378Chapter Family Misfortune

378Chapter Family Misfortune

How can one’s own master not know exactly what kind of situation it is, one’s own master is more or less considered to be more understanding of such a situation, right, if there are other people who deny their own master, then they are not quite admitted to this feeling, right, after all, one’s own master is nothing but a particularly powerful kind of character for himself.

Even they have no choice but to do it, but also must be the need to believe in me that kind of character, because he has enough ability, such as how to let themselves to believe, can let themselves to accept some of these things, so naturally these things for their own want to go to get it, it may not be a particularly bad thing after ,613all, such things will not let themselves feel particularly bad.

And then some of these things have happened, and what can you say, why do you need to go to fix yourself ah, there is no need to get those things, so often has happened to such a point, then you want to change some of the things that can not change the impression, it is not necessary.

Things have come to this, they want to change some of those things that do not have much to do with themselves (cfbj), then there is certainly no need to necessary ah, so want to give up some things, is also inevitable, but also must go to get some of those things, so far so will not let themselves so hard, will not let themselves so helpless flower fall to no way to be able to get the That kind of feeling.

“You see our master is so good, certainly will not have any problems, so we should not think too much about it, after all, these students for their own really is a pretty bad thing, is also a bit not able to let themselves simply to be able to believe that kind of thing the cost of it, how to make yourself feel particularly special headache, and even the There is no better way to believe in that feeling than this

So it’s best to trust like our master, after all, some of these things, if there is no way to withstand, or even no way to solve the words, it seems that there is no benefit for us, the other things I do not understand, some of these things, since they have been done so far, then it will not be particularly bad

So we now only need to find a suitable opportunity to find a suitable idea to deal with these things, if there is no way, then forget it, our master is absolutely we can not simply blasphemy, there is no way to simply try to solve the characters”

Luffy although sometimes counted as quite naughty kind of feeling it, but always their own sometimes very very good and obedient, as long as they have enough ability to trust their own master, and even to believe in other people, it will not be particularly bad that kind of look, because their own always believed in such a view, firmly believe in such a kind of idea, Believe in such a view.

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