379Chapter Belief

379Chapter Belief

The actual Song mother is a kind of person, I am particularly particularly helpless, and not particularly particularly not able to believe, but because they have alone enough of that idea, have enough of that view, to be able to solve such things, so naturally they will not be particularly suspicious of these things, and even no way to be able to face.

The master of their own is always a very big limit for their own, but is a particularly good kind of help, because such help is always for their own is really quite helpful, but also for their own is very capable of that kind of object, you have the ability of that kind of person, will not make their own more helpless, will not make their own more inability to think, and is not likely to make their own more inability to see This is the only thing that can be done.

Song mother speaks really is not too far from them that one place, but if really when they heard some words like this, perhaps really very very touched it, after all, they brought out the disciple although is very very good, but sometimes if their disciple is not such an excellent such a situation, they are not able to Can go to simply deal with such a thing it.

In short, they can not go to some of these problems, there is no way to deal with some of these problems, so that they are so unexpected, so that they can not simply believe in this kind of feeling, as if people are not very suitable for themselves, and even for themselves there is no idea, with their own family on the feeling of any kind of relationship.

However, I don’t know what kind of feeling I should have for such a thing, after all, it makes me a little surprised, and I can’t believe that I have such a feeling, so embarrassing to myself, so that I can’t face my feeling, why do I need to imagine it, why do I need to show off but I can’t face it? The face me it.

So naturally this situation seems to be a particularly heavy blow for themselves, because they do not have enough ability to face, because they do not have enough ideas to solve such a thing, so naturally these things already seem to be blatantly, there is no way to face the old such a feeling, well.

…… request flowers ………

“Well, we do not care about these things, well, after all, some things are really not able to deal with, if there is a way to deal with the words, then we will not be in this situation, the main thing is that there is no way to be able to reserve, it is true, because after all, there are things, it is true There is no way to deal with it, but once there is such a method, there is such an idea to deal with it, then it is impossible to reach the point that we can not imagine, and it is impossible to reach the degree that we can not imagine

Shanks is indeed his big brother, but his big brother also has his own certain ideas. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

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