Thor in a short period of time is simply no way to know the true properties of my latest change of space barriers, on this matter above I have 25full assurance!”

The eyes slightly jumped, John Cena at this time looking at still in the various attempts of Thor, the eyes of the killing machine immediately appeared, so that even in the space-time barrier and did not find John Cena existence of Thor is also subconsciously shivered.

Seeing the time passing by, Thor also knows that John Cena will certainly try to kill himself, so he simply will not be able to give himself more time to explore the secrets of John Cena’s spatial barriers before he dies.

“strange, I was able to feel all about John Cena cast out of the space barrier of that feeling at this time is indeed a little bit no, now the space barrier to my feeling as if a completely redesigned and processed after the formation of a perfect space prisoner, how is this possible? ”

Some chagrin shook his head, the more Thor thought the more nervous in his heart, and the more nervous the whole person’s brain becomes dull at this time.

Stretched out his hand and hit his forehead a few times, Thor in the process of watching the passage of time one by one some restless in the entire virtual space back and forth in the step

“If John Cena actually cast out that space barrier before, has long mastered another set of more complete space barrier skills, this thing is not impossible, but I do not believe that there are any people will actually take out the defective products to show off, and then take out their own authentic products to others tasting, then if so, John Cena mastered so many space barriers of use and skills and what difference can it make on its own?”

Eyes constantly in the slowly rotating vortex around the top to sweep back and forth, Lu Mingzhu is no matter how will not believe that these spatial 630barriers in front of the formation of small vortexes around each one has such a large attraction.

“The dark attribute elemental force is originally very rare, even if John Sena itself mastered for the dark attribute elemental force can reduce the great consumption and let it appear in the body as long as possible method, but it is absolutely not able to make its own true qi at this time to persist for such a long time, this is not scientific. ”

Stretched out his hand and knocked his forehead, in a deep breath to regain their emotions, Thor was only able to once again slowly squatted in front of one of the slowly rotating vortex, began to talk to himself.

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