387Chapter Good Words

387Chapter Good Words

“Guest if really very want to know, I do not mind very much, but this look you think really great very good? Just now that group of people can be watching the fun.” Yan Yu’s voice lowered.

She still does not want to make things too big, after all, they are just starting out now, can not have anything bad happen, or they are not in the smash sign?

And the most important point is that they do not love to drink this kind of people to deal with more, so try to deal with the end, to avoid this kind of people is a blessing, she does not want to pray for anything more, only to be able to solve this person, so that he does not do anything crazy again.

“Watching the action?” The pugnacious man then asked rhetorically.

As expected really is to see a few people watching the hustle and bustle, the pugnacious man sent slap the table and shouted: “What to see ah, there is nothing to see.”

He dislikes this feeling the most, feeling like being watched in ridicule, I do not know why there is always this feeling, so that is more annoying someone is watching him.

Not to mention the special situation now, there is a beautiful woman in their own side, who knows what that group of people are discussing in the end, is not unpleasant things, which is to make people feel annoyed to death.

After all, everyone has just seen him, and also looks like a good face, so those people are also afraid.

After all, they would have been joking, and did not think really want to do anything, if and this person to reason, certainly is not to reason, they do not have to for such a small thing to start a fire.

We are all smart people, we know that we should not talk now, they all eat their own things.

“Sir, I don’t know what you think?” Yan Yu asked indifferently.

She is very responsive, as if what just happened and they have nothing to do with it, as if they are a spectator watching a play, this feeling is still quite wonderful.

“No, today I’d like to know what I’m missing from them.” Although the pugilist is not much of a reader, he is still very determined in his thoughts.

He has been making trouble for so long, how can waste time for nothing? His purpose has not yet arrived, so how can he ignore them, so this thing he must do in the end.

Besides, this is not a complete discrimination against him? He is a rough man, how can he compare with the two little white guys seems to be nine out of ten because of this matter.

Yan Yu lightly said: “Some people’s fate is not need reason, just fate, if fate can specifically say, then I think it is not so important. “She is too lazy to explain, if the next two can understand to understand, do not understand it does not matter, they did not intend to explain too much, after all, some things are not by explaining it can be clear.

The big man really listen (Wang Hao’s) do not understand, he said annoyed: “Do not say those words, today I want you to serve me food, you see if you can do.”

He is not understand these words, around and around and do not say what in the end, want to do what, say a lot of things that do not let people understand, as if it is how great, in fact, they just do not like.

Do not want to think back in this case, they are uneducated, that look will make him be looked down on by others.

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