346Chapter Suspicion

346Chapter Suspicion

After listening to it, the expression really has a little loose, or she just came over the look is aggressive, now there is obviously a trace of relief, it seems that she believes his words, after all, women are a moment before a hot head, where there is no patience, and will not be particularly ruthless.

Liu Qing took the opportunity to continue to say: “Look, although we really do not know each other, but if you have an accident, with our friendship just now, we will certainly save you, back a million steps, even if today is a stranger, we will save people, otherwise it is not too unethical, I see that the two people you met is25 this kind of people

How can it be us?”

He kept saying, in fact, he also in the face of his heart and Su Chusheng carried a deep guilt, he really had no choice but to say these words, or he found something wrong, but he has nothing good days, he did not want to go to meet the King of Hell so early.

At the same time he is also deeply reflecting on why he just stopped on his feet, rather than directly pulling Su Chusheng away, if so, maybe they have now to the restaurant inside the free, how will be here and this woman confronted on, really no reasoning with women, look at her look is estimated to have guessed that they two saw him and did not save him things, in fact, this is the truth! The two of them said it and what can happen, but he now very much mind Blue Ruo Rou cheat things.

She would not have been in any danger, why do you want to make a look like the sky is falling, I do not know why, if she has something, it is impossible to go back so timely to catch up with them, it proves that she has nothing to do ah.

If he did not expect, it is estimated that he and Su Chusheng just left, Blue Ruo Rou directly catch up, but also really painstaking, said it is also quite difficult for her.

“Yes, but have you seen those two people? And you are really very similar, and I can’t blame me for misidentifying you.” Lan Rou Rou felt that what he said was indeed quite reasonable,

After all, the right sect is like this kind of thing, how can it be worse than saving people, besides, no one should be for this kind of thing themselves to say they are lack of virtue, if he really is cheating himself, see that up this good show is also very good, see a person say they are lack of virtue.

Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, pretending not to understand the look said: “I really do not know ah, there are only two of us in this vicinity, ah, maybe you said that the two people and we go not a road, you are also too anxious to find us567, right?”

Anyway, no matter how he said, Lan Rou Rou and do not know whether it is true, then everything is not their own say, they said they went to the east is the east, the north is the north, and not always possible to suddenly appear two people to refute him.

“So, then maybe I misunderstood, but it’s nice to meet you guys.” Lan Rou Rou smiled.

She saw Liu Qing’s appearance should not be a lie, then they are also willing to believe him, since then encountered them from their own purpose is another step forward, without their own in the deliberate to go near them.

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