367Chapter One Night of Drunkenness

367Chapter One Night of Drunkenness

The next day the sun shone on the faces of two people, this time the garden is very lively.

“Do you see how the young master is with Young Master Qing?” A maid of honor said in surprise as she passed by.

After hearing his words, all the people who were working next to him came to join in the fun, some were carrying water to water the flowers, some were pruning the flowers, some were cleaning all of them came over.

“The two of them are often together, but this time they may be drunk,” an older person began to say.

After all, when they are older, they work here for a long time, and they wait for the two of them to be affectionate, and it is impossible to misunderstand the two of them.

After all, the most important point in someone’s home as a servant should be to control their own mouth, otherwise the rice bowl may be lost at any time, they can all rely on this to live.

Another young girl came forward and said: “There should be nothing going on, we all know that the two young masters have better feelings, the last said there will be no misunderstanding, not to mention that they have not woken up yet,||

She also went up to see, after all, the bottle is a handyman, how can have the opportunity to contact their master so close? He felt that this is not a big deal, very normal, why is this person said so serious?

“But the two young masters are really drunk so cute, can not help but someone began to exclaim the.

Everyone started looking at them in droves.

Su Chusheng felt a little pain in his brain, he opened his eyes when he found so many faces in front of him, he was scared and sat up, and the servants were also scared and retreated to the side.

He looked at himself, looked at the servants who bowed their heads, and saw Liu Qing on the ground, he was a little helpless and confused, just ready to ask, when the opposite of those people have spoken.

“Hello young master, we have to go to work, if you need to enjoy him or something, be sure to come to order.” After saying this sentence, all of them ran away.

And Su Chusheng is too confused, until now he does not know what happened, and do not know how, he feels a little headache, now nothing can remember.

“Break, how so cold.” Liu Qing woke up, dissatisfied with the sentence, the result of seeing the blue sky in front of his eyes, he suddenly realized what suddenly stood up.

“In the end, which is the bold, actually dare to throw the little master to the ground. “Liu Qing looked at the place where he just got up, unsatisfied, said.

Now there are actually people who dare to throw it on the ground, it really is while he does not know anything, or actually dare to do so, can really be bold, if he knows, see he will not make that person even his own mother can not recognize.

“Ahem.” Su Chusheng coughed gently at the side.

(Wang Dehao usual) how do not see him so capable, now actually in the back of so much bravado.

“Who are you? You don’t know me… Liu Qing was in a bad mood, opened his mouth and said, but he turned his head to see Su Chusheng, was shocked, he hurriedly said: “This is all a misunderstanding”

He suddenly found his own brain is simply a pig’s brain, how not to look behind the person who is to start talking, fortunately did not say anything too much too much words.

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