366Chapter Exploration

366Chapter Exploration

“Of course I also believe, but we have been trying for so long, is not still no result?” Su Chusheng said a little deflated feeling.

There is an old saying that after a good effort to know whether I can in the end can, but they have worked so long without much result, if not that moment of perseverance, he sometimes hesitates to continue.

But the fact tells him that he can not give 25up, because one less person is less power, this thing is not a simple thing, they need to work harder.

“Don’t worry, there will be a day of peace in this jianghu.” Liu Qing smiled and comforted him.

In fact, how can they confirm when this household will be delicious, but everyone has a positive energy in their hearts, there is a past, this light will guide them to find the real light.

“En, such a good scene without wine can be a real pity.” Liu Qing sighed to.

Such a flower in front of the moon, in such a good view and lamented that this kind of thing no wine, is really a waste of what they just said, can really be too uninteresting.

Su Chusheng looked at him, then reached out from his hand to the side, took out a jar of wine, and handed it to him.

“Wow, why do you still have wine here? I can’t believe it’s still in this kind of place, how come I didn’t know before and never saw it.” Liu Qing said with surprise.

After all, if it is a person who loves to drink, he should not be surprised, after all, love to drink wine everywhere in the home, is to facilitate the ability to drink anytime, anywhere.

But Su Chusheng is not that kind of person, although he is not a bad drinker, may say love to drink words, rather than say he just like wine, but even if he likes it, on their own is not necessarily able to determine, because rarely see him drink.

Then they have lived here for a long time, also came to this garden, no less than a few times, but how never found this also hidden mysteries, but too interesting things.

Su Chusheng laughed: “You do not know a lot of things, this is my home, why do you want to know.

In fact, there are not so many coincidences between him and Liu Qing, said this kind of words, but also just joking, how can he dislike Liu Qing, if dislike, a long time ago will not become friends with him.

Only between good friends will say such reckless words, because they know each other, each other must not leave.

“Give me some time, the topography of your home I will be able to figure out.” Liu Qing held up the wine jar and smiled, and took a sip.

When two people have good feelings, they can only adapt to that phrase, the feelings are613 in the wine, they both know how to joke with each other, and some things, but will not say it to make each other look bad.

Su Chusheng also raised a sip, two people have what dash in the garden to drink up.

Just at this time those worldly things have nothing to do with them, those greatly haunted war, what and they also have nothing to do, even if the daytime may be very serious in front of outsiders is very powerful, but now they two just two alcoholics.

“Cheers. “Two people smiled at each other, threw the wine jar aside and poured it inside the gazebo.

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