386Chapter Yan Yu appearance

386Chapter Yan Yu appearance

“Okay, see you look like this is also decided, then we will not talk about this matter, I think about it.” Liu Qing said with a sigh of helplessness.

Since he said so and Su Chusheng, he still refused the same, that proves that this thing may not really be the right thing, not so easy to do, then one should not go to make things difficult for Su Chusheng, after all, he is not omnipotent.

Besides, they really should understand, if he really does not want to solve it, then they let to solve it, after all, Su Chusheng is also right, this thing may be their own life event, so he to choose is the best, later they are mentioned, but also their 25own credit.

Su Chusheng nodded, he would like Liu Qing not to bother himself with this matter, he now finally dispelled the idea of letting himself out, simply too much in line with his own mind.

And the other side.

“I heard that someone wants to see me, I wonder if the guest can let this shopkeeper leave first, do not disturb the time of others.” A voice sounded, and then Yan Yu appeared in the eyes of the crowd.

She came down from upstairs step by step, in the sight of the crowd, so beautiful, the beauty of the incomparable, although only a handyman, but in the eyes of everyone already feel that she is the legendary beauty of the boss’s wife like a flower.

The troublemaker also looked dumbfounded, Yan Yu gave a gesture to the side of the second, let them leave, then the second also evacuated the crowd, everyone so scattered, but also inevitably a few curious too strong to look at them here.

“Ahem, here’s the thing, aren’t you from here? I see you serve food to the people at that table, how to us here and left, is not fair treatment?” But the brawny man still reverted to his previous unreasonable look and said.

He originally did not want to look like this, just want to complain about the complaints, but things have come to this state, it must go on, or how he ended up?

Yan Yu said with a standard smile: “Here’s the thing, the people at that table today are more like me, that’s why I made an exception, I’m not here to serve the food, if you want to eat here, you can let someone else serve you.”

She actually had to explain this much to such people, if not because she did not want to ruin the reputation of the restaurant, she would have beaten this person to the ground to find teeth.

The other is not to say that the other is to cover up a thing? That is, this person has other thoughts about himself, but she is not surprised, after all, he is such a big beauty, if she does not have any thoughts, or very strange.

The brawny man took a look at Liu Qing and Su 630Chusheng, very dissatisfied asked: “How a kindred spirit? We are here to eat, why you and the two of them have fate, this is to look down on who?

He looked at those two people also nothing special, in addition to the look like a white boy, other things really did not see, did not see, they are so soft, look at it can not fight, how can they be comparable to the phase.

I don’t know how this beauty has a destiny with the two of them, to be able to eat the beauty of the end of the dish, he is willing to how, but he did not have that blessing, why? Why is it so unfair to eat in a family?

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