345Chapter Lan Rou Rou’s chase

345Chapter Lan Rou Rou’s chase

“Good, then let’s go, that woman can be really bad.” Liu Qing laughed and pulled him and was ready to leave.

Since things are clear, the two of them are not here to entangle the need, after all, it is more important to go back to the time, or if after the door, the two of them to go in the trouble.

Although the two of them turned into a wall is also I turned “five, six, seven” past, but no matter how a tumble is not a good thing, if caught, may also be mistaken for them is another country over the spy.

And if it is late to go back, there is not much in the restaurant, the atmosphere is not lively, it is not fun, after all, this thing about drinking is a lively, regardless of whether you know or there is no relationship, but all in a restaurant inside the drinking words, is the feeling of the atmosphere is particularly lively, the whole person drinking up is also very strong.

Su Chusheng nodded, turned around and prepared to go.

At this time, I do not know where the voice suddenly sounded,

“Wait for me, wait for me.” Blue Ruo Rou looked at the two people in front, really helpless, they run so fast what use, not to mention just actually not to save themselves.

Liu Qing and Su Chusheng stopped walking, after all, there are only two of them around, if not call them two, they really can’t think of what else is around, so if it’s not like them two and them two, that is, the next is not to eat anything, there is nothing big, and not very important, they are both men, and will also be martial arts, and will not worry about anything else,

In the midst of the two of them, a woman ran over, and both of them were a bit sorry why they stopped to take care of such things.

Because the two of them have seen the person running over is Lan Rou Rou, two people are very helpless, Su Chusheng a little better, because he has not been very concerned about Lan Rou Rou, but the more complicated mood is Liu Qing, after all, he still appreciate Lan Rou Rou, but just found that she is cheating, they are not much good feeling towards her, and now also catch up, really feel Their own curiosity is too nosy….

“You two why go so fast, and also see the dead. “Lan Rou Rou ran to their front, questioned the question,

She originally looked at them both have gone to their side, but why in the end they turned their heads and left, no lingering, are they really so cruel? Seeing a good woman being bullied by hooligans are not going to help?

Liu Qing took a look at Su Chusheng, saw his expression and knew that he definitely did not want to talk, so he is still the most miserable which one.

“Ah? What ah, we two all the way what did not see ah, you are not the wrong person ah, we two if you see ,1.9how you were bullied may not help.” Liu Qing smiled, pretending to be innocent and said,

Anyway, the two of them did not walk in front of Lan Rou Rou, who knows she looked wrong in the end is not the two of them, even if he said this kind of words Lan Rou Rou has no way to determine that they must be lying, then she has no way to demolish themselves, after all, she is certainly not sure is where the two of them just now.

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