390Chapter Direct

390Chapter Direct

Because of this kind of relationship, also can’t help but let this pair of people a little bit served, they suddenly between this look is really let them unexpected, really the public time or to be, because after all, for the relationship between the interests, the time is certainly to be, other not too understand, at least now this situation words or more understanding, such a situation “Six thirty” situation is the need to restrain some of these things.

It seems to speak really is to encounter some of these situations, want to be particularly decent to solve some of these problems, or need to make some of these people pay a certain price. If you are not able to face some of these people, then perhaps the other things do not have anything to do with them.

After all, they say out, some kind of words is certainly need to say out those words for themselves to make a certain price, otherwise there is no price for those things, and why need to do it?

In society there are always something to return, because in short, they pay a certain price is the need to pay a certain price of those things, or else this thing either they can not talk about any relationship, nor can say any of those problems.

The teacher needs to make certain that those people pay a certain price.

Zhang Hao in the game inside the least able to endure is just such a situation, their own requirements are not much, only hope that the opponent, even the opponent, do not do such a thing to destroy the rules of the game, but the main thing is that they seem to have done out, they absolutely can not stand such things, they want to find a reasonable breakthrough to vent such a kind of Something, otherwise how can say their heart now the emotions, now they are also very helpless.

“Well, well, those other people you do not care how he thinks they do, well, after all, something like this, if they think so, we do not have any little benefit, or even will only have bad, we think so again is also useless, so we still let go a little, do not think about some of these issues

Well, they such people ah, even if we did not say it, those other people should certainly punish those of them, and back to the game interface, we can also go to report these people ah, so do not panic

The little sister is actually a bit of a headache, caused by this one person, how he has so much shit, and he said something like this, they are 1.9also a bit not able to endure it, so naturally can probably see how his character is in the end, although it is not quite able to understand, but at least there are some things they can still go to The actual fact is that you will be able to control some of these things, and you will be able to think about the kind of feeling that is quite comforting, not particularly confused. ….

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